Top anger Quotes Collection - Page 9

Discover a curated collection of anger quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category. Page 9 provides more anger quotes.

Image of Jack Henry Abbott
Imagine a thousand more such daily intrusions in your life, every hour and minute of every day, and you can grasp the source of this paranoia, this anger that could consume me at any moment if I lost control.
- Jack Henry Abbott
Collection: Anger
Image of Marlee Matlin
I want roles without anger and feistiness. I want to show weakness and sadness, some love, some happiness.
- Marlee Matlin
Collection: Anger
Image of Lukas Forchhammer
My biggest influence is rap. It spoke to me, probably because of my upbringing in Christiania. You listen to 'The Chronic' and you can hear that anger and frustration.
- Lukas Forchhammer
Collection: Anger
Image of Luke Campbell
I was diagnosed with dyslexia - I struggled a lot in school and didn't enjoy it. I'm not great when it comes to sitting in a classroom - I'm much more about doing things. Boxing massively helped with that frustration and anger.
- Luke Campbell
Collection: Anger
Image of Trevor Jackson
I feel like we sometimes let our emotions and anger get in the way.
- Trevor Jackson
Collection: Anger
Image of Dana Perino
I've been in government and politics my entire career, and while I try to keep a level head and a reasonable tone in my commentary, even I can lose my head sometimes and let anger bubble over and burst out. It feels gross, looks ugly, and leaves a lasting mark.
- Dana Perino
Collection: Anger
Image of Joe Hart
You have to control your anger - you can't be a baby when you lose.
- Joe Hart
Collection: Anger
Image of Ashton Kutcher
My mom's whole side of the family, they're all Packers fans. My mom's a Bears fan. My stepdad is a Vikings guy. So that gets ugly. My mom sits upstairs watching the Bears game; he sits in the basement. They can't watch it together. Football's a violent anger in our family dynamic.
- Ashton Kutcher
Collection: Anger
Image of Jon Hopkins
You can only make the best thing you can make, and if it offends purists, or angers certain critics, you can only have done your best.
- Jon Hopkins
Collection: Anger
Image of Danny Carey
Before 'AEnima,' we were just following our gut. There was a lot of anger in the air and we never tried to control that. But just as we mature as humans, with 'AEnima' we tried to be fueled more by spiritual ideas or more of a conscious mode of aiming things in the right place or trying to take more responsibility for our art.
- Danny Carey
Collection: Anger
Image of John Robinson
With Stacy, it was interesting because you know he was within all this chaos, all these different lives that were so broken and so much anger and so much frustration and their skating came out of that, their different styles came out of that.
- John Robinson
Collection: Anger
Image of Lou Ferrigno
I have a lot of anger about my childhood - being hard of hearing and my relationship with my father.
- Lou Ferrigno
Collection: Anger
Image of Orhan Pamuk
I would be pleased if someone would invent a pill to remove my impatience, moodiness, and occasional bursts of anger. But if they did, I wouldn't be able to write my novels or paint.
- Orhan Pamuk
Collection: Anger
Image of Mark Z. Danielewski
Anger is one way to respond to fear. I say one way because responses are categorically multiple.
- Mark Z. Danielewski
Collection: Anger
Image of Alanis Morissette
When I was younger, I was terrified to express anger because it would often kick-start a horrible reaction in the men in my life. So I bit my tongue. I was left to painstakingly deal with the aftermath of my avoidance later in life, in therapy or through the lyrics of my songs.
- Alanis Morissette
Collection: Anger
Image of Krista Tippett
Fear usually looks like anger.
- Krista Tippett
Collection: Anger
Image of Gilbert Arenas
I just put my anger and resentment into basketball. Even the stuff from my childhood.
- Gilbert Arenas
Collection: Anger
Image of Martina Navratilova
I am just sorry my own mother had to live under that regime for most of her life. I was lucky. I got out and, 14 years later, Czechoslovakia became a free country. So I feel anger, even fury, at this bloody system that ruined so many people's lives for no reason whatsoever.
- Martina Navratilova
Collection: Anger
Image of Brian Posehn
I've written for the last 15 years on TV shows, but now I'm doing the new Charlie Sheen program, 'Anger Management.'
- Brian Posehn
Collection: Anger
Image of Edward Wood, 1st Earl of Halifax
Most men's anger about religion is as if two men should quarrel for a lady they neither of them care for.
- Edward Wood, 1st Earl of Halifax
Collection: Anger
Image of Petra Collins
It's so rare to see a woman lose control and also gain it back. Women are always told, 'Oh, be in control of your feelings,' and a woman is never allowed to express her anger without being demonised as being PMS-y.
- Petra Collins
Collection: Anger
Image of Harry Dean Stanton
I was the classic killer. I always played an angry man. I think it was because I used to really be like that - I was hostile. And because I had a good sense of theatrical truth, I used my anger and rebelliousness and just went with it. Anger was just a part of me.
- Harry Dean Stanton
Collection: Anger
Image of Eduard Shevardnadze
But on second thought, after I decreed the state of emergency, I came to the conclusion that that was impossible to achieve without bloodshed because the street protesters were full of anger and nearly out of control. This is why I thought we needed to find another way out.
- Eduard Shevardnadze
Collection: Anger
Image of Reggie Miller
I want to make movies like 'The Upside of Anger,' 'Maria Full of Grace,' old-school films like 'Some Kind of Wonderful' or 'Vision Quest': movies you remember songs and lines from.
- Reggie Miller
Collection: Anger
Image of Logic
As much time and effort, emotion, anger, love, joy that you put into another human being, you're not guaranteed to receive that back. And that's OK. That's alright.
- Logic
Collection: Anger
Image of Johnny Ramone
For all my success with the Ramones, I carried around fury and intensity during my career. I had an image, and that image was anger. I was the one who was always scowling, downcast. I tried to make sure I looked like that when I was getting my picture taken.
- Johnny Ramone
Collection: Anger
Image of Vanilla Ice
I use the music to vent, and a lot of the stuff that I am writing about or was writing about contained a lot of anger and anxiety, stress and depression, so that's how the album came out so dark.
- Vanilla Ice
Collection: Anger
Image of Jessye Norman
There's no anger ever in a spiritual. There's always the dream of a hope of a better day coming. That God understands the troubles that I'm experiencing.
- Jessye Norman
Collection: Anger
Image of Gino D'Acampo
Italy is a hot country. Wherever you feel heat, your excitement and passion come out. We're hot-blooded, and where there's passion there's love, but also anger, hunger, excitement.
- Gino D'Acampo
Collection: Anger
Image of Douglas Alexander
Of course we need to show we are a genuine alternative to an unpopular, Conservative-led government. But we need to set ourselves a higher standard than a party offering anger like UKIP.
- Douglas Alexander
Collection: Anger
Image of Nina Easton
Public anger over bank bailouts was as much about fairness as the billions of dollars spent.
- Nina Easton
Collection: Anger
Image of Alexander Acosta
Efforts following 9/11 were important. They set a tone. They reminded those who might be tempted to take out their anger on an entire community that such actions were wrong.
- Alexander Acosta
Collection: Anger
Image of Matthew Goode
Golf courses are beautiful, it's good for the soul and it gets out the anger... well, if you don't care about the score then you won't have a heart attack.
- Matthew Goode
Collection: Anger
Image of John Hurt
I've never felt that anger is a very powerful emotion.
- John Hurt
Collection: Anger
Image of Chris Pine
We come from fallible parents who were kids once, who decided to have kids and who had to learn how to be parents. Faults are made and damage is done, whether it's conscious or not. Everyone's got their own 'stuff,' their own issues, and their own anger at Mom and Dad. That is what family is. Family is almost naturally dysfunctional.
- Chris Pine
Collection: Anger
Image of Paul Allen
Some people can vent their anger, take a breath, and let it go, but I wasn't one of them.
- Paul Allen
Collection: Anger
Image of Jodie Evans
I feel truth, beauty, love, grief, anger, intimacy & alive in my body... Women in the global south live in their bodies much more than we in the global north. Not as distracted by patriarchy's controlling images - They know power is in their bodies. I am deeply grateful for the women who showed me the way home.
- Jodie Evans
Collection: Anger
Image of Ronnie Radke
I woke up one day, and for some reason all the hate and anger was gone.
- Ronnie Radke
Collection: Anger
Image of Kathleen Troia McFarland
Americans are slow to anger, but once they do get angry, they are impossible to stop.
- Kathleen Troia McFarland
Collection: Anger
Image of Thich Nhat Hanh
Fear, separation, hate and anger come from the wrong view that you and the Earth are two separate entities, the Earth is only the environment. You are in the centre and you want to do something for the Earth in order for you to survive. That is a dualistic way of seeing.
- Thich Nhat Hanh
Collection: Anger
Image of Martin O'Malley
When you create an economy where you subsidize corporate profits through a welfare program and food stamps in order to keep wages low in some perverse pursuit of 'competiveness,' than you reap the fruits of the anger that you sow.
- Martin O'Malley
Collection: Anger
Image of Richard M. Nixon
What starts the process, really, are laughs and slights and snubs when you are a kid. If your anger is deep enough and strong enough, you learn that you can change those attitudes by excellence, personal gut performance.
- Richard M. Nixon
Collection: Anger
Image of Joanna Southcott
Another night, I dreamed I saw my father sweeping out the barn floor clean, and would not suffer the wheat to be brought in the barn. He appeared to me to be in anger.
- Joanna Southcott
Collection: Anger
Image of Ankit Tiwari
Love is not always bed of roses. When its unfulfilled, it causes immense pain and anger.
- Ankit Tiwari
Collection: Anger
Image of John Dryden
The intoxication of anger, like that of the grape, shows us to others, but hides us from ourselves.
- John Dryden
Collection: Anger
Image of Sarah Bernhardt
He who is incapable of feeling strong passions, of being shaken by anger, of living in every sense of the word, will never be a good actor.
- Sarah Bernhardt
Collection: Anger
Image of Jason Ritter
I think I would cope like anyone copes with any tragedy. I'm sure I would be very upset for a while and then there would come a point where I would either have to stay in this place of darkness and anger, or I'd have to accept that it happened.
- Jason Ritter
Collection: Anger
Image of Alana Stewart
I resisted writing a book for a long time because I didn't want to invade anyone else's privacy or hurt anyone or anger anyone.
- Alana Stewart
Collection: Anger
Image of Barry Eisler
Anger, and the self-righteousness that is both the cause and consequence of anger, tends to be easier on the psyche than personal responsibility.
- Barry Eisler
Collection: Anger