Top Behavior Quotes Collection

Discover a curated collection of Behavior quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category.

Image of Bill Watterson
I like maxims that don't encourage behavior modification.
- Bill Watterson
Collection: Behavior
Image of B. F. Skinner
Behavior is shaped and maintained by its consequences
- B. F. Skinner
Collection: Behavior
Image of B. F. Skinner
Do not intervene between a person and the consequences of their own behavior.
- B. F. Skinner
Collection: Behavior
Image of Josephine Tey
In hospitals there is no time off for good behavior.
- Josephine Tey
Collection: Behavior
Image of Martha Stout
If you don't have a conscience, what is your behavior like? Apparently, if you don't have a conscience, if you don't really . . . love, then the only thing that's left for you is the game - it's about controlling things.
- Martha Stout
Collection: Behavior
Image of Robert Ardrey
What truly leads the evolutionary procession, in other words, is behavior.
- Robert Ardrey
Collection: Behavior
Image of Dave Ramsey
Money is 80% behavior, 20% head knowledge. It's what you do, not what you know.
- Dave Ramsey
Collection: Behavior
Image of Theodore M. Burton
Repentance is a change of behavior which invites forgiveness.
- Theodore M. Burton
Collection: Behavior
Image of Jerry Vlasak
Fear is an effective factor in altering behavior.
- Jerry Vlasak
Collection: Behavior
Image of Paul Greengard
Mice deficient in this protein, called p11, display depression-like behaviors, while those with sufficient amounts behave as if they have been treated with antidepressants.
- Paul Greengard
Collection: Behavior
Image of Carly Fiorina
When you don't respond to bad behavior, you get more of it.
- Carly Fiorina
Collection: Behavior
Image of Garrison Wynn
I cannot tolerate my bad behavior in another person for 10 seconds
- Garrison Wynn
Collection: Behavior
Image of Annie Sprinkle
Whores have the ability to put up with behaviors other women would never manage to put up with. That's why we deserve to be generously compensated.
- Annie Sprinkle
Collection: Behavior
Image of Ted Malloch
Taking faith seriously leads to the utility of altruistic behavior.
- Ted Malloch
Collection: Behavior
Image of Aldo Leopold
Ethical behavior is doing the right thing when no one else is watching- even when doing the wrong thing is legal.
- Aldo Leopold
Collection: Behavior
Image of C. Everett Koop
The right of smokers to smoke ends where their behavior affects the health and well-being of others.
- C. Everett Koop
Collection: Behavior
Image of Richard Maxwell
If you're looking for like, a pure base for your behavior on stage, maybe it's better to say, "Yeah, you're not obliged to pretend. But, you're also obliged to not pretend." So you have access to both sides, if you will. It's never a pure binary thing, but you can pretend. If you have total agency as a performer, then both are at your disposal.
- Richard Maxwell
Collection: Behavior
Image of Robert M. Sapolsky
Only humans invent moralizing gods who monitor our behavior.
- Robert M. Sapolsky
Collection: Behavior
Image of Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn
Every human act can be disguised with a coating of gilt.
- Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn
Collection: Behavior
Image of Dennis Prager
Whenever possible, the left and the Democrats have de-stigmatized irresponsible behavior.
- Dennis Prager
Collection: Behavior
Image of Boyd K. Packer
Happiness is inseparably connected with decent, clean behavior.
- Boyd K. Packer
Collection: Behavior
Image of Timothy Keller
The more you understand how your salvation isn't about your behavior, the more radically your behavior will change.
- Timothy Keller
Collection: Behavior
Image of Ken Blanchard
We are not just our behavior. We are the person managing our behavior.
- Ken Blanchard
Collection: Behavior
Image of Seth Rogen
When it came to, like, appropriate behavior towards one another, it was - I was well-versed.
- Seth Rogen
Collection: Behavior
Image of Barbara Tuchman
Human behavior is timeless.
- Barbara Tuchman
Collection: Behavior
Image of Dennis Prager
The Left has never been comfortable with the notion that values are more determinitive than socioeconomic factors in human behavior
- Dennis Prager
Collection: Behavior
Image of Errol Morris
I am profoundly skeptical about our abilities to predict the future in general, and human behavior in particular.
- Errol Morris
Collection: Behavior
Image of Ludwig von Mises
No architect is held responsible for the behavior of those who inhabit the structure he designed.
- Ludwig von Mises
Collection: Behavior
Image of Arthur C. Clarke
Excessive interest in pathological behavior was itself pathological
- Arthur C. Clarke
Collection: Behavior
Image of Deepak Chopra
By observing your addictive behaviors, you observe your conditioning. When you observe your conditioning, you're free of it, because you are not your conditioning; you are the observer of your conditioning.
- Deepak Chopra
Collection: Behavior
Image of Kenny Chesney
One thing that I learned that helped me deal with human behavior is confrontation, and I'm not that great with confrontation at all. But once I started to be O.K. with that, the better everybody's life got.
- Kenny Chesney
Collection: Behavior
Image of Slavoj Žižek
Probably never in human history did we live in a society in which, at the microlevel of personal behavior, our lives were so strongly regulated.
- Slavoj Žižek
Collection: Behavior
Image of Stephen Covey
Distinguish between the person and the behavior or performance.
- Stephen Covey
Collection: Behavior
Image of Peter Drucker
Success always obsoletes the very behavior that achieved it.
- Peter Drucker
Collection: Behavior
Image of Albert Ellis
I would like to be remembered as one of the individuals who founded, ideologically and practically, cognitive behavior therapy and who pioneered multimodal or integrated therapy.
- Albert Ellis
Collection: Behavior
Image of Dick Van Dyke
Everything's getting homogenized. It seems to me like music and behavior and everything else is getting homogenized.
- Dick Van Dyke
Collection: Behavior
Image of Ralph Waldo Emerson
The maxim of courts is that manner is power.
- Ralph Waldo Emerson
Collection: Behavior
Image of Carly Fiorina
Leadership Is Performance. You Have To Be Conscious Of Your Behavior, Because Everyone Else Is.
- Carly Fiorina
Collection: Behavior
Image of Sylvia Earle
We have the power to abstain from destructive behavior.
- Sylvia Earle
Collection: Behavior
Image of Wayne Dyer
Habits are changed by practicing new behaviors, and this is true for mental habits as well.
- Wayne Dyer
Collection: Behavior
Image of Sigmund Freud
The only unnatural sexual behavior is none at all.
- Sigmund Freud
Collection: Behavior
Image of Baltasar Gracian
Always act as if you were seen.
- Baltasar Gracian
Collection: Behavior
Image of Max Anders
The generous giver, demonstrating the nature of God by his behavior, can never outgive God.
- Max Anders
Collection: Behavior
Image of Khaled Hosseini
Human behavior is messy and unpredictable and unconcerned with convenient symmetries.
- Khaled Hosseini
Collection: Behavior
Image of John Irving
but writers, Garp knew, were just observers - good and ruthless imitators of human behavior.
- John Irving
Collection: Behavior
Image of Mick Jagger
Americans shocked me by their behavior and their narrow-mindedness.
- Mick Jagger
Collection: Behavior
Image of Richelle Mead
Can't you ever get off for good behavior?" "Sure, if I was ever good.
- Richelle Mead
Collection: Behavior
Image of Demetri Martin
Drunken behavior will not be tolerated, except by those who are being hilarious.
- Demetri Martin
Collection: Behavior
Image of Margaret Mead
Learned behaviors have replaced the biologically given ones.
- Margaret Mead
Collection: Behavior