Joe Sestak

Image of Joe Sestak
Instead of measuring military readiness in terms of overall size and numbers, we must focus on metrics of capability, particularly in technology, and positioning.
- Joe Sestak
Collection: Technology
Image of Joe Sestak
Your U.S. military has the best child care in the nation. Full, paid family and medical leave benefits. Why aren't we doing that to empower our workforce?
- Joe Sestak
Collection: Medical
Image of Joe Sestak
The way forward in the Middle East, as it has been around the world and throughout history, is communication. There must be direct talks between the Israelis and Palestinians, mediated by the United States.
- Joe Sestak
Collection: Communication
Image of Joe Sestak
Everybody in the military is a Democrat. They just don't know it.
- Joe Sestak
Image of Joe Sestak
I want to be a public servant, not a politician.
- Joe Sestak
Image of Joe Sestak
You can get so focused on a strategy and making it work that you lose sight of your larger mission.
- Joe Sestak
Image of Joe Sestak
We must make sure the stigma is removed around mental health and commanders must make it clear on a consistent basis that their door is open for everyone. Servicemembers need to know that command is there for them, to offer assistance however and wherever needed.
- Joe Sestak
Image of Joe Sestak
We can improve the military at less cost and with increased capability. It's not acceptable to keep investing in structure when we would be wiser to invest in dominating the new warfare domain of cyberspace.
- Joe Sestak
Image of Joe Sestak
In the face of a rising China, along with authoritarian regimes from Brazil to the Philippines to Turkey to Russia, and the constant presence of belligerent non-state actors, we need to reform our military to deal with asymmetrical threats.
- Joe Sestak
Image of Joe Sestak
Human rights in China should absolutely play a role in broader U.S. policy toward China. When we look the other way on fundamental issues of human rights, we are also responsible.
- Joe Sestak
Image of Joe Sestak
I want to restore U.S. leadership within a rules-based liberal world order that collectively holds nations accountable for their illiberal behavior, whether in foreign or domestic spheres.
- Joe Sestak
Image of Joe Sestak
Collectively, we must find points of leverage in order to convince China to improve their treatment of Uighurs, Tibetans, and other minority groups, to ensure the autonomy of Hong Kong, and to continue to protect democracy in Taiwan, among other issues.
- Joe Sestak
Image of Joe Sestak
Certainly, the JCPOA was not a perfect agreement. It did not deal with the threat from Iranian missiles, or their support for violent extremism. And it contains a 'sunset clause,' meaning it expires after a decade. But it was accomplishing the one goal it set out to achieve: stopping Iran from developing nuclear weapons.
- Joe Sestak
Image of Joe Sestak
Just as we need a productive warrior force to carry out our national defense mission, our national workforce must be equally able to carry out our economic mission.
- Joe Sestak
Image of Joe Sestak
To be productive and focused, the rugged individuals in our economy need health security so that our country can remain competitive and agile in the changing economy.
- Joe Sestak
Image of Joe Sestak
We only won our freedom because of our allies, and we can only sustain it because of them.
- Joe Sestak
Image of Joe Sestak
The citizens of this nation gave us - my wife and I - a health care plan that saved our daughter's life.
- Joe Sestak
Image of Joe Sestak
I understand the challenge with student loans. But what about the labor force, the enlisted men and women, so to speak, of ships. Those who work with their hands and their minds. We need to do what we do in the military, is we train and retrain.
- Joe Sestak
Image of Joe Sestak
For a public option, I voted for that when I was in Congress, and the Senate couldn't stand up to the health insurance industry and took it out.
- Joe Sestak
Image of Joe Sestak
I don't want to be president if I have to win by outrage. I don't want to just win. I want to govern, and not just by executive order.
- Joe Sestak
Image of Joe Sestak
I'm not beholden to one party or any special interests.
- Joe Sestak
Image of Joe Sestak
I fought for the rule of law in America.
- Joe Sestak
Image of Joe Sestak
One answer to transportation infrastructure funding is public-private partnerships.
- Joe Sestak
Image of Joe Sestak
Trade is part of our national security.
- Joe Sestak
Image of Joe Sestak
I'm a guy that verifies before he trusts.
- Joe Sestak
Image of Joe Sestak
Nobody under 40 carries a comb.
- Joe Sestak
Image of Joe Sestak
What people in Washington worry about - they forget about the people. They forget the mission.
- Joe Sestak
Image of Joe Sestak
The Democratic Party isn't any good unless they know it's about people!
- Joe Sestak
Image of Joe Sestak
Economic mobility will fix income inequality.
- Joe Sestak
Image of Joe Sestak
People don't trust party leaders.
- Joe Sestak
Image of Joe Sestak
It's like I learned in the military: the officers always ate last. When you're responsible for people, that's how it should be.
- Joe Sestak
Image of Joe Sestak
At the end of the day, Israel is its own self-determining government.
- Joe Sestak
Image of Joe Sestak
A comprehensive approach to a two-state solution is not just, we believe, in Israel's interest. It's in our interest.
- Joe Sestak
Image of Joe Sestak
The United States must ensure that Iran does not attain nuclear weapons, as this poses a direct threat to our interests, including Israel, and would in all likelihood provoke a regional arms race.
- Joe Sestak
Image of Joe Sestak
In the military, we just don't leave fights.
- Joe Sestak
Image of Joe Sestak
I don't look at Israel through the prism of running an election.
- Joe Sestak
Image of Joe Sestak
If you took money out of politics, you'd solve 80 percent of all the problems.
- Joe Sestak
Image of Joe Sestak
Yes, I'll stand up to the party if they're wrong and they aren't going the right way for people in Pennsylvania. But I do believe in Democratic principles.
- Joe Sestak
Image of Joe Sestak
I come from a background in the military where everyone had health care. We understood the value of education as a given. You learn a skill, earn a pension and go on to 'Be all that you can be'... You invest in people. You hold people accountable.
- Joe Sestak
Image of Joe Sestak
The career politicians down in Washington don't want to be held accountable.
- Joe Sestak
Image of Joe Sestak
The Democratic Party has been perceived to have a deficit of credibility on defense issues since the Vietnam War, unfairly or not.
- Joe Sestak
Image of Joe Sestak
My party needs to understand that business is not a bad word - especially when it has the word 'small' before it.
- Joe Sestak
Image of Joe Sestak
When there's no light at the end of the tunnel, it's hard to keep things going.
- Joe Sestak
Image of Joe Sestak
During my years in the Navy and in the White House, I was involved in assessing how a war with Iran would go. In summary: It would be ugly.
- Joe Sestak
Image of Joe Sestak
Cyberspace is the new domain of warfare.
- Joe Sestak
Image of Joe Sestak
We did more to thwart Iran's nuclear ambitions with a computer virus than we ever could have with bombs (and we did still more with diplomacy - the abandonment of which is also bad for our military, because militaries can only stop a problem, not fix a problem).
- Joe Sestak
Image of Joe Sestak
Amateurs do tactics, experts do logistics, as we learn in the military.
- Joe Sestak
Image of Joe Sestak
Our 21st-century world is an incredibly dangerous one. Between brutal civil wars, violent extremism, spreading autocracy, rising inequality, territorial expansionism, election interference, and nuclear proliferation, our policymakers have their hands full.
- Joe Sestak
Image of Joe Sestak
A President can obstruct justice and Congress has the full right to hold a President accountable for such law-breaking through impeachment. After a President leaves office, I believe they may be held accountable through the courts as well.
- Joe Sestak
Image of Joe Sestak
We need a president who will stand up for the CFPB and get it back into fighting shape. It is too important to be allowed to disintegrate.
- Joe Sestak