Top Blow Quotes Collection - Page 11

Discover a curated collection of Blow quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category. Page 11 provides more Blow quotes.

Image of Franz Grillparzer
Two soldiers and a villain are enough to blow up the rights of the citizens.
- Franz Grillparzer
Collection: Blow
Image of Diana Gabaldon
Do ye dare to draw arms against the justice of God?" snapped the tubby little judge. Jamie drew the sword completely, with a flash of steel, then thrust it point-first into the ground, leaving the hilt quivering with the force of the blow. "I draw it in defense of this women, and the truth," he said "If any here be against those two they'll answer to me, and then God, in that order.
- Diana Gabaldon
Collection: Blow
Image of Joseph Goebbels
One can only repeat about air warfare: we are in a position of almost hopeless inferiority and must grin and bear it as we take the blows from the English and the Americans. [Germans in the bombed cities] are gradually beginning to lose their courage. Hell like that is hard to bear for any length of time, especially since the inhabitants along the Rhine and Ruhr see no prospect of improvement.
- Joseph Goebbels
Collection: Blow
Image of Louis Armstrong
Even If I have two three days off, you still have to blow that horn. You have to keep up those chops... I have to warm up everyday for at least an hour.
- Louis Armstrong
Collection: Blow
Image of Louis Armstrong
I don't get involved in politics. I just blow my horn.
- Louis Armstrong
Collection: Blow
Image of Emily Giffin
I have one final hope, If I get double sixes, maybe he will change his mind, come back to me. As if to cast a magic spell, I blow on the dice just as Dex did...Just as it happened with our first roll, one die lands before its mate. On a six! I hold my breath. For a brief second, I see a mess of dots, and think I have boxcars again. I kneel, staring at the second die. It is onle a five. I have rolled an eleven, It is as if someone is mocking me, saying, Close, but no dice.
- Emily Giffin
Collection: Blow
Image of Oliver Goldsmith
The first blow is half the battle.
- Oliver Goldsmith
Collection: Blow
Image of Bill Gates
The most straightforward path would be if we could bring the cost of solar electric and wind down by another factor of say, three, and then have some miraculous storage solution, so that not only over the 24-hour day but over long periods of time where the wind doesn't blow, you have reliable energy. That's a path. But energy storage is hard. That's not a guaranteed path.
- Bill Gates
Collection: Blow
Image of Bill Gates
This antitrust thing will blow over.
- Bill Gates
Collection: Blow
Image of Jodie Foster
Ninety-five percent of women's experiences are about being a victim. Or about being an underdog, or having to survive... women didn't go to Vietnam and blow things up. They are not Rambo.
- Jodie Foster
Collection: Blow
Image of Thomas Frank
Vote to stand tall against terrorists ; receive Social Security privatization . Vote to strike a blow against elitism; receive a social order in which wealth is more concentrated than ever before in our lifetimes , in which workers have been stripped of power and CEOs are rewarded in a manner beyond imagining.
- Thomas Frank
Collection: Blow
Image of Mahatma Gandhi
You can return blow for blow if you are not brave enough to follow the path of nonviolence.
- Mahatma Gandhi
Collection: Blow
Image of Patrick Carney
The fact we get played on the radio now blows our minds.
- Patrick Carney
Collection: Blow
Image of Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
Know'st thou the land where the lemon-trees bloom, Where the gold orange glows in the deep thicket's gloom, Where a wind ever soft from the blue heaven blows, And the groves are of laurel and myrtle and rose!
- Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
Collection: Blow
Image of John Green
After all this time, it seems to me like straight and fast is the only way out- but I choose the labyrinth. The labyrinth blows, but I choose it.
- John Green
Collection: Blow
Image of Jerry Garcia
I'm goin' where the wind don't blow so strange, maybe off on some high cold mountain chain.
- Jerry Garcia
Collection: Blow
Image of Thomas Gray
Fair laughs the morn, and soft the zephyr blows, While proudly rising o'er the azure realm In gallant trim the gilded vessel goes, Youth on the prow, and Pleasure at the helm.
- Thomas Gray
Collection: Blow
Image of Chelsea Handler
I'm not going to blow up just for the sake of it, because it's on TV. That's not the issue.
- Chelsea Handler
Collection: Blow
Image of Sri Aurobindo
Yes, this Purusha consciousness must be maintained; otherwise the calm will not last. The knocks and blows that come from outside cannot disturb one, if this Purusha consciousness remains at the back.
- Sri Aurobindo
Collection: Blow
Image of William Hazlitt
Nothing gives such a blow to friendship as the detecting another in an untruth. It strikes at the root of our confidence ever after.
- William Hazlitt
Collection: Blow
Image of B. H. Liddell Hart
A modern state is such a complex and interdependent fabric that it offers a target highly sensitive to a sudden and overwhelming blow from the air.
- B. H. Liddell Hart
Collection: Blow
Image of Carolyn Heilbrun
Life has this in common with prizefighting: if you've received a belly blow, it's likely to be followed by a right to the jaw.
- Carolyn Heilbrun
Collection: Blow
Image of G. H. Hardy
For my part, it is difficult for me to say what I owe to Ramanujan - his originality has been a constant source of suggestion to me ever since I knew him, and his death is one of the worst blows I have ever had.
- G. H. Hardy
Collection: Blow
Image of Audrey Hepburn
If I blow my nose, it gets written all over the world.
- Audrey Hepburn
Collection: Blow
Image of George Herbert
The first blow is as much as two.
- George Herbert
Collection: Blow
Image of George Herbert
One sound blow will serve to undo us all.
- George Herbert
Collection: Blow
Image of Robert A. Heinlein
If we blow ourselves up we will do it by misapplication of science; if we manage to keep from blowing ourselves up, it will be through intelligent application of science.
- Robert A. Heinlein
Collection: Blow
Image of Adolf Hitler
I, for my part, acknowledge another precept which says that man must deal the final blow to those whose downfall is destined by God.
- Adolf Hitler
Collection: Blow
Image of Saint Augustine
Bad company is like a nail driven into a post, which, after the first and second blow, may be drawn out with little difficulty; but being once driven up to the head, the pincers cannot take hold to draw it out, but which can only be done by the destruction of the wood.
- Saint Augustine
Collection: Blow
Image of Frank Herbert
Prophecy and prescience - How can they be put to the test in the face of unanswered questions? Consider: How much is actual prediction and how much is the prophet shaping the future to fit the prophecy? What are the harmonics inherent in the act of prophecy? Does the prophet see the future or does he see a line of weakness, a fault or cleavage that he may shatter with words or decisions as a diamond-cutter shatters his gem with a blow of the knife?
- Frank Herbert
Collection: Blow
Image of Reid Hoffman
At Silicon Valley, I'm extremely sympathetic to the revolutionary response. I not only agree with it emotionally. I agree with it practically. And the only thing I disagree with is, I don't think Donald Trump is that. Trump is blow it up for no good reason at all. You want to actually do revolution with a target, with an idea, with building a new system.
- Reid Hoffman
Collection: Blow
Image of Mehmet Murat Ildan
Some little pieces of sand are so full of ego that they see themselves as a giant rock! But then the wind blows, the big ego flies in the air!
- Mehmet Murat Ildan
Collection: Blow
Image of Vance Havner
If the Lord tarries, there may yet be a grass-roots awakening that will overflow all sectarian barriers. There are a host of good people... who long for a visitation from heaven in old-time power. The kindling wood is scattered all round in all the churches. May God help us to rake off the ashes, uncover the live coals and may He blow upon us with the breath of His Spirit!
- Vance Havner
Collection: Blow
Image of George Harrison
Whatever you've done, you get it back, so you can either go on, or you can blow it.
- George Harrison
Collection: Blow
Image of Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr.
And silence, like a poultice, comes To heal the blows of sound.
- Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr.
Collection: Blow
Image of Curtis Jackson
I am what I am; you can like it or love it. It feels good to blow fifty grand and think nothing of it.
- Curtis Jackson
Collection: Blow
Image of Alicia Keys
I wanted my first film to be something where I was surrounded by an amazing cast. I wanted to do something that was completely unexpected, totally out of the box, something that would blow people's minds, that the last thing on the planet earth they would ever think I would do would be it.
- Alicia Keys
Collection: Blow
Image of Victor Hugo
Crime is redeemed by remorse, but not by a blow of the axe or slipknot. Blood has to be washed by tears but not by blood.
- Victor Hugo
Collection: Blow
Image of Anthony Kiedis
Death by evaporation. May the saltwater wind that gets shot out of a barreling wave blow me away like an old puffy dandelion into the sky.
- Anthony Kiedis
Collection: Blow
Image of Eddie Izzard
Spiders frighten me. In response to the spider alerts for Australia, please can the Australian government remove all spiders from Australia and blow them into outer space.
- Eddie Izzard
Collection: Blow
Image of Steve Jobs
With our technology, with objects, literally three people in a garage can blow away what 200 people at Microsoft can do. Literally can blow it away. Corporate America has a need that is so huge and can save them so much money, or make them so much money, or cost them so much money if they miss it, that they are going to fuel the object revolution.
- Steve Jobs
Collection: Blow
Image of Hazrat Inayat Khan
He who once burns his mouth on the hot soup, blows even the buttermilk.
- Hazrat Inayat Khan
Collection: Blow
Image of Lauren Bacall
If you want me just whistle. You know how to whistle don't you? Just put your lips together and blow.
- Lauren Bacall
Collection: Blow
Image of John Keats
Or thou might'st better listen to the wind, Whose language is to thee a barren noise, Though it blows legend-laden through the trees.
- John Keats
Collection: Blow
Image of Henrik Ibsen
The great task of our time is to blow up all existing institutions to destroy.
- Henrik Ibsen
Collection: Blow
Image of Sherrilyn Kenyon
(Unsure if she should laugh or groan, Astrid held fast to the tank before her as Zarek pushed the snowmachine to the limits. It vibrated so badly that she half-expected it to disintegrate underneath them.) Cap’n, I don’t think she’ll hold. The warp engines can’t take any more. It’s going to blow apart. (Astrid)
- Sherrilyn Kenyon
Collection: Blow
Image of Sherrilyn Kenyon
It's settled, then," Grace said. She turned back to Nick. "Take the Jag to the car wash and for heaven's sake clean the McDonald's Happy Meal boxes out of it." "Hey," Nick said, his face offended. "That's a low blow. Those boxes are collectibles.
- Sherrilyn Kenyon
Collection: Blow