Top Black And White Quotes Collection - Page 3

Discover a curated collection of Black And White quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category. Page 3 provides more Black And White quotes.

Image of Thomas Sowell
Both HUD and the Department of Justice began bringing lawsuits against mortgage bankers when a higher percentage of minority applicants than white applicants were turned down for mortgage loans. A substantial majority of both black and white mortgage loan applicants had their loans approved but a statistical difference was enough to get a bank sued.
- Thomas Sowell
Collection: Black And White
Image of Marjane Satrapi
The novels have done so well because the drawings are abstract, black-and-white. This adds to the universality of the story. "Persepolis" also has dreamlike moments, and the drawings help maintain cohesion and consistency.
- Marjane Satrapi
Collection: Black And White
Image of Erin Morgenstern
The circus arrives without warning. No announcements precede it. It is simply there, when yesterday it was not. Within the black-and-white striped canvas tents is an utterly unique experience full of breathtaking amazements. It is called Le Cirque des Rêves, and it is only open at night.
- Erin Morgenstern
Collection: Black And White
Image of Amos Oz
I have been saying again and again that the case of Israel and Palestine, the case of Israel and the Arab world, and indeed the case of Israel and Europe, is not black and white. It's not a western movie.
- Amos Oz
Collection: Black And White
Image of Sarah Rees Brennan
Oh God, Mae," said Jamie in a hollow voice, descending the stairs. "I will never drink again. I'm only seeing in black and white. My arms feel all floppy, like flightless wings. I caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror and I looked like a very sad penguin.
- Sarah Rees Brennan
Collection: Black And White
Image of Tariq Ramadan
Life is not black and white when it comes to perception.
- Tariq Ramadan
Collection: Black And White
Image of Karen Marie Moning
There are only shades of gray. Black and white are nothing more than lofty ideals in our minds, the standards by which we try to judge things, and map out our place in the world in relevance to them.
- Karen Marie Moning
Collection: Black And White
Image of Kami Garcia
Mortals. Everything is so black and white to you.
- Kami Garcia
Collection: Black And White
Image of Janelle Monae
The colors black and white are my uniform, to honor the working class. People like my parents, who were janitors and had to wear a uniform every day. It keeps me grounded.
- Janelle Monae
Collection: Black And White
Image of Haruki Murakami
Her voice was like a line from an old black-and-white Jean-Luc Godard movie, filtering in just beyond the frame of my consciousness.
- Haruki Murakami
Collection: Black And White
Image of Mae West
I never needed Panavision and stereophonic sound to woo the world. I did it in black and white on a screen the size of a postage stamp. Honey, that's talent.
- Mae West
Collection: Black And White
Image of Studs Terkel
In order for us, black and white, to disenthrall ourselves from the harshest slavemaster, racism, we must disinter our buried history.... We are all the Pilgrim, setting out on this journey.
- Studs Terkel
Collection: Black And White
Image of Susan Sarandon
I got married to Chris Sarandon, who was a graduate student, and he knew everything at that point, I thought, because he was older. He introduced me to poetry and black-and-white movies.
- Susan Sarandon
Collection: Black And White
Image of Zach Braff
I don't think it's a black and white issue. If a man's family is starving so to speak, I don't think I'll hold it against him for stealing a loaf of bread.
- Zach Braff
Collection: Black And White
Image of Randy Alcorn
The conflicting missions of the two armies seemed to have no fog, no gray, only black-and-white clarity. I had lived my life in terms of compromise, rule-bending, trade-offs, concessions, bargaining, striking deals, finding middle ground. In these two great armies, there was no such thing. Good was good, and evil was evil, and they shared no common ground.
- Randy Alcorn
Collection: Black And White
Image of Amos Oz
The Israeli-Palestinian conflict is a tragedy; it is a clash between right and right. And, therefore it's not black and white. Sometimes, recently it is indeed a clash between wrong and wrong. It is not as simple as fascism was.
- Amos Oz
Collection: Black And White
Image of Kevin DeYoung
There is nothing gray about whether a follower of Christ should see 50 Shades of Grey. This is a black and white issue. Don’t go. Don’t watch it. Don’t read it. Don’t rent it.
- Kevin DeYoung
Collection: Black And White
Image of Susanna Kaysen
The floor of ice cream parlor bothered me. It was black-and-white checkboard tile, bigger than supermarket checkboard. If I looked only at a white square, I would be all right, but it was hard to ignore the black squares that surrounded the white ones. The contrast got under my skin. The floor meant yes, no, this, that, up, down, day, night -all the indecisions and opposites that were bad enough in life without having them spelled out for you on the floor.
- Susanna Kaysen
Collection: Black And White
Image of Terry Pratchett
Racism was not a problem on the Discworld, because - what with trolls and dwarfs and so on - speciesism was more interesting. Black and white lived in perfect harmony and ganged up on green.
- Terry Pratchett
Collection: Black And White
Image of Rick Riordan
back from when they watched black and white TV and hunted dinosaurs.
- Rick Riordan
Collection: Black And White
Image of Banksy
Nothing is black and white, and there is no purity and there is no such thing has justice.
- Banksy
Collection: Black And White
Image of Karen Marie Moning
Life's a choice: you can live in black and white, or you can live in colour. I'll take every shade of the rainbow and the gazillion in between!
- Karen Marie Moning
Collection: Black And White
Image of Robert Greene
News makes things black and white. Documentary filmmaking should do the opposite.
- Robert Greene
Collection: Black And White
Image of Linus Torvalds
Security people are often the black-and-white kind of people that I can't stand. I think the OpenBSD crowd is a bunch of masturbating monkeys, in that they make such a big deal about concentrating on security to the point where they pretty much admit that nothing else matters to them.
- Linus Torvalds
Collection: Black And White
Image of Markus Zusak
At first, all is black and white. Black on white. That's where I'm walking, through pages. These pages. Sometimes it gets so that I have one foot in the pages and the words, and the other in what they speak of.
- Markus Zusak
Collection: Black And White
Image of Keith Richards
Before Elvis, everything was in black and white. Then came Elvis. Zoom, glorious Technicolor.
- Keith Richards
Collection: Black And White
Image of Desmond Tutu
We shall be free only together, black and white. We shall survive only together, black and white. We can be human only together, black and white.
- Desmond Tutu
Collection: Black And White
Image of Karen Marie Moning
Life is not black and white. The closes we ever get to either of those colors is wearing them.
- Karen Marie Moning
Collection: Black And White
Image of Lynne Truss
Panda. Large black-and-white bear-like mammal, native to China. Eats, shoots and leaves.
- Lynne Truss
Collection: Black And White
Image of Guillermo del Toro
For horror to work, you have to be afraid. You have to keep the monster in a black and white light.
- Guillermo del Toro
Collection: Black And White
Image of Ayn Rand
Morality is a code of black and white. When and if men attempt a compromise, it is obvious which side will necessarily lose and which will necessarily profit.
- Ayn Rand
Collection: Black And White
Image of Edward R. Murrow
I am seized with an abiding fear regarding what these two instruments are doing to our society, our culture and our heritage. Our history will be what we make it. And if there are any historians about fifty or a hundred years from now, and there should be preserved the kinescopes for one week of all three networks, they will there find recorded in black and white, or color, evidence of decadence, escapism and insulation from the realities of the world in which we live.
- Edward R. Murrow
Collection: Black And White
Image of Aberjhani
'Mixtape' is a very appropriate word to include in the title of Goran Hugo Olsson's film because it includes a rich mixture of cultural voices. They speak across different dividing lines such as those of haves and have-nots, youth and maturity, black and white, national and global, and the past and the present.
- Aberjhani
Collection: Black And White
Image of Amos Oz
In my essays and articles I have been saying again and again that the case of Israel and Palestine, the case of Israel and the Arab world, and indeed the case of Israel and Europe, is not black and white. It's not a western movie.
- Amos Oz
Collection: Black And White
Image of Karen Marie Moning
There are only shades of gray. Black and white are nothing more than lofty ideals in our minds, the standards by which we try to judge things, and map out our place in the world in relevance to them. Good and evil, in their purest form, are as intangible and forever beyond our ability to hold in our hand as any Fae illusion. We can only aim at them, aspire to them, and hope not to get so lost in the shadows that we can no longer aim for the light.
- Karen Marie Moning
Collection: Black And White
Image of Michael Emerson
There's a lot of life there, but it's a different sort, because there's a lot less immigrants and a lot more racial, the mix of black and white in particular. I've actually never been to their worship for an extended period of time, so I can't comment wisely on it.
- Michael Emerson
Collection: Black And White
Image of Richard Rodriguez
In Sacramento, my brown was not halfway between black and white. On the leafy streets, on the east side of town, where my family lived, where Asians did not live, where Negroes did not live, my family's Mexican shades passed as various.
- Richard Rodriguez
Collection: Black And White
Image of Buffy Sainte-Marie
It was a black and white only computer at the time, but it kept me fascinated.
- Buffy Sainte-Marie
Collection: Black And White
Image of Robin Sharma
Without music, my life would be black and white.
- Robin Sharma
Collection: Black And White
Image of John French Sloan
The great black and white draftsman, the sculptor, and the blind man know that form and color are separate. The form itself is what the blind man knows...Color is surface skin that fits over the form.
- John French Sloan
Collection: Black And White
Image of Slick Rick
I like the black and white movies on AMC.
- Slick Rick
Collection: Black And White
Image of Michael Emerson
We're going to see more, and we are seeing more, and I'll tell you exactly why. Not because white and black are more likely to get together. Only a third of the seven percent of congregations that are interracial are black and white.
- Michael Emerson
Collection: Black And White
Image of Gilbert K. Chesterton
They have invented a phrase, a phrase that is a black and white contradiction in two words - 'free-love' - as if a lover ever had been, or ever could be, free.
- Gilbert K. Chesterton
Collection: Black And White
Image of George W. Bush
In the corporate world, sometimes things aren`t exactly black and white when it comes to accounting procedures.
- George W. Bush
Collection: Black And White
Image of Jeff Cooper
Colonialism has a bad reputation in the modern context, but Colonial Africa was a far better place for both black and white before the colonists gave up.
- Jeff Cooper
Collection: Black And White
Image of William Eggleston
A lot of my friends were mostly working in black-and-white-people like Lee Friedlander, Diane Arbus, Garry Winogrand, and others. We would exchange prints with each other, and they were always very supportive of what I was doing. What each of us was doing photographically was entirely different, but we were basically coming from the same place, sort of like a club.
- William Eggleston
Collection: Black And White
Image of Edgar Degas
If I could have had my own way, I would have confined myself to black and white.
- Edgar Degas
Collection: Black And White
Image of Suzanne Collins
The question is, what are you going to do?" It turns out the question that's been eating away at me has only ever had one possible answer. But it took Peeta's ploy for me to recognize it. What am I going to do? I take a deep breath. My arms rise slightly - as if recalling the black-and-white wings Cinna gave me - then come to rest at my sides. "I'm going to be the Mockingjay.
- Suzanne Collins
Collection: Black And White