Kevin Systrom

Image of Kevin Systrom
People interact with their phones very differently than they do with their PCs, and I think that when you design from the ground up with mobile in mind, you create a very different product than going the other way.
- Kevin Systrom
Collection: Design
Image of Kevin Systrom
The best companies in the world have all had predecessors. 'YouTube' was a dating site. You always have to evolve into something else.
- Kevin Systrom
Collection: Dating
Image of Kevin Systrom
'Instagram' is a media company. I think we're about visual media. I explain ourselves as a disruptive entertainment platform that enables communication through visual media. I don't think it's just photos.
- Kevin Systrom
Collection: Communication
Image of Kevin Systrom
I grew up as a photo nut. Every Christmas I would get a new camera. It's a huge part of my life.
- Kevin Systrom
Collection: Christmas
Image of Kevin Systrom
Just so everyone knows, we're not a photo-sharing company. I don't see photos on 'Instagram' as art. They're much more about communication.
- Kevin Systrom
Collection: Communication
Image of Kevin Systrom
In the past, people have looked at photos as a record of memory. The focus has been on the past tense. With Instagram, the focus is on the present tense.
- Kevin Systrom
Image of Kevin Systrom
Do what you love, and do it well - that's much more meaningful than any metric.
- Kevin Systrom
Image of Kevin Systrom
I actually think some of my best moments in life have been while I was with people from Instagram - whether it's super late nights getting a release out or being able to travel to places I'd never visited and meeting some of the most interesting people I've ever met.
- Kevin Systrom
Image of Kevin Systrom
Every photo you take communicates something about a moment in time - a brief slice of time of where you were, who you were with, and what you were doing.
- Kevin Systrom
Image of Kevin Systrom
Great products sell themselves.
- Kevin Systrom
Image of Kevin Systrom
I've always been into taking my photos, cropping them square, putting them through a filter in Photoshop.
- Kevin Systrom
Image of Kevin Systrom
It helps to see the world through a different lens, and that's what we wanted to do with Instagram. We wanted to give everyone the same feeling of discovering the world around you through a different lens.
- Kevin Systrom
Image of Kevin Systrom
The printing press did something really big for the world when everyone could get books in their hands and read.
- Kevin Systrom
Image of Kevin Systrom
I believe photos is one of the underlying things in every social network that becomes successful.
- Kevin Systrom
Image of Kevin Systrom
I run a business and go all over the world doing things for that business, things that are fairly orthogonal. But my job is to run my company, not to be the best Instagrammer. I'll let other people be awesome at it.
- Kevin Systrom
Image of Kevin Systrom
Calling 'Instagram' a photo-sharing app is like calling a newspaper a letter-sharing book, or a Mozart grand era symphony a series of notes. 'Instagram' is less about the medium and more about the network.
- Kevin Systrom
Image of Kevin Systrom
I'm always in awe of people who are artists in their fields - people who understand that simply by taking ideas and translating them into reality, they've created value in the world.
- Kevin Systrom
Image of Kevin Systrom
The way people communicate is changing, and no one knows this better than teens. We are using images to talk to each other, to communicate what we're doing, what we're thinking, and to tell stories.
- Kevin Systrom
Image of Kevin Systrom
If you've got an idea, start today. There's no better time than now to get going. That doesn't mean quit your job and jump into your idea 100% from day one, but there's always small progress that can be made to start the movement.
- Kevin Systrom
Image of Kevin Systrom
The major reason why Instagram works is that you can follow anyone out there and start following their photos immediately.
- Kevin Systrom
Image of Kevin Systrom
Instagram was created because there was no single place dedicated to giving your mobile photos a place to live and to be seen.
- Kevin Systrom
Image of Kevin Systrom
There are a lot more companies with a lot younger people. It is just like 23-year-olds are starting companies, and they are scaling really quickly.
- Kevin Systrom
Image of Kevin Systrom
Our goal is really to make sure that 'Instagram', whether you're a celebrity or not, is a safe place and that the content that gets posted is something that's appropriate for teens and also for adults.
- Kevin Systrom
Image of Kevin Systrom
Every startup should address a real and demonstrated need in the world - if you build a solution to a problem lots of people have, it's so easy to sell your product to the world.
- Kevin Systrom
Image of Kevin Systrom
Working at a startup to make a lot of money was never a thing, and that's why I decided to just finish up school. That was way more important for me.
- Kevin Systrom
Image of Kevin Systrom
When people say that college isn't worthwhile and paying all this money isn't worthwhile, I really disagree. I think those experiences and those classes that may not necessarily seem applicable in the moment end up coming back to you time and time again.
- Kevin Systrom
Image of Kevin Systrom
I think not focusing on money makes you sane because in the long run it can probably drive you crazy.
- Kevin Systrom
Image of Kevin Systrom
I don't think you should ever start a business and move in a direction where you can't see it becoming a business.
- Kevin Systrom
Image of Kevin Systrom
Instagram is a media company. I think we're about visual media.
- Kevin Systrom
Image of Kevin Systrom
People don't work in a dotcom because they have to. There are many professions that don't require that sort of time. But people sign up because they want to make world-changing differences, to build something that affects millions of people.
- Kevin Systrom
Image of Kevin Systrom
There are fun parts of running a startup and not so fun parts, and Facebook handles the not so fun parts, like infrastructure, spam, sales. The real questions are, how big can 'Instagram' get? Is it 400 million, or bigger? Can it be a viable business if it is that big? These are at the top of the list for everyone in Silicon Valley.
- Kevin Systrom
Image of Kevin Systrom
I care deeply about craft: the quality of how something is made and the experience it enables.
- Kevin Systrom
Image of Kevin Systrom
Brands, musicians, and public figures were among the first to embrace video on 'Instagram', and we've been impressed with how brands have extended their reach with video ads.
- Kevin Systrom
Image of Kevin Systrom
Whether it's an ad or organic content, video provides a new creative dimension for storytelling on 'Instagram'. Video lets people convey the power and beauty in a moment through sight, sound, and motion.
- Kevin Systrom
Image of Kevin Systrom
It is cool to see that the fashion world has really taken to 'Instagram,' but, again, it is one of the many examples of many communities, whether you are a chef, a skateboarder, a surfer, a skier.
- Kevin Systrom
Image of Kevin Systrom
Photos were seen as the most private type of content, and 'Instagram' really flipped that on its head and said photos can be really public.
- Kevin Systrom
Image of Kevin Systrom
On average, people miss about 70 percent of the posts in their 'Instagram' feed. What this is about is making sure that the 30 percent you see is the best 30 percent possible.
- Kevin Systrom
Image of Kevin Systrom
If it's one thing we do really well as a company, it's that we take big change slowly and deliberately and bring the community along with us.
- Kevin Systrom
Image of Kevin Systrom
I've always had a passion for technology, photography, startups, and connecting people. Bringing those aspects together made me successful.
- Kevin Systrom
Image of Kevin Systrom
Facebook's campus has a lot of creative spaces: an analogue print shop, a candy store. It's a dynamic place and one of the best environments I've been in, period.
- Kevin Systrom
Image of Kevin Systrom
'Instagram' is great if you want to share photos, but you're not that technical. Or, if you're not interested in sharing publicly, 'Instagram' becomes a place where you can not only consume photos and videos from musicians, or whoever, but send them directly to your friends.
- Kevin Systrom
Image of Kevin Systrom
'Instagram' can engage generations of people that may not be on Facebook yet. I think that's true with 'WhatsApp,' and I think that will be true with things like Oculus.
- Kevin Systrom
Image of Kevin Systrom
I can't imagine that companies are uninteresting if they don't have a billion users. But I do believe, to have mass scale, you have to be in the many-hundreds-of-millions-of-users range, and there are not that many companies that get there.
- Kevin Systrom
Image of Kevin Systrom
There are billions of dollars spent every year on traditional media. The majority of people are spending more time every day on the Internet, especially on mobile. You're starting to see a shift of that spend go to mobile, especially to things like 'Instagram'.
- Kevin Systrom
Image of Kevin Systrom
A lot of the earliest 'Instagram' celebrities took really beautiful photos. But you're starting to see a change where it's not about beauty; it's about the story that you tell.
- Kevin Systrom
Image of Kevin Systrom
As a kid, creation was something that I always loved. Creating worlds for video games, creating businesses that didn't make any money, selling lemonade, etcetera. In my fourth grade classroom, I even instituted a government structure because I was really interested in people having positions and there being law.
- Kevin Systrom
Image of Kevin Systrom
'Instagram' doesn't exist in a vacuum. We're not a bunch of siloed individuals. It's a bunch of people coming together on topics, fashion, you know, youthful teens, creatives, photographers, foodies, everyone coming together and building a community around the things they love, communicating visually.
- Kevin Systrom
Image of Kevin Systrom
One of the earliest requested features was to do premium filters where a brand could sponsor a filter. It's just not in our wheelhouse. It doesn't feel 'Instagram'-my in the way that the high-quality brand ads do.
- Kevin Systrom
Image of Kevin Systrom
When you open up 'Instagram,' you need to know that you're seeing the real Tony Hawk, the real Taylor Swift, the real Burberry.
- Kevin Systrom
Image of Kevin Systrom
'Instagram' Direct is a really interesting feature because it's grown significantly since we launched it. People continue to use it to communicate more privately.
- Kevin Systrom