
Image of Logic
I'm literally fighting for the equality of every man, woman and child regardless of race, religion, color, creed, and sexual orientation and here to spread a message of peace, love, and positivity.
- Logic
Collection: Religion
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You have to respect people for what they do. Just because you don't like it, it's like, I don't like heavy metal too much, but I can still respect it.
- Logic
Collection: Respect
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If you don't wake up and have your own thing, whether it's writing or reading or traveling or acting or dancing or singing or being a mother or a father, something that drives you, then it's all worth nothing. One of the key elements in happiness is purpose.
- Logic
Collection: Happiness
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One thing you get from me is peace, love, and positivity.
- Logic
Collection: Peace
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On the second half of 'Under Pressure,' I talk about my family, and there are voicemails on my phone from when I was on the road that actually make up the second half of the nine-minute song. I transcribe them and rap them as if I were my sister, my brother, or my father.
- Logic
Collection: Family
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Women are as precious as they are stronger than any man that I have met.
- Logic
Collection: Women
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I grew up on Section 8 housing, food stamps, welfare, and dealing with social services. I never had a Christmas. I never had a birthday.
- Logic
Collection: Christmas
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As much time and effort, emotion, anger, love, joy that you put into another human being, you're not guaranteed to receive that back. And that's OK. That's alright.
- Logic
Collection: Anger
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Just because you got money doesn't mean you're gonna be happy, and just 'cuz you can buy everything in the world doesn't mean you're gonna find your purpose.
- Logic
Collection: Money
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I don't care if you're Christian, you're Muslim, you're gay, you're straight - I am here to fight for your equality. Because I believe that we are all born equal, but we are not treated equally, and that is why we must fight.
- Logic
Collection: Equality
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I want to be known for what I am, black and white, because I'm proud of both.
- Logic
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I would like to think that I'm a gentleman and a nice guy.
- Logic
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Tell that boy Drake he don't want it with me in 'Fortnite.'
- Logic
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Hate is ugly.
- Logic
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Be not scared to use your voice.
- Logic
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I know who I am, and I know my story, and the things that I talk about are authentic and real, and I always say this: I'd rather be hated for who I am than loved for who I'm not.
- Logic
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I got songs about being broke, being on welfare, being poor, Section 8.
- Logic
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I truly believe that if I'm out partying and not in the studio, there's somebody out there who will be. When I'm asleep, somebody else is working. So, I have a lot of sleepless nights.
- Logic
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My girlfriend has to beat me up to get me to relax because I work all the time.
- Logic
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I have seven brothers and sisters, and I'm the only one who looks white because my mother has had children by all black men, and then my father has children with other women as well.
- Logic
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If you come to a Logic show, you get all creeds, colors, religions, and sexual orientations.
- Logic
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When I was, like, 18, that's when I started to really take my own craft seriously and just noticed people were enjoying it. And when I put out my first mixtape, that's when I realized I could make this a career.
- Logic
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Money will not give you happiness; it's part of the key.
- Logic
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When I grab the microphone, I am the greatest rapper, musician, and artist that ever lived, ever, in the entire universe - but when I put that microphone down, I am a man with so much to learn, personally and professionally.
- Logic
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Everyone's going to like something that's different.
- Logic
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We're human. Enjoy yourself. You work hard every day; you deserve to turn up on the weekends with your friends.
- Logic
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I'm just here to say, 'Just be a good person, and really respect others.'
- Logic
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I'm proud to be black and white and look the way I look. I'm proud to not speak down on women or glorify things that are unimportant.
- Logic
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All I've done since I was young was hone my craft.
- Logic
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My mother was racist.
- Logic
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From tours to mixing, mastering, graphics, artwork - I've done out of pocket.
- Logic
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Stand and fight for those who are not weak but have yet to discover the strength that the evil of this world has done its best to conceal.
- Logic
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I just do what makes me happy.
- Logic
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By the time you get what you always wanted, you want something else.
- Logic
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I don't party. I don't drink. I don't smoke.
- Logic
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Not to sound cliche, but some of the first things that I bought were for my homies and my team: making sure the people that helped me and ensured my security and safety during my come-up, while I was broke, had the opportunity to be okay.
- Logic
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I've been blessed enough to have my eyes open because of music, first and foremost.
- Logic
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I'm proud to be biracial, and there's a lot of people that say things like, 'I don't see color,' and I completely understand that, but I think different is beautiful, but I think our difference shouldn't separate us, and for me in this era, in this time, in everything that we're going through, my whole thing is just about unity, man.
- Logic
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The biggest part of why I am where I am today is not only because people can relate to me and my story but because I hit the road and actually saw them face to face and shook their hands.
- Logic
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I want y'all to know that all of the music I make is for the people that truly appreciate it and care about it.
- Logic
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Producing isn't just making beats on a beat machine. It's bringing together these string players with this flute player and this singer, and telling them to all work in the key of C major... You bring these people together and let them all cook.
- Logic
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My mother was crazy.
- Logic
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People try to tell me like that, 'Oh, you shouldn't be proud,' or, 'You're not this,' or, 'You aren't that,' or whatever the hell. I'm just kinda here to say, like, who is anybody else to tell me who I am or what I've gone through or what I haven't gone through?
- Logic
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Ever since I was a little kid, I would always rap. I just loved it. But when I really got into it seriously was when I saw 'Kill Bill.'
- Logic
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I don't know how I'm really perceived in the world.
- Logic
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Obviously, deep down, I want people to enjoy my music, but the only people I want to enjoy my music are the people who want Logic to win and are fans of me.
- Logic
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I think artists are interested in what people think of them.
- Logic
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I'm not just going to get a deal; I'm going to get the deal. And in my deal I got by signing with No I.D. to Def Jam, I got full creative control, the money was great, the contract was good, and I got to create the album that I wanted.
- Logic
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Fans tend to think that if you fall in love with an artist... and then he gets bigger, and he grows, and he starts to make a different sound, 'He's changing on us.' But with me, I created all types of sounds from the get go, so you can never say I'm changing; you can never say I'm going mainstream or I'm selling out.
- Logic
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Anybody who loves what they do, they're constantly doing it all the time. So I'm constantly working.
- Logic