Top coffee Quotes Collection - Page 4

Discover a curated collection of coffee quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category. Page 4 provides more coffee quotes.

Image of Robert Fisk
When I arrived in Beirut from Europe, I felt the oppressive, damp heat, saw the unkempt palm trees and smelt the Arabic coffee, the fruit stalls and the over-spiced meat. It was the beginning of the Orient. And when I flew back to Beirut from Iran, I could pick up the British papers, ask for a gin and tonic at any bar, choose a French, Italian, or German restaurant for dinner. It was the beginning of the West. All things to all people, the Lebanese rarely questioned their own identity.
- Robert Fisk
Collection: Coffee
Image of Cristina Saralegui
America was the place that said, 'It doesn't matter where you come from, it doesn't matter what your last name is, it doesn't matter if you drink cortaditos, or lattes, or coffee with milk. Here, if you work hard, anything is possible.
- Cristina Saralegui
Collection: Coffee
Image of Olavo Bilac
Give me coffee! I'm going to write!
- Olavo Bilac
Collection: Coffee
Image of Josh Duhamel
I'm a glutton for coffee Heath Bar crunch ice cream.
- Josh Duhamel
Collection: Coffee
Image of Saul Leiter
In order to build a career and to be successful, one has to be determined. One has to be ambitious. I much prefer to drink coffee, listen to music and to paint when I feel like it.
- Saul Leiter
Collection: Coffee
Image of Adam Thirlwell
The problem with breaking up with someone, if you are a little unsure — and so often, people are unsure — is that breaking up involves persuasion. You have to persuade your ex that it is better this way for everyone. And this is difficult if you have not entirely persuaded yourself. It is especially tricky to do this if you are also naked, and making two cups of coffee.
- Adam Thirlwell
Collection: Coffee
Image of Michael Graves
Alberto Alessi had asked a dozen architects to design a sterling silver tea service - with a teapot, a coffee pot, sugar, creamer, a spoon, and a tray. Our brief was that it didn't matter if it didn't work and cost wasn't the issue. It was a promotional project, not a commercial enterprise, and was going to be showcased in museums. And the coffee and tea piazza, as mine was called, received a great response. It was wonderful to walk into the Whitney museum and see all these objects on the first floor.
- Michael Graves
Collection: Coffee
Image of Arthur Gray
Tea is certainly as much of a social drink as coffee, and more domestic, for the reason that the teacup hours are the family hours.
- Arthur Gray
Collection: Coffee
Image of Miguel A. Altieri
Fair Trade supports some of the most bio-diverse farming systems in the world. When you visit a Fair Trade coffee grower's fields, with the forest canopy overhead and the sound of migratory songbirds in the air, it feels like you're standing in the rainforest.
- Miguel A. Altieri
Collection: Coffee
Image of Paolo Rossi
The Dutch change positions quicker than you can make a cup of coffee.
- Paolo Rossi
Collection: Coffee
Image of Patricia J. Williams
Within the world of TV land, into which American life has been reduced as well as reproduced, the phenomenon of the talk show has emerged as a genre located somewhere on the spectrum between coffee klatch and town meeting, or perhaps between the psychiatrist's couch and the crowd scene at a bad accident.
- Patricia J. Williams
Collection: Coffee
Image of Ngaio Marsh
No coffee is ever quite as good as it smells.
- Ngaio Marsh
Collection: Coffee
Image of Glen Duncan
Coffee justifies the existence of the word 'aroma'.
- Glen Duncan
Collection: Coffee
Image of Abraham Polonsky
Kids win this'n'that every day. Thousands of them. One out of a hundred fights professionally. One out of a thousand's worth watchin', one out of a million's worth coffee and doughnuts.
- Abraham Polonsky
Collection: Coffee
Image of Cliff Sloan
I'm a very early riser, and so I like to get up and try hard to write before the day even really gets started. Just me and a pot of coffee -I find I can get a lot done that way.
- Cliff Sloan
Collection: Coffee
Image of Sonam Kapoor
It makes me happy that people recognise me and want to click pictures with me. But sometimes, I want to be a common person. I want to go to a coffee shop and just chill. I miss driving my car with the windows rolled down.
- Sonam Kapoor
Collection: Coffee
Image of David Starkey
I think it's probably true that creative people are touched by melancholy more than the average person, and to the extent that delving into that shadow world produces good work, I'm all for it. But I think you have to be able to step back from the work, and say, "Look how miserable I felt. Look how beautifully I wrote about it. Now I'm going to get an iced coffee and chat with a friend." Writing should be a way out of despair.
- David Starkey
Collection: Coffee
Image of Sigfried Giedion
The sun is mirrored even in a coffee spoon.
- Sigfried Giedion
Collection: Coffee
Image of Jerry Baldwin
Show (don't tell) your customers that you have good quality by actually delivering fresh coffee and tea. Intelligent people are active recipients of information, and prefer to reach conclusions by themselves.
- Jerry Baldwin
Collection: Coffee
Image of Nancy E. Turner
I have a deep-down belief that there are folks in the world who are good through and through, and others who came in mean and will go out mean. It's like coffee. Once it's roasted, it all looks brown. Until you pour hot water on it and see what comes out. Folks get into hot water, you see what comes out.
- Nancy E. Turner
Collection: Coffee
Image of Robert Schimmel
A lot of weird ads. Sally Struthers with that little kid: 'Just 55 cents, the price of a cup of coffee, feeds this kid and his family for a week.' Yeah, where is that? 'Cause I wanna move there.
- Robert Schimmel
Collection: Coffee
Image of Joseph Finder
I would argue that coffee has been far more important to literature than alcohol.
- Joseph Finder
Collection: Coffee
Image of Marvin Bell
I'm partial to coffee shops, brain work, and poems on the page. I write after midnight. Sometimes, twisty syntax happens, and I surrender.
- Marvin Bell
Collection: Coffee
Image of Lauren Santo Domingo
In front of the coffee tablethere is a neon-pink stump stool, which I bought because my friend Amanda Brooks told me that every house has to have a 'wart,' or one really ugly piece.
- Lauren Santo Domingo
Collection: Coffee
Image of Mohammad Javad Zarif
The United States wanted to send its trained rebel groups to Syria to fight ISIS. Out of twenty-five hundred rebels they had trained, only seventy accepted to go to Syria to fight ISIS. Everybody else wanted to go to Syria to fight the government. So you've got to wake up and smell the coffee. . . . The rebel groups have not fired a shot against ISIS.
- Mohammad Javad Zarif
Collection: Coffee
Image of Wolfgang Gullich
A man doesn't go to drink coffee after climbing, coffee is integral part of the climbing.
- Wolfgang Gullich
Collection: Coffee
Image of Matthew Gray Gubler
I'm obsessed with coffee. My doctor says if I don't cut back, I am going to permanently damage my esophagus. No joke.
- Matthew Gray Gubler
Collection: Coffee
Image of Ernesto Illy
Coffee is a product favouring sociability, friendship, and conversation and it should always be consumed with someone else.
- Ernesto Illy
Collection: Coffee
Image of Ernesto Illy
When we drink coffee, our tongue gets painted. As long as it stays painted, it remains tasty!
- Ernesto Illy
Collection: Coffee
Image of Ernesto Illy
For sheer sensory enjoyment, few everyday experiences can compete with a good cup of coffee.
- Ernesto Illy
Collection: Coffee
Image of Ernesto Illy
The quintessential expression of coffee is espresso.
- Ernesto Illy
Collection: Coffee
Image of Dan Ariely
Your immediate environment is comprised of coffee shops, supermarkets, websites, apps and all kinds of things - none of which have an interest in your long-term or short-term financial well-being.
- Dan Ariely
Collection: Coffee
Image of Karin Fossum
Today everything must be easy and it mustn't take time ... ready meals. Powdered hot chocolate and instant coffee ... Living takes time. We need to give each other time.
- Karin Fossum
Collection: Coffee
Image of Clement Freud
There's no law that decrees when not to whinge, but you reach a certain age - 80 seems about right - when you're expected to manifest querulousness - the coffee's too hot, the boiled egg's too soft.
- Clement Freud
Collection: Coffee
Image of Craig Benzine
I love it when the coffee's done!
- Craig Benzine
Collection: Coffee
Image of Gary Gulman
The key is to get it all down on paper before the coffee stops telling you you're talented.
- Gary Gulman
Collection: Coffee
Image of Mary Jo Salter
Like a page dipped in ink, your cuff's in my coffee. / You have something to tell with unbuttoned sleeves.
- Mary Jo Salter
Collection: Coffee
Image of Clark Gable
I never laugh until I've had my coffee.
- Clark Gable
Collection: Coffee
Image of Clark Gable
I thought a thread of notable quotes relating to coffee may be interesting.
- Clark Gable
Collection: Coffee
Image of Gemma Arterton
In London I'm out and about all the time. I walk everywhere, so people do recognise me and they've probably seen me before so they're not bothered anymore. But I think that's a good thing because if you try and remain mysterious people are surprised when they see you. With me, I think they're just bored of seeing me - but that suits me just fine because I like to live as much of a normal life as I can. That's why I love living in London. People are very respectful of your privacy. If they see you having a coffee in a coffee shop, they're not going to interrupt you.
- Gemma Arterton
Collection: Coffee
Image of Marcy Dermansky
You don't just change your whole life in one big step. It's the small things you do every day that pull over to the big things, like taking yourself out for coffee and eating a really good dessert when you're depressed could be the start to living a fulfilled life.
- Marcy Dermansky
Collection: Coffee
Image of Andrea Illy
Coffee is the official beverage of culture.
- Andrea Illy
Collection: Coffee
Image of Jane Ace
The coffee will be ready in a jitney.
- Jane Ace
Collection: Coffee
Image of Tony Vincent
Always continue to perform no matter what or where the activity is: local theater, regional theater, local clubs or coffee shops. Continue to play the guitar or your instrument and always continue to progress or otherwise you will fail.
- Tony Vincent
Collection: Coffee
Image of Bob Geldof
Rock & roll is instant coffee.
- Bob Geldof
Collection: Coffee
Image of Klay Thompson
As a rule, I do not approve of messing around with coffee. No sugar, no milk, no chocolate, hazelnuts, cinnamon, no nothing.... Just drink it black, the way God does
- Klay Thompson
Collection: Coffee
Image of Chris Blackwell
Jamaica has the best coffee, the best sugar, the best ginger and some of the best cocoa in the world.
- Chris Blackwell
Collection: Coffee
Image of Jen Hatmaker
While the richest people on earth pray to get richer, the rest of the world begs for intervention with their faces pressed to the window, watching us drink our coffee, unruffled by their suffering.
- Jen Hatmaker
Collection: Coffee
Image of Fred Armisen
There's something that I can't describe about the city [Portland] that I really love - just physically - how it feels to walk around there, and have coffee there. Also, the way that it's a little overcast sometimes. Something about Portland just really resonated with me.
- Fred Armisen
Collection: Coffee