Top christian Quotes Collection - Page 108

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Image of Francis Chan
As I see it, a lukewarm Christian is an oxymoron; there is no such thing. To put it plainly, churchgoers who are 'lukewarm' are not Christians. We will not see them in heaven.
- Francis Chan
Collection: Christian
Image of Francis Chan
Obsessed people are more concerned with obeying God than doing what is expected or fulfilling the status quo. A person who is obsessed with Jesus will do things that don't always make sense in terms of success or wealth on this earth.
- Francis Chan
Collection: Christian
Image of Rajneesh
But Jesus has been depicted as a serious man. And Christians say he never laughed. Then what is the function of an Enlightened man? If Jesus cannot laugh, then who is going to laugh in this world?
- Rajneesh
Collection: Christian
Image of David Wilkerson
You may claim to love Jesus but your life proves you are still walking in darkness—confused, befuddled and foggy! When you are truly in love with Jesus, conversing with Him, He turns up the light. There is no darkness at all in His presence. The worst possible darkness to mankind is not in the hearts of God-hating Communist leaders or Christ-hating atheists. It is, rather, the horrible darkness that blinds so-called Christians who refuse to walk in the light.
- David Wilkerson
Collection: Christian
Image of David Wilkerson
We simply can't trust God's power fully until we experience it in the midst of our crisis.
- David Wilkerson
Collection: Christian
Image of David Wilkerson
Recently I prayed, "Lord, I want to know your peace at all costs. I won't listen to the devil's lies any longer. I know my salvation is not in my performance. No, Jesus, you alone plead my case. I rest in what you've done for me." Can you say the same by faith?
- David Wilkerson
Collection: Christian
Image of Thomas Merton
To be risen with Christ means not only that one has a choice and that one may live by a higher law - the law of grace and love - but that one must do so. The first obligation of the Christian is to maintain their freedom from all superstitions, all blind taboos and religious formalities, indeed from all empty forms of legalism.
- Thomas Merton
Collection: Christian
Image of Aiden Wilson Tozer
It is doubtful we can be Christian in anything unless we are Christian in everything.
- Aiden Wilson Tozer
Collection: Christian
Image of Aiden Wilson Tozer
Christians don't tell lies they just go to church and sing them.
- Aiden Wilson Tozer
Collection: Christian
Image of Ellen G. White
A kind, courteous Christian is the most powerful argument in favor of the gospel that can be produced.
- Ellen G. White
Collection: Christian
Image of Reinhold Niebuhr
I might say that the debate between atheists and Christians is rather stale to me, because the Christians say, "You must be a Christian, or you must be a religious man, in order to be good," and the atheists will say, "It's beneath the dignity of a free man to bow his knee to a god, as if he were a sinner," or something like that.
- Reinhold Niebuhr
Collection: Christian
Image of Reinhold Niebuhr
You might get rid of the Bishop and get to the local Ku Klux Klan leader. That, on the whole, has been the fate of certain types of Protestantism. They get under the control of a White Citizens Council while the Catholic Church has an authoritarian system, yes, in which the Bishop expresses the conscience of the whole Christian community and they say there are some things that you can't do on this matter.
- Reinhold Niebuhr
Collection: Christian
Image of Reinhold Niebuhr
In the 17th and 18th centuries there was a kind of Protestantism that said, "If you could only get rid of the Bishop, then you'd be a true Christian".
- Reinhold Niebuhr
Collection: Christian
Image of Charles Spurgeon
Many books in my library are now behind and beneath me. They were good in their way once, and so were the clothes I wore when I was ten years old; but I have outgrown them. Nobody ever outgrows Scripture; the book widens and deepens with our years.
- Charles Spurgeon
Collection: Christian
Image of Charles Spurgeon
It is, perhaps, one of the hardest struggles of the Christian life to learn this sentence-- "Not unto us, O Lord, not unto us, but unto Thy name be glory."
- Charles Spurgeon
Collection: Christian
Image of Mahmoud Ahmadinejad
Sixty million people died in the Second World War. World War II was a gigantic crime. We condemn it all. We are against bloodshed, regardless of whether a crime was committed against a Muslim or against a Christian or a Jew. But the question is: Why among these 60 million victims are only the Jews the center of attention?
- Mahmoud Ahmadinejad
Collection: Christian
Image of Dieter F. Uchtdorf
Let us be mindful of the foundational precepts our Heavenly Father has given to His children that will establish the basis of a rich and fruitful mortal life with promises of eternal happiness…. Brothers and sisters, diligently doing the things that matter most will lead us to the Savior of the world…. Let us make the changes necessary to refocus our lives on the sublime beauty of the simple, humble path of Christian discipleship—the path that leads always toward a life of meaning, gladness, and peace.
- Dieter F. Uchtdorf
Collection: Christian
Image of Voltaire
In all the disputes which have excited Christians against each other, Rome has invariably decided in favor of that opinion which tended most towards the suppression of the human intellect and the annihilation of the reasoning powers.
- Voltaire
Collection: Christian
Image of Thomas Merton
Humility is a virtue, not a neurosis.
- Thomas Merton
Collection: Christian
Image of Jonathan Sacks
When you've got Jews and Christians, Muslims, Sikhs and Hindus removing graffiti from buildings, or getting drug dealers off the street, that's side by side. When you do that, you take it from the very elevated level of interfaith dialogue to the street level of neighbors. You get them working side by side, and they become friends. Friendship sometimes counts for more than interfaith agreement or understanding. Friendship is deeply human.
- Jonathan Sacks
Collection: Christian
Image of Mortimer Adler
Sin is not only manifested in certain acts that are forbidden by divine command. Sin also appears in attitudes and dispositions and feelings. Lust and hate are sins as well as adultery and murder. And, in the traditional Christian view, despair and chronic boredom - unaccompanied by any vicious act - are serious sins. They are expressions of man's separation from God, as the ultimate good, meaning, and end of human existence.
- Mortimer Adler
Collection: Christian
Image of Aiden Wilson Tozer
So, it becomes the devil's business to keep the Christian's spirit imprisoned. He knows that the believing and justified Christian has been raised up out of the grave of his sins. From that point on, Satan works that much harder to keep us bound and gagged, in our own grave clothes. He knows that if we continue in this kind of bondage...we are not much better off than when we were spiritually dead.
- Aiden Wilson Tozer
Collection: Christian
Image of Aiden Wilson Tozer
The true Christian is one who is kind of sick of this world. If I find anybody who is settled down too snugly into this world, I am made to doubt whether he's ever truly been born again
- Aiden Wilson Tozer
Collection: Christian
Image of Aiden Wilson Tozer
If the Holy Spirit was withdrawn from the church today, 95 percent of what we do would go on and no one would know the difference. If the Holy Spirit had been withdrawn from the New Testament church, 95 percent of what they did would stop, and everybody would know the difference.
- Aiden Wilson Tozer
Collection: Christian
Image of Aiden Wilson Tozer
Nothing bothers the devil more than a Christian delighting in God’s presence.
- Aiden Wilson Tozer
Collection: Christian
Image of Aiden Wilson Tozer
To be right with God has often meant to be in trouble with men. This is such a common truth that one hesitates to mention it, yet it appears to have been overlooked by the majority of Christians today.
- Aiden Wilson Tozer
Collection: Christian
Image of Jessica Day George
Marianne's mouth was open in surprise, but Poppy looked murderous. She clutched her reticule as though it contained a weapon. Realizing that it probably held some very sharp knitting needles, Christian reflected that it did.
- Jessica Day George
Collection: Christian
Image of Jessica Day George
Dancing? You, Poppy?" Marianne shook her head slowly. I never thought..." Rose looked concerned. She even felt Poppy's head for fever, but Poppy shook her off. "I don't know about you, Rose, but I'm done letting creatures like Under Stone and the Corley dictate my life. I enjoy dancing, and I will blasted well dance at my wedding!" "Poppy! Language!" Poppy didn't answer; she just threw her arms around Christian and kissed him soundly.
- Jessica Day George
Collection: Christian
Image of Aiden Wilson Tozer
In Him (God), history and prophecy are one and the same.
- Aiden Wilson Tozer
Collection: Christian
Image of Aiden Wilson Tozer
The low view of God entertained almost universally among Christians is the cause of a hundred lesser evils everywhere among us.
- Aiden Wilson Tozer
Collection: Christian
Image of Theodore Parker
The great basis of the Christian faith is compassion; do not dismiss that from your hearts, neither will your Maker.
- Theodore Parker
Collection: Christian
Image of Charles R. Swindoll
Wouldn't you like to contribute to an event that is part of Christ's own prediction, "I will build my church"?
- Charles R. Swindoll
Collection: Christian
Image of Charles R. Swindoll
When it seems like that's all there is, remember all you have in Him.
- Charles R. Swindoll
Collection: Christian
Image of Charles R. Swindoll
Our identity as Christians is strengthened as we stand in the lengthening shadows of saints down through the centuries, who have always answered back in antiphonal voice: 'He is risen, indeed!'
- Charles R. Swindoll
Collection: Christian
Image of Charles R. Swindoll
Some folks serve the almighty dollar far more faithfully than the Almighty God. They get greater delight out of balancing the budget than watching the Lord multiply the loaves and fishes.
- Charles R. Swindoll
Collection: Christian
Image of Brian D. McLaren
Through its appropriation of "texts of terror" and especially through the application of those texts to the Jews, the Christian religion created the conditions for the oppression of Palestinians.
- Brian D. McLaren
Collection: Christian
Image of Brian D. McLaren
Accumulating orthodoxy makes it harder year-by-year to be a Christian than it was in Jesus' day.
- Brian D. McLaren
Collection: Christian
Image of John Wesley
Every one, though born of God in an instant, yet undoubtedly grows by slow degrees.
- John Wesley
Collection: Christian
Image of John Wesley
All that a Christian does, even in eating and sleeping, is prayer, when it is done in simplicity, according to the order of God, without either adding to or diminishing from it by his own choice.
- John Wesley
Collection: Christian
Image of John Wesley
Even in the greatest afflictions, we ought to testify to God, that, in receiving them from his hand, we feel pleasure in the midst of the pain, from being afflicted by Him who loves us, and whom we love.
- John Wesley
Collection: Christian
Image of John Wesley
Any 'Christians' who take for themselves any more than the plain necessaries of life, live in an open habitual denial of the Lord. They have gained riches and hell-fire.
- John Wesley
Collection: Christian
Image of Charles Spurgeon
So the preacher of the gospel asks your prayers: and it is a part of the duties arising out of the relationship between Christian men that those who are taught should pray for those who teach God's Word.
- Charles Spurgeon
Collection: Christian
Image of Charles Spurgeon
Soul-winning is the chief business of the Christian minister; it should be the main pursuit of every true believer.
- Charles Spurgeon
Collection: Christian
Image of Charles Spurgeon
Inconsistent professing Christians injure the Gospel more than the sneering critic or the heretic.
- Charles Spurgeon
Collection: Christian
Image of Rick Warren
Instead of focusing on that unappeasable person, refocus on Jesus, who accepts you unconditionally.
- Rick Warren
Collection: Christian
Image of Rick Warren
It is an incredibly difficult task to lead people from self-centered consumerism to being servant-hearted Christians. It is not a task for fainthearted ministers or those who don't like to get their religious robes wrinkled. But it is what the Great Commission is all about
- Rick Warren
Collection: Christian
Image of Ezra Taft Benson
Any Christian constitutionalist who retreats from this battle jeopardizes his life here and hereafter. Seldom has so much responsibility hung on so few, so heavily; but our numbers are increasing, and we who have been warned have a responsibility to warn our neighbor.
- Ezra Taft Benson
Collection: Christian
Image of William Shakespeare
Methinks sometimes I have no more wit than a Christian.
- William Shakespeare
Collection: Christian
Image of N. T. Wright
Often people see doctrines as a checklist. Here are the following nineteen truths which you've got to believe to be a good sound Christian.
- N. T. Wright
Collection: Christian