Buddy Rice

Image of Buddy Rice
When the car's going well, I purr like a kitten.
- Buddy Rice
Collection: Car
Image of Buddy Rice
It's pretty cool to be able to hang out with the President and have the race-winning car on the South Lawn.
- Buddy Rice
Collection: Cool
Image of Buddy Rice
It's always a little different, racing on your hometown track. It makes it more special.
- Buddy Rice
Image of Buddy Rice
I don't think you'll understand the true repercussions of what the 500 does for you until years down the road.
- Buddy Rice
Image of Buddy Rice
Between us and the writers, it was comedy hour the whole time. We could hardly get through it.
- Buddy Rice
Image of Buddy Rice
It's hard to put into words, shaking hands with the most powerful man in the world.
- Buddy Rice
Image of Buddy Rice
I've always been under the radar.
- Buddy Rice
Image of Buddy Rice
I've always loved old hot rods. I have four or five of them at home that I work on when I'm not working out.
- Buddy Rice
Image of Buddy Rice
Mile tracks put more emphasis on the driver. On the longer tracks, you can drive flat out all the way around, so it's more of an engineering exercise. On a mile, you can't run flat out. You're constantly in traffic, there's more driver involvement.
- Buddy Rice
Image of Buddy Rice
You have to take the hits as they come and you have to take the opportunities.
- Buddy Rice
Collection: Opportunity
Image of Buddy Rice
Its always a little different, racing on your hometown track. It makes it more special.
- Buddy Rice
Collection: Track
Image of Buddy Rice
There's a ton of talent in this country. Some just need to be given a shot.
- Buddy Rice
Collection: Country
Image of Buddy Rice
No matter if I have a job for one weekend or for the next year, or three years, I'm going to drive the same way. That's the way I am. I'm going to give it everything I have.
- Buddy Rice
Collection: Jobs
Image of Buddy Rice
In the past, people said I wasn't focused and didn't give it the time. That's a bunch of crap. I'm not doing anything different now than I did before.
- Buddy Rice
Collection: Past
Image of Buddy Rice
Things happen for a reason. We'll see where life takes me from here.
- Buddy Rice
Collection: Reason
Image of Buddy Rice
I'm not promoting myself as the next great American driver, as some people are describing me. If that's what people want to call me, fine. But I've got more important things to focus on.
- Buddy Rice
Collection: People