Top Boys Quotes Collection - Page 8

Discover a curated collection of Boys quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category. Page 8 provides more Boys quotes.

Image of Harmon Killebrew
We're not raising grass. We're raising boys.
- Harmon Killebrew
Collection: Boys
Image of Lev Yashin
There have only been two world-class goalkeepers. One was Lev Yashin, the other was the German boy who played for Manchester City.
- Lev Yashin
Collection: Boys
Image of Jude Law
Women like bad boys…Being a good boy never worked for me.
- Jude Law
Collection: Boys
Image of Stephen Leacock
You know, many a man realizes late in life that if when he was a boy he had known what he knows now, instead of being what he is he might be what he won't; but how few boys stop to think that if they knew what they don't know instead of being what they will be, they wouldn't be?
- Stephen Leacock
Collection: Boys
Image of Polixeni Papapetrou
I wanted to make a body of work that looked at what it felt like to be a boy going through adolescence.
- Polixeni Papapetrou
Collection: Boys
Image of Shahin Najafi
I was a very devout boy and one day I heard the music of an Egyptian Koran singer in the mosque. The melancholy of this music touched me so deeply that it brought me to tears.
- Shahin Najafi
Collection: Boys
Image of Erick Chavarria
I don't think I can be intimidated about working with any comedic actors. It felt great to get to play hardball with the big boys as they say.
- Erick Chavarria
Collection: Boys
Image of Malik Yusef
I let them [Kanye and Pharrell] be them; they let me be me. I'm just a little boy that does poetry whose friends got famous, and I like it that way. I like to be found. I don't want to be overexposed. I love when people discover me and discover my music.
- Malik Yusef
Collection: Boys
Image of Karen Kingsbury
The next time that boy pursues you, he better do it like a dying man looking for water in a desert. When it's the right guy, you'll know, because he'll cherish you.
- Karen Kingsbury
Collection: Boys
Image of Elizabeth Crook
When I started escaping to a neighbor's house to watch what I darn well pleased, it turned out to be The Big Valley. Every afternoon my friend and I would pour grape juice over mounds of ice cream and settle in to see what was happening with Barbara Stanwyck and Linda Evans and the boys in The Big Valley.
- Elizabeth Crook
Collection: Boys
Image of Ron Clements
We really wanted someone from the culture to sort of do that. And we heard about Taika [Waititi]. We saw his movie Boy, which that he had directed and written and which was great. We read another one of his scripts that was great. And we brought him in, showed him what we were doing. He really liked the idea.
- Ron Clements
Collection: Boys
Image of Tony Sunshine
I met Big Pun when I was a young boy. I think that he really gravitated to my innocence.
- Tony Sunshine
Collection: Boys
Image of Joanna Lohman
Because of my compact and muscular body composition, my short hair, and my "Johawk," I have been mistaken for a boy on many occasions. Each time it happens, it feels like I have been punched in the gut. It is extremely discouraging.
- Joanna Lohman
Collection: Boys
Image of Bakari Kitwana
I'm not a poster boy for misogyny and I don't think hip-hop should be either.
- Bakari Kitwana
Collection: Boys
Image of Hugh Panaro
I always found it weird when the Phantom would call Raoul insolent boy and the Raoul was obviously older than him.
- Hugh Panaro
Collection: Boys
Image of Claire Dederer
I wish I would have been more of a maker. I wish I would have been more of a writer. I wish I would have not subsumed my will to every boy I had a passing fancy about. That's the part that is horrifying.
- Claire Dederer
Collection: Boys
Image of Richard Harris Barham
I was between A man and a boy, A hobble-de-hoy, A fat, little, punchy concern of sixteen.
- Richard Harris Barham
Collection: Boys
Image of Chali 2na
I'm a city boy by nature - that's a big-ass oxymoron - but I do appreciate nature to the fullest because they say if you wanna see God just look around. We can't make this, it's all creation, so I appreciate that.
- Chali 2na
Collection: Boys
Image of Diogenes Laertius
Courage, my boy! that is the complexion of virtue.
- Diogenes Laertius
Collection: Boys
Image of Dyllan McGee
I'm proud to call myself a feminist and am proud to say I have two young boys who are self-proclaimed feminists as well.
- Dyllan McGee
Collection: Boys
Image of John McGraw
The boy's (Hack Wilson) got talent and desire, but he ain't got no neck.
- John McGraw
Collection: Boys
Image of Robert Wilson Lynd
A boy in love is not mainly a calf but a poet.
- Robert Wilson Lynd
Collection: Boys
Image of Kim Nam-joon
Bobby made references to me a few times on Show Me The Money. He seemed to enjoy using words like 'sangnamja (T/N: true man, also the title for 'Boy in Luv') and 'leading a fast life' (T/N: pronounced as Bangtang). Saying "Like a true man, I lead a fast life" isn't a common mix of words, right? I thought that it wasn't just a coincidence.
- Kim Nam-joon
Collection: Boys
Image of Gage Munroe
I think especially boys have a competitive streak when they're 12.
- Gage Munroe
Collection: Boys
Image of James M. Barrie
What is genius? It is the power to be a boy again at will.
- James M. Barrie
Collection: Boys
Image of Andrea Suarez Paz
To see an older woman play a little boy on stage completely blasted open my perception to what it meant to act. That was it for me.
- Andrea Suarez Paz
Collection: Boys
Image of Erdem Moral?oglu
When I was a little boy, I was fascinated with how women looked and carried themselves.
- Erdem Moral?oglu
Collection: Boys
Image of Kevin michael
I've been in situations where I was 'black boy white,' or 'white boy black.' People didn't know, "Is he the whitest black person in the world or is he the blackest white person in the world?"
- Kevin michael
Collection: Boys
Image of Dreezy
I got caught shoplifting, which is not good. I was stealing for this boy that I went with at the time, and I ended up getting a three-month punishment.
- Dreezy
Collection: Boys
Image of John D'Agata
If there's a poster boy for the fact that all essays are written through personae, it's Crèvecoeur.
- John D'Agata
Collection: Boys
Image of Ray Bradbury
Forgive, I hope you won't be upset, but when I was a boy I used to look up and see you behind your desk, so near but far away, and, how can I say this, I used to think that you were Mrs. God, and that the library was a whole world, and that no matter what part of the world or what people or thing I wanted to see and read, you'd find and give it to me.
- Ray Bradbury
Collection: Boys
Image of Tammara Webber
there's not a boy on the planet worth this amount of angst. I know; i used to be one
- Tammara Webber
Collection: Boys
Image of Justina Chen
If there was one thing I refused to be, it was an insignificant footnote in some boy's history.
- Justina Chen
Collection: Boys
Image of Peter Ustinov
All the hideously calculated hypocrisy of men when they commit a murder in the name of justice. Then it's the time of death on a grander scale, the hour of the great offenses ... fix your bayonets boys ...gentlemen, synchronize your watches ... in ten seconds time the barrage starts ... a thousand men are destined to die in order to capture a farmhouse no one has lived in for years...
- Peter Ustinov
Collection: Boys
Image of Hunter S. Thompson
It was wonderful, a stunning happy ending to what began as another tragic rock & roll story, as if Bob Dylan had been arrested in Miami for jacking off in a seedy little XXX theater while stroking the spine of a fat young boy.
- Hunter S. Thompson
Collection: Boys
Image of James Patterson
We’ll be back!” he snarled. It was really Ari’s voice. Boy, you just can’t kill people like you used to,” said Fang
- James Patterson
Collection: Boys
Image of Arthur Schopenhauer
Any foolish boy can stamp on a beetle, but all the professors in the world cannot make a beetle.
- Arthur Schopenhauer
Collection: Boys
Image of Pierre Omidyar
When you look at the accomplishments of accomplished people and you say, “Boy, that must have been really hard,” ... that was probably easy. And conversely, when you look at something that looks easy, that was probably hard. And so you’re never going to know which is which until you actually go and do it.
- Pierre Omidyar
Collection: Boys
Image of Toni Morrison
...when the little boy discovered, at four, the same thing Mr. Smith had learned earlier -- that only birds and planes could fly -- he lost all interest in himself.
- Toni Morrison
Collection: Boys
Image of Kiersten White
Leave it to a boy to make the Faerie Realms look like a dump.
- Kiersten White
Collection: Boys
Image of Danny Boyle
Even though one of them is about an Edinburgh junkie and ones a little boy of eight in Manchester, you want them to always portray their world in such a vivid way that the audience can disappear inside the story.
- Danny Boyle
Collection: Boys
Image of J. K. Rowling
Sword? Haven't got a sword. That boy has, though. He'll lend you one.
- J. K. Rowling
Collection: Boys
Image of Rachel Caine
Glad it was you and not me," Shane said, and offered Myrin a hand up. "Any brain damage?" "Since the bullet actually passed through his brain, then yes, idiot boy, there's certainly brain damage," Oliver said. "It will pass. His brain's the least fragile thing about him." "You say the nicest things," Myrin said. He was slurring his words, and he threw an arm around Oliver's neck. "Marry me.
- Rachel Caine
Collection: Boys
Image of Bernard Baruch
When beggars and shoeshine boys, barbers and beauticians can tell you how to get rich it is time to remind yourself that there is no more dangerous illusion than the belief that one can get something for nothing.
- Bernard Baruch
Collection: Boys
Image of Neale Donald Walsch
I grew up as a Roman Catholic, and as a very young boy I felt the presence of divinity in my life through the experiences that I had in connection with the Catholic church.
- Neale Donald Walsch
Collection: Boys
Image of Christina Aguilera
There’s nothing more dangerous than a boy with charm.
- Christina Aguilera
Collection: Boys
Image of Johnny Weir
Every little boy should be so lucky as to turn into me.
- Johnny Weir
Collection: Boys
Image of Maggie Stiefvater
Boys like him didn't die; they got bronzed and installed outside public libraries.
- Maggie Stiefvater
Collection: Boys