Richard Harris Barham

Image of Richard Harris Barham
Ghosts, like ladies, never speak till spoke to.
- Richard Harris Barham
Image of Richard Harris Barham
Knight without fear and without reproach.
- Richard Harris Barham
Image of Richard Harris Barham
He won't, won't he? Then bring me my boots.
- Richard Harris Barham
Image of Richard Harris Barham
His eyes so dim, so wasted each limb, that, heedless of grammar, they all cried, that's him!
- Richard Harris Barham
Image of Richard Harris Barham
The Jackdaw sat in the Cardinal's chair! Bishop and Abbot and Prior were there, Many a monk and many a friar, Many a knight and many a squire, With a great many more of lesser degree,-- In sooth a goodly company; And they served the Lord Primate on bended knee. Never, I ween, Was a prouder seen, Read of in books or dreamt of in dreams, Than the Cardinal Lord Archbishop of Rheims.
- Richard Harris Barham
Collection: Dream
Image of Richard Harris Barham
I was between A man and a boy, A hobble-de-hoy, A fat, little, punchy concern of sixteen.
- Richard Harris Barham
Collection: Boys
Image of Richard Harris Barham
Thrice happy's the wooing that's not long adoing. So much time is saved in the billing and cooing.
- Richard Harris Barham
Collection: Long
Image of Richard Harris Barham
Tis not her coldness, father, That chills my labouring breast; It's that confounded cucumber I've ate and can't digest.
- Richard Harris Barham
Collection: Father