Top communication Quotes Collection - Page 15

Discover a curated collection of communication quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category. Page 15 provides more communication quotes.

Image of John Mackey
In many companies, the person who talks the best usually gets the job. I got snowed by a few of those people over the years. I still think communication is important, but I don't think there's always a correlation between being a great communicator and other virtues that make for a great leader.
- John Mackey
Collection: Communication
Image of Tracy Morgan
People live too much of their lives on email or the Internet or text messages these days. We're losing all of our communication skills.
- Tracy Morgan
Collection: Communication
Image of Mike Daniels
Communication is key in any relationship - especially in a team sport, and football is the ultimate team sport.
- Mike Daniels
Collection: Communication
Image of Kelly Miller
The eventual place the American army should take on the western front was to a large extent influenced by the vital question of communication and supply.
- Kelly Miller
Collection: Communication
Image of Jens Martin Skibsted
Design is a powerful factor in communication between disciplines and stakeholders and can transform knowledge into creative, human-oriented solutions that can promote companies' and countries' competitive ability and foster innovation and growth.
- Jens Martin Skibsted
Collection: Communication
Image of Matisyahu
Vocal rest is awesome. It is like any kind of fast. Firstly, it is a purification of speech. It made me realize how not careful I am with the things I say. It also makes you find new ways of communication and new methods to connect with people.
- Matisyahu
Collection: Communication
Image of Eric Garcetti
I think our communication strategy has been very disciplined as being a back-to-basics mayor and about focusing on making City Hall work and jumpstarting our economy.
- Eric Garcetti
Collection: Communication
Image of Jim Evans
As a whole, the managers today are different in temperament. Most have very good communication skills and are more understanding of the umpire's job. That doesn't mean they are better managers. It just means that I perceive today's managers a bit differently.
- Jim Evans
Collection: Communication
Image of Cherrie Moraga
In 1984, I turned to theater in the hopes of finding a more direct form of communication between me and my people.
- Cherrie Moraga
Collection: Communication
Image of Dmitri Alperovitch
Obviously, you have the DNC engaged in communication with lots of different parties, and anything you can use to gain intelligence about what's going on in the U.S. political system and what the candidates are thinking is of high interest to Russian intelligence.
- Dmitri Alperovitch
Collection: Communication
Image of Steven Price
A lot of the music editing job is communication and working out what a director really wants the music to be.
- Steven Price
Collection: Communication
Image of Damaris Phillips
I was going to be a writer, and that turned into journalist. And then that turned into a career in children's literature, which turned into early childhood education, which turned into psychology, which turned into premed, which turned into nursing school, which turned into communication, which turned into marketing and advertising.
- Damaris Phillips
Collection: Communication
Image of Raul
I believe it's important to have a sporting director - someone to facilitate the communication between the club and the squad, and work on its planning. But not just at Madrid, at all teams.
- Raul
Collection: Communication
Image of Susan Ford
Having to go through an intervention and family counseling is a wonderful experience. I would almost recommend it to anybody. It opens a lot of communication, and it opens old sores, but once it is opened and hashed out, the rewards are far greater.
- Susan Ford
Collection: Communication
Image of Mary H.K. Choi
Your mom is the first person you fall in love with, so it's loaded forever and carries all this baggage. There's almost always a communication barrier in place. In my case it's a language and cultural barrier, but other times, it's because your mother's love is conditional or because you're fundamentally different.
- Mary H.K. Choi
Collection: Communication
Image of Jacob Collier
My mother was this force of nature when it came to both communication with people and the whole of learning music. She's a champion.
- Jacob Collier
Collection: Communication
Image of Jeremy Allaire
We use the block chain to share value, just like Internet protocol lets us share communication. Our goal is to build a global, international bank that is instant, global, and free. Sending payments should be as easy as sending an email.
- Jeremy Allaire
Collection: Communication
Image of Norman Lloyd
I always felt it was necessary to keep up some kind of communication with other people.
- Norman Lloyd
Collection: Communication
Image of Fred Wilson
Investing in management means building communication systems, business processes, feedback, and routines that let you scale the business and team as efficiently as possible.
- Fred Wilson
Collection: Communication
Image of Joe Sestak
The way forward in the Middle East, as it has been around the world and throughout history, is communication. There must be direct talks between the Israelis and Palestinians, mediated by the United States.
- Joe Sestak
Collection: Communication
Image of Jorginho
I have my way of doing things, because I am that way, I try to raise my voice to motivate team-mates and make them aware that if they lose a ball it is not a problem, so I try to motivate my team-mates and to speak to them and, because I see the game from the back I see everything in front of me; communication on the field can help a lot.
- Jorginho
Collection: Communication
Image of James Comey
Unfortunately, changing forms of Internet communication are quickly outpacing laws and technology designed to allow for the lawful intercept of communication content.
- James Comey
Collection: Communication
Image of Karen Black
Illiteracy is rampant. People are out of communication.
- Karen Black
Collection: Communication
Image of Alexandra Elbakyan
Journal paywalls are an example of something that works in the reverse direction, making communication less open and efficient.
- Alexandra Elbakyan
Collection: Communication
Image of Don Miguel Ruiz
Listen to other people tell their story, but don't believe them. You know that it's just a story that is only true for them, but listen because the communication can be wonderful.
- Don Miguel Ruiz
Collection: Communication
Image of Melissa Leong
Growing up in a Singaporean Chinese family, for me food is almost the primary means of communication between family members, both immediate and extended... hey, it beats discussing which cousin did better at end of semester exams, or who's getting married next, right?
- Melissa Leong
Collection: Communication
Image of Kelela
As a black woman, there's so much pride and communication through hair. It's naturally something that you are excited to embellish on and be creative about.
- Kelela
Collection: Communication
Image of Sara Davies
For all we are a manufacturer, we've always had a lot of communication with the consumer.
- Sara Davies
Collection: Communication
Image of Michael Finkel
In an odd sort of way, the computer and the Internet is the hermit's ideal form of communication. You don't have to see anyone. To send an email, you don't have to talk to anyone. You can just send it, and they'll read it on their own. The Internet has been really good for hermits.
- Michael Finkel
Collection: Communication
Image of Theo de Raadt
I work on OpenBSD fulltime, as the project leader. I set some directions, increase communication between the developers, and try to be involved in nearly every aspect of the base system.
- Theo de Raadt
Collection: Communication
Image of Ayesha Curry
I wanted to keep that message of food and family alive, and how it brings people together and builds relationships and communication.
- Ayesha Curry
Collection: Communication
Image of Philip Hammond
When ministers in this government talk about investing in education and skills, about making the planning system work; about employment law reform and delivering transport and power generation and broadband communication infrastructure, we are talking about raising Britain's productivity.
- Philip Hammond
Collection: Communication
Image of Amari Cooper
All the small things matter. Communication. It doesn't matter what you are doing. You have to be on the same page.
- Amari Cooper
Collection: Communication
Image of Edwin Catmull
Communication needs to be between anybody at any time, which means it needs to happen out of the structure and out of order.
- Edwin Catmull
Collection: Communication
Image of Jo Ann Davis
As our country increasingly relies on electronic information storage and communication, it is imperative that our Government amend our information security laws accordingly.
- Jo Ann Davis
Collection: Communication
Image of Steve Nicol
Part of playmaking is communication, when you have nobody on the field talking, particularly when you are under pressure, it becomes twice as hard.
- Steve Nicol
Collection: Communication
Image of Kevin Systrom
Just so everyone knows, we're not a photo-sharing company. I don't see photos on 'Instagram' as art. They're much more about communication.
- Kevin Systrom
Collection: Communication
Image of Lyall Watson
The limits of sensory evolution in fish are defined very largely by their habitat. Water is physically supportive, carries some kinds of odour well, and is kind to sound - letting it travel several times faster than air will allow, but it inhibits other more personal kinds of communication.
- Lyall Watson
Collection: Communication
Image of Guy Sebastian
Open communication is the biggest turn-on.
- Guy Sebastian
Collection: Communication
Image of Alan Menken
Any musical form that has been around long enough to have cultural resonance beyond just being a cutting edge kind of communication - but, especially, when it begins to reflect on a time and reflect on a culture - is effective in a musical.
- Alan Menken
Collection: Communication
Image of Gbenga Akinnagbe
I'm a very physical person. I'm very tactile. I wrestled in college, so a lot of my communication with the world comes through physicality - what I take in and what I put out there.
- Gbenga Akinnagbe
Collection: Communication
Image of August Alsina
Pride definitely causes a lack of communication.
- August Alsina
Collection: Communication
Image of Biz Stone
My personal view about how people should use Twitter is less relevant than our goal to provide the infrastructure for a new kind of communication and then support the creativity that emerges.
- Biz Stone
Collection: Communication
Image of Erika Christensen
I can be a binger when it comes to information, but most of the time, I'm pretty good, and I try to focus on my own life and personal communication.
- Erika Christensen
Collection: Communication
Image of Shervin Pishevar
The U.S. has always been a global innovation vanguard - driving advancements in computing, communication, and media to rail, automobiles, and aeronautics.
- Shervin Pishevar
Collection: Communication
Image of Felicity Jones
In a way, 'Like Crazy' keys into our generation, this idea of now we can still be in communication. Where do the boundaries of relationships end?
- Felicity Jones
Collection: Communication
Image of Matt Bomer
It's all about communication and a dialogue between individuals - get rid of the labels, get rid of the shame, get rid of the stigmas and just be your most authentic self.
- Matt Bomer
Collection: Communication
Image of Yo-Yo Ma
The thing that I've always been slightly frustrated with, was that the idea of a CD is kind of confined to a material possession that you can put on a shelf. And the idea of music, for me, is always about both the communication and the sharing of content. And so the interactive part is missing.
- Yo-Yo Ma
Collection: Communication
Image of Emily Maitlis
I hope somewhere to break down what seems to be a kind of robotic communication between those in power and those who are understanding power.
- Emily Maitlis
Collection: Communication