Top christian Quotes Collection - Page 107

Discover a curated collection of christian quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category. Page 107 provides more christian quotes.

Image of Hudson Taylor
One difficulty follows another very fast - but God reigns, not chance.
- Hudson Taylor
Collection: Christian
Image of Hudson Taylor
Consider six or eight hours a day sacred to the Lord and His work, and let nothing hinder your giving this time (to language study and practice) till you can preach fluently and intelligibly.
- Hudson Taylor
Collection: Christian
Image of Richard Rohr
Christians are usually sincere and well-intentioned people until you get to any real issues of ego, control power, money, pleasure, and security. Then they tend to be pretty much like everybody else. We often given a bogus version of the Gospel, some fast-food religion, without any deep transformation of the self; and the result has been the spiritual disaster of "Christian" countries that tend to be as consumer-oriented, proud, warlike, racist, class conscious, and addictive as everybody else-and often more so, I'm afraid.
- Richard Rohr
Collection: Christian
Image of Mencius
A great man is one who has not lost the child's heart.
- Mencius
Collection: Christian
Image of Jon Stewart
I have to say, as someone who is not a Christian, it’s hard for me to believe Christians are a persecuted people in America. God willing, maybe one of you one day will even rise up and get to be president of this country — or maybe forty-four in a row. But that’s my point, is they’ve taken this idea of no establishment as persecution, because they feel entitled, not to equal status, but to greater status.
- Jon Stewart
Collection: Christian
Image of Mother Teresa
I will not pray clarity for you. Clarity is the crutch of the Christian. But I will pray trust for you, that your trust will increase.
- Mother Teresa
Collection: Christian
Image of John Piper
Bad theology dishonors God and hurts people. Churches that sever the root of truth may flourish for a season, but they will wither eventually or turn into something besides a Christian church.
- John Piper
Collection: Christian
Image of John Piper
The task of all Christian scholarship—not just biblical studies—is to study reality as a manifestation of God’s glory, to speak and write about it with accuracy, and to savor the beauty of God in it, and to make it serve the good of man. It is an abdication of scholarship when Christians do academic work with little reference to God. If all the universe and everything in it exist by the design of an infinite, personal God, to make his manifold glory known and loved, then to treat any subject without reference to God’s glory is not scholarship but insurrection.
- John Piper
Collection: Christian
Image of John Piper
The ministry and mission of the church is at the center of Christian giving.
- John Piper
Collection: Christian
Image of John Piper
My take on tithing in America is that it's a middle-class way of robbing God. Tithing to the church and spending the rest on your family is not a Christian goal. It's a diversion. The real issue is: How shall we use God's trust fund-namely, all we have-for His glory? In a world with so much misery, what lifestyle should we call our people to live? What example are we setting?
- John Piper
Collection: Christian
Image of Pope John Paul II
Christians, in particular, realize that their responsibility within creation and their duty towards nature and the Creator are an essential part of their faith.
- Pope John Paul II
Collection: Christian
Image of Pope John Paul II
The Gospel of Life is not for believers alone: it is for everyone. The issue of life and its defense and promotion is not a concern of the Christian alone. Although faith provides special light and strength, this question arises in every human conscience which seeks the truth and which cares about the future of humanity. Life certainly has a sacred and religious value, but in no way is that value a concern only of believers. The value at stake is one which every human being can grasp by the light of reason; thus it necessarily concerns everyone.
- Pope John Paul II
Collection: Christian
Image of D. A. Carson
To worship God 'in spirit and in truth' is first and foremost a way of saying that we must worship God by means of Christ. In him the reality has dawned and the shadows are being swept away (Hebrews 8:13). Christian worship is new covenant worship; it is gospel-inspired worship; it is Christ-centered worship; it is cross-focused worship.
- D. A. Carson
Collection: Christian
Image of D. A. Carson
In any Christian view of life, self-fulfillment must never be permitted to become the controlling issue. The issue is service, the service of real people. The question is, 'How can I be most useful?', not, 'How can I feel most useful?'
- D. A. Carson
Collection: Christian
Image of J. C. Ryle
No doubt a man may be saved, like the penitent thief, without having received the Lord's Supper. It is not a matter of absolute and indispensable necessity, like repentance, faith, and conversion. But it is impossible to say that any professing Christian is in a safe, healthy, or satisfactory condition of soul, who habitually refuses to obey Christ and attend the Lord's Table.
- J. C. Ryle
Collection: Christian
Image of J. C. Ryle
Bibles read without prayer; sermons heard without prayer; marriages contracted without prayer; journeys undertaken without prayer; residences chosen without prayer; friendships formed without prayer; the daily act of prayer itself hurried over, or gone through without heart: these are the kind of downward steps by which many a Christian descends to a condition of spiritual palsy, or reaches the point where God allows them to have a tremendous fall.
- J. C. Ryle
Collection: Christian
Image of J. C. Ryle
We ought to regard the sacrament of baptism with reverence. An ordinance of which the Lord Jesus Himself partook, is not to be lightly esteemed. An ordinance to which the great Head of the Church submitted, ought to be ever honorable in the eyes of professing Christians.
- J. C. Ryle
Collection: Christian
Image of J. C. Ryle
Such true worship will stand the test of Christ's great principle, “By their fruits you shall know them”. It sanctifies the Christian's life, and makes them walk with God, lifting them above fear and love of the world. It enables a Christian to show God to other folks. Such worship comes from heaven, and has the mark of God upon it.
- J. C. Ryle
Collection: Christian
Image of J. C. Ryle
A true Christian is one who has not only peace of conscience, but war within. He may be known by his warfare as well as by his peace.
- J. C. Ryle
Collection: Christian
Image of J. C. Ryle
Persecution, in short, is like the goldsmith's stamp on real silver and gold - it is one of the marks of a converted man.
- J. C. Ryle
Collection: Christian
Image of Andy Rooney
Those to whom his word was revealed were always alone in some remote place, like Moses. There wasn't anyone else around when Mohammed got the word either. Mormon Joseph Smith and Christian Scientist, Mary Baker Eddy, had exclusive audiences with God. We have to trust them as reporters--and you know how reporters are. They'll do anything for a story.
- Andy Rooney
Collection: Christian
Image of R. C. Sproul
It's not the wickedness of the pagan that breaks my heart. It's the compromise of the Christian that grieves my soul.
- R. C. Sproul
Collection: Christian
Image of R. C. Sproul
The fundamental deception of Satan is the lie that obedience can never bring happiness.
- R. C. Sproul
Collection: Christian
Image of R. C. Sproul
We do not segment our lives, giving some time to God, some to our business or schooling, while keeping parts to ourselves. The idea is to live all of our lives in the presence of God, under the authority of God, and for the honor and glory of God. That is what the Christian life is all about.
- R. C. Sproul
Collection: Christian
Image of R. C. Sproul
Right now counts forever.
- R. C. Sproul
Collection: Christian
Image of Bill Johnson
It is unnatural for a Christian not to have an appetite for the impossible.
- Bill Johnson
Collection: Christian
Image of Bill Johnson
It is abnormal for a Christian not to have an appetite for the impossible. It has been written into our spiritual DNA to hunger for the impossibilities around us to bow at the name of Jesus.
- Bill Johnson
Collection: Christian
Image of Idries Shah
... when we are talking about 'Christians' and 'Moslems' we must first make sure that we are talking about people who have an idea, which should be more or less correct, as to what the other is supposed to believe and what he is expected to do as a consequence of that belief.
- Idries Shah
Collection: Christian
Image of Cornel West
The American Dream is individualistic. Martin Luther King's dream was collective. The American Dream says, "I can engage in upward mobility and live the good life." King's dream was fundamentally Christian. His commitment to radical love had everything to do with his commitment to Jesus of Nazareth, and his dream had everything to do with community, with a "we" consciousness that included poor and working people around the world, not just black people.
- Cornel West
Collection: Christian
Image of Hilaire Belloc
Under the old social philosophy which had governed the Middle Ages, temporal, and therefore all economic, activities were referred to an eternal standard. The production of wealth, it distribution and exchange were regulated with a view to securing the Christian life of Christian men. In two points especially was this felt: First in securing the independence of the family, which can only be done by the wide distribution of property, in others words the prevention of the growth of a proletariat; secondly, in the close connection between wealth and public function.
- Hilaire Belloc
Collection: Christian
Image of Thomas Paine
It is a fraud of the Christian system to call the sciences human invention; it is only the application of them that is human.
- Thomas Paine
Collection: Christian
Image of John Owen
Nothing shall be lost that is done for God or in obedience to Him.
- John Owen
Collection: Christian
Image of John Owen
He who prays as he ought will endeavor to live as he prays.
- John Owen
Collection: Christian
Image of John Owen
For to pretend that men may live habitually sinful lives without any attempt by the Spirit to mortify sin in them, nor with any desire for repentance, is to deny the Christian religion.
- John Owen
Collection: Christian
Image of Huston Smith
I come from a missionary family - I grew up in China - and in my case, my religious upbringing was positive. Of course, not everyone has this experience. I know many of my students are what I have come to think of as wounded Christians or wounded Jews. What came through to them was dogmatism and moralism, and it rubbed them the wrong way.
- Huston Smith
Collection: Christian
Image of J. Oswald Sanders
It is to be kept in mind that the generations of men do not wait for the convenience of the church in respect to their evangelization. Men are born and die whether or not Christians are ready to give them the Gospel. And hence, if the church of any generation does not evangelize the heathen of that generation, those heathen will never be evangelized at all. It is always true in the work of evangelization that the present can never anticipate the future, and that the future can never replace the past. What is to be done in soul saving must be done by that generation.
- J. Oswald Sanders
Collection: Christian
Image of Bertrand Russell
The teaching of Christ, as it appears in the Gospels, has had extraordinarily little to do with the ethics of Christians.
- Bertrand Russell
Collection: Christian
Image of Napoleon Bonaparte
Christ alone has succeeded in so raising the mind of man toward the unseen, that it becomes insensible to the barriers of time and space.
- Napoleon Bonaparte
Collection: Christian
Image of Rand Paul
Our intervention to destabilize the Assad regime has really made the chaos worse in Syria. And if you were to get rid of Assad today, I would actually worry about the 2 million Christians that are protected by Assad.
- Rand Paul
Collection: Christian
Image of Russell Simmons
Antisemitism is just another form of racism. It's the same sickness, whether it's about Christians, about Islamophobia, which is horrible. It's all wrong. It's all the same.
- Russell Simmons
Collection: Christian
Image of Grant Morrison
The 'medium' is unaware of its attractiveness, that's all. Everyone loves comics. I've proven this to my own satisfaction by handing them out to acountants, insurance brokers, hairdressers, mothers of children, black belts, pop stars, taxi drivers, painters, lesbians, doctors etc. etc. The X-Files, Buffy, the Matrix, X-Men - mainstream culture is not what it once was when science fiction and comics fans huddled in cellars like Gnostic Christians dodging the Romans. We should come up into the light soon before we suffocate.
- Grant Morrison
Collection: Christian
Image of William Blake
Let every Christian, as much as in him lies, engage himself openly and publicly, before all the World, in some mental pursuit for the Building up of Jerusalem.
- William Blake
Collection: Christian
Image of Richard Rorty
Had there been no Plato, the Christians would have had a harder time selling the idea that all God really wanted from us was fraternal love.
- Richard Rorty
Collection: Christian
Image of Desmond Tutu
Now that they talk about Islam as being a violent faith, when you look at the history of Christendom, the Crusades and the many wars of religion that were fought, the cruelty of Christians in burning what they believed to be witches and burning heretics, and then very recently they were responsible for the Holocaust... it was Christians.
- Desmond Tutu
Collection: Christian
Image of Jean Vanier
A Christian community should do as Jesus did: propose and not impose. Its attraction must lie in the radiance cast by the love of brothers.
- Jean Vanier
Collection: Christian
Image of Dolly Parton
All these fine Christian-type people that seem to think they know what God wants for all of us, that's certainly more of a sin then anything they would claim about us. To judge people is one of the greatest sins.
- Dolly Parton
Collection: Christian
Image of Ravi Zacharias
A friend asked the author,"If this conversion you speak about is truly supernatural, and why is it not more evident in the lives of so many Christians that I know?
- Ravi Zacharias
Collection: Christian
Image of Friedrich Nietzsche
The Christian church has left nothing untouched by its depravity; it has turned every value into worthlessness, and every truth into a lie
- Friedrich Nietzsche
Collection: Christian
Image of Friedrich Nietzsche
But in the end one also has to understand that the needs that religion has satisfied and philosophy is now supposed to satisfy are not immutable; they can be weakened and exterminated. Consider, for example, that Christian distress of mind that comes from sighing over ones inner depravity and care for ones salvation - all concepts originating in nothing but errors of reason and deserving, not satisfaction, but obliteration.
- Friedrich Nietzsche
Collection: Christian