Top Airports Quotes Collection

Discover a curated collection of Airports quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category.

Image of Charles M. Schulz
I have a feeling that when my ship comes in I'll be at the airport.
- Charles M. Schulz
Collection: Airports
Image of Katharine Whitehorn
As anyone who has ever fallen foul of an airport, a conventional hospital or a bad restaurant knows, misery is made up of little things.
- Katharine Whitehorn
Collection: Airports
Image of Timothy Radcliffe
The trouble is that after nine years as a Jack of all trades and Master of the Dominican Order, I have no expertise on anything except airports and exotic foods.
- Timothy Radcliffe
Collection: Airports
Image of George Stigler
If you never miss a plane, you’re spending too much time at the airport.
- George Stigler
Collection: Airports
Image of Karen Black
I like to watch people. For example, people at the airport... What is interesting about them is that they dont know what they are like. People at airports are the most brilliant actors in the world, because their attention is elsewhere, and they are idiosyncratic. I like to imitate people. I walk behind them and imitate their backs.
- Karen Black
Collection: Airports
Image of Anatol Rapoport
Centralization of society's vital services in giant computer centers, reservoirs, nuclear power plants, air- traffic control centers, 100-story skyscrapers, and government compounds increases its vulnerability. ... choosing his targets, today's saboteur could pollute a city's water supply, dynamite power transmission towers, cripple an airport control center, destroy a corporate or government computer center.
- Anatol Rapoport
Collection: Airports
Image of Jeff Flake
President Trump and his administration are right to be concerned about national security, but it's unacceptable when even legal permanent residents are being detained or turned away at airports and ports of entry.
- Jeff Flake
Collection: Airports
Image of Theresa Villiers
We recognised that just putting more flights and more passengers into the skies over southeast England wasn't worth the environmental costs we-re paying.
- Theresa Villiers
Collection: Airports
Image of Rodney Dangerfield
I've never been lucky. The day my ship came in, I was at the airport.
- Rodney Dangerfield
Collection: Airports
Image of Andy Gray
I was in Moldova airport and I went into the duty-free shop - and there wasn't a duty-free shop.
- Andy Gray
Collection: Airports
Image of Ann Coulter
There were precisely two groups of people who desperately wanted airport security to be browbeaten into giving suspicious passengers a pass: terrorists and Democrats.
- Ann Coulter
Collection: Airports
Image of Ann Coulter
Six imams removed from a US Airways flight from Minneapolis to Phoenix are calling on Muslims to boycott the airline. If only we could get Muslims to boycott all airlines, we could dispense with airport security altogether.
- Ann Coulter
Collection: Airports
Image of Bo Derek
I'm getting to the place where I can sort of go through airports now and there's no hysteria. I can go places alone even. But at the same time, if you get in trouble, you can find somebody in your age group who might recognize you.
- Bo Derek
Collection: Airports
Image of Joey Logano
I enjoy doing autograph sessions because I'm a people-watcher. I'm the guy in the airport who likes to just sit and watch people go by. So I enjoy just meeting people and hearing their stories.
- Joey Logano
Collection: Airports
Image of Yehuda Amichai
A flock of sheep near the airport or a high voltage generator beside the orchard: these combinations open up my life like a wound, but they also heal it. That's why my feelings always come in twos.
- Yehuda Amichai
Collection: Airports
Image of Neil Abercrombie
A good portion of the airport is on ceded lands, and lease money was paid for that. So the state's collecting lease money because all of a sudden "worthless" land now has an airport on it.
- Neil Abercrombie
Collection: Airports
Image of Lena Dunham
I can never be who I was. I can simply watch her with sympathy, understanding, and some measure of awe. There she goes, backpack on, headed for the subway or the airport. She did her best with her eyeliner. She learned a new word she wants to try out on you. She is ambling along. She is looking for it.
- Lena Dunham
Collection: Airports
Image of Lykke Li
I want to get my music out there. I enjoy playing shows; I just don't enjoy airports. I want to be more creative, but it's hard to get into that zone on tour.
- Lykke Li
Collection: Airports
Image of Mohja Kahf
You knew you were an Arab if your ride form the airport was two dozen people.
- Mohja Kahf
Collection: Airports
Image of Naomi Benaron
I fell in love with Rwanda the moment I saw those verdant, rolling hills rise up beneath the wings of the plane as we descended toward Kigali airport.
- Naomi Benaron
Collection: Airports
Image of Philip Emeagwali
During the week that I arrived in the United States, I saw an airport, used a telephone, used a library, talked with a scientist, and was shown a computer for the first time in my life.
- Philip Emeagwali
Collection: Airports
Image of George Pendle
I have been collecting pictures of airport carpets since the early 2000s because I am fascinated by their role as the world's largest interior visual design medium.
- George Pendle
Collection: Airports
Image of George Pendle
An airport carpet can tell you everything about its surroundings!
- George Pendle
Collection: Airports
Image of George Pendle
Airport carpets are so much richer to both the senses and the intellect.
- George Pendle
Collection: Airports
Image of Edgerrin James
I just want to live like a full-time tourist, to show up at the airport, pick a destination, walk up to the counter and say, 'Do you have any first-class seats?'
- Edgerrin James
Collection: Airports
Image of Giovanni Bisignani
Airport take their own commercial decisions on their ownership structure. But this must not be at the expense of exploiting airlines through higher charges
- Giovanni Bisignani
Collection: Airports
Image of Giovanni Bisignani
As we battle the high price of fuel, cost efficiency will continue to be a top priority not only for airlines but for every partner in the value chain including airports and air navigation service providers.
- Giovanni Bisignani
Collection: Airports
Image of William Regal
I'm a little disappointed I didn't get fiddled with by a TSA agent at the airport. I feel unwanted. Maybe next time.
- William Regal
Collection: Airports
Image of Ray LaHood
A shortage of airports runways and gates along outmoded air traffic control systems have made U.S. air travel the most congested in the world.
- Ray LaHood
Collection: Airports
Image of Laura Brown
But we agree with the NTSB that if we eliminated the thrust- reverser calculation, it would be an extra margin of safety. Airport capacity and airline efficiency are important, but safety is the most important thing.
- Laura Brown
Collection: Airports
Image of Godfrey
I'm still trying to understand the wearing off high heels at the airport.
- Godfrey
Collection: Airports
Image of Richard Patrick
I buy digital music off of iTunes all the time. I Shazam something in an airport or in a club or something; I Shazam it, I buy it. I am fully digital.
- Richard Patrick
Collection: Airports
Image of Jim Jeffords
A fuel prices remain unstable and our nation's highways and airports suffer ever-increasing congestion and delays, Amtrak offers an invaluable alternative upon which Americans have come to rely
- Jim Jeffords
Collection: Airports
Image of Dallas Campbell
We've only had aircrafts for a hundred years, and yet look at us. So, I've become absolutely fascinated by this strange, bizarre world of airports, air travel and transportation. It's interesting.
- Dallas Campbell
Collection: Airports
Image of Mark Leibovich
The people who are doing really well and who are getting stopped in airports are the people who are going to say the more outrageous things and get on TV and state their opinion on a regular basis.
- Mark Leibovich
Collection: Airports
Image of Michelle Visage
I am really high maintenance and won't walk through the microwave that fries your body. I always request a pat down [in airport].
- Michelle Visage
Collection: Airports
Image of Madi Diaz
"There is love." Someone wrote that for me on a piece of paper in an airport when I probably looked like I really needed to hear it. I did. We all need the reminder sometimes.
- Madi Diaz
Collection: Airports
Image of Peter Menzel
Digital makes it so much easier. No bricks of film, no worrying about airport X-rays, etc.
- Peter Menzel
Collection: Airports
Image of Debbie Almontaser
The next time you see a Muslim or Sikh at the airport, don't judge us - sympathize with us. Understand our humiliation every time we're pulled to the side for additional screenings simply because of who we are.
- Debbie Almontaser
Collection: Airports
Image of Steven Soderbergh
It takes one asshole to ruin the whole thing. That's it. One. The problem with the world is one asshole comes up with a really bad idea and now we're all taking our shoes off at the airport.
- Steven Soderbergh
Collection: Airports
Image of Jesse Ventura
I have metal in my body, so every time I go to an airport ,the metal detector goes off.
- Jesse Ventura
Collection: Airports
Image of Frank Zappa
Outdoors for me is walking from the car to the ticket desk at the airport
- Frank Zappa
Collection: Airports
Image of Chris Brown
Out of all the airports that are out there only about 5 percent have commercial service.
- Chris Brown
Collection: Airports
Image of Gayle Forman
She left for Juilliard the day after Labor Day. I drove her to the airport. She kissed me good-bye. She told me that she loved me more than life itself. Then she stepped through security. She never came back.
- Gayle Forman
Collection: Airports
Image of Anais Nin
Stations and airports are rehearsals for separations by death.
- Anais Nin
Collection: Airports
Image of Jose Mourinho
Everyone has a right to an opinion. I can arrive in England and express my opinion. If criticism were ferocious and without intellectual objectivity they should show me the way to their airport. It is important to have an opinion and not be afraid to express it, knowing there will be criticism.
- Jose Mourinho
Collection: Airports
Image of Donald Trump
In my opinion, we've spent $4 trillion trying to topple various people [on the Middle East] that frankly, if they were there and if we could've spent that $4 trillion in the United States to fix our roads, our bridges, and all of the other problems; our airports and all of the other problems we've had, we would've been a lot better off.
- Donald Trump
Collection: Airports
Image of Jeaniene Frost
We boarded the plane after boxing our stakes and knives and taking them to a FedEx carrier, airport security being so strict nowadays. In the section marked 'contents', Bones filled out 'Tofu'. God, but he had a sick sense of humor sometimes.
- Jeaniene Frost
Collection: Airports
Image of Caitlin Moran
I feel in my bones that Lady Gaga is a true strident feminist and good for my soul - but how do I square this with the fact that she's constantly walking around in her bra and pants, even at, like, airports and stuff, where even nudists wear a fleece and linen drawstring trousers?
- Caitlin Moran
Collection: Airports