Top Air Quotes Collection - Page 3

Discover a curated collection of Air quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category. Page 3 provides more Air quotes.

Image of Jaune Quick–to–See Smith
The Sacred isn't housed in a building or worn around your neck or something in the sky. The Sacred is the here and now we reside in, all breathing the same air, all imbibing the same water and made of the same earth with 'the life force' flowing through all living things.
- Jaune Quick–to–See Smith
Collection: Air
Image of Raymond Chandler
She lowered her lashes until they almost cuddled her cheeks and slowly raised them again, like a theatre curtain. I was to get to know that trick. That was supposed to make me roll over on my back with all four paws in the air.
- Raymond Chandler
Collection: Air
Image of Oren Lyons
The law says if you poison the water, you’ll die. The law says that if you poison the air, you’ll suffer. The law says if you degrade where you live, you’ll suffer... If you don’t learn that, you can only suffer. There’s no discussion with this law.
- Oren Lyons
Collection: Air
Image of Sappho
Mere air, these words, but delicious to hear.
- Sappho
Collection: Air
Image of Stafford Cripps
But it is a fallacy, if one is examining the methods by which security can be attained, to start upon the assumption, as so many hon. Members do, that we get security by an increase of air armaments or an increase of any other form of armaments.
- Stafford Cripps
Collection: Air
Image of Eric Burdon
In a nut shell, air travel is the worst part about touring.
- Eric Burdon
Collection: Air
Image of Armand Assante
Literature is air, and Im suffocating in mediocrity.
- Armand Assante
Collection: Air
Image of Jackie Gayle
Los Angeles is a great place. Where else can you smell the air and see it coming at you at the same time.
- Jackie Gayle
Collection: Air
Image of John Cassian
It is a bigger miracle to be patient and refrain from anger than it is to control the demons which fly through the air.
- John Cassian
Collection: Air
Image of Robert Montgomery
The flood will lift the ghosts from the Hollywood lawn cemetery and they will disappear like ether in the now dead air. All the names will be erased from the billboards and the theatres and the piers and the magazines and the monuments. You live by myths of immortality, and your myths are not safe.
- Robert Montgomery
Collection: Air
Image of Gaylord Nelson
Our goal is not just an environment of clean air and water and scenic beauty. The objective is an environment of decency, quality and mutual respect for all other human beings and all other living creatures.
- Gaylord Nelson
Collection: Air
Image of Gaylord Nelson
All economic activity is dependent upon that environment and its underlying resource base of forests, water, air, soil, and minerals. When the environment is finally forced to file for bankruptcy because its resource base has been polluted, degraded, dissipated, and irretrievably compromised, the economy goes into bankruptcy with it.
- Gaylord Nelson
Collection: Air
Image of Evangelista Torricelli
winds are produced by differences of air temperature, and hence density, between two regions of earth.
- Evangelista Torricelli
Collection: Air
Image of Adam Clarke
Now it would be as absurd to deny the existence of God, because we cannot see him, as it would be to deny the existence of the air or wind, because we cannot see it.
- Adam Clarke
Collection: Air
Image of Billy the Kid
I like to dance, but not in the air.
- Billy the Kid
Collection: Air
Image of Byllye Avery
The gift of water, air, soap, and time allows us to heal and relieve our psyche and soul.
- Byllye Avery
Collection: Air
Image of Susan Cain
Solitude matters. And for some people it's the air they breathe.
- Susan Cain
Collection: Air
Image of Wyndham Lewis
The earth has become one big village, with telephones laid on from one end to the other, and air transport, both speedy and safe.
- Wyndham Lewis
Collection: Air
Image of Octave Chanute
All agreed that the sensation of coasting on the air was delightful.
- Octave Chanute
Collection: Air
Image of Paul Celan
in the air, there your root remains, there, in the air
- Paul Celan
Collection: Air
Image of Sandra Dodd
Given a rich environment, learning becomes like the air—it’s in and around us.
- Sandra Dodd
Collection: Air
Image of Lorne Michaels
When I'm scrambling between dress and air, there are people I like more than other people.
- Lorne Michaels
Collection: Air
Image of Michael K. Williams
It's weird, sometimes I still see myself as just starting out. I tend to forget how much I've been doing, but in the beginning it is about the hustle, being out there and doing the work. Nothing is going to come to you, you have to get out there and do the work, and I've been doing that. But sometimes it's good to take a break and let these things air out. Reflect and take it in.
- Michael K. Williams
Collection: Air
Image of Robert Boyle
Sound consists of an undulating motion of the air.
- Robert Boyle
Collection: Air
Image of Lyonel Feininger
Where I used to strive for movement and restlessness I now attempt to sense and express the complete total calm of objects and the surrounding air.
- Lyonel Feininger
Collection: Air
Image of Hans Blix
The nerve agent VX is one of the most toxic ever developed. 13,000 chemical bombs were dropped by the Iraqi Air Force between 1983 and 1988, while Iraq has declared that 19,500 bombs were consumed during this period. Thus, there is a discrepancy of 6,500 bombs. The amount of chemical agent in these bombs would be in the order of about 1,000 tonnes.
- Hans Blix
Collection: Air
Image of Rufus Choate
You don't want a diction gathered from the newspapers, caught from the air, common and unsuggestive; but you want one whose every word is full-freighted with suggestion and association, with beauty and power.
- Rufus Choate
Collection: Air
Image of Edmund Gosse
In mature years I have always been gregarious, a lover of my kind, dependent upon the company of friends for the very pulse of moral life. To be marooned, to be shut up in a solitary cell, to inhabit a lighthouse, or to camp alone in a forest, these have always seemed to me afflictions too heavy to be borne, even in imagination. A state in which conversation exists not, is for me an air too empty of oxygen for my lungs to breathe it.
- Edmund Gosse
Collection: Air
Image of Nancy Gibbs
Lyndon Johnson realized he really was President, that his identity had changed by President Kennedy's shocking death, when aides who had been like family to him minutes before, stood in his presence on Air Force One.
- Nancy Gibbs
Collection: Air
Image of Duke Snider
We wept, Brooklyn was a lovely place to hit. If you got a ball in the air, you had a chance to get it out. When they tore down Ebbets Field, they tore down a little piece of me.
- Duke Snider
Collection: Air
Image of Robert Pinsky
The medium of poetry is not words, the medium of poetry is not lines-it is the motion of air inside the human body, coming out through the chest and the voice box and through the mouth to shape sounds that have meaning. It's bodily.
- Robert Pinsky
Collection: Air
Image of Pappy Boyington
The air battle is not necessarily won at the time of the battle. The winner may have been determined by the amount of time, energy, thought and training an individual has previously accomplished in an effort to increase his ability as a fighter pilot.
- Pappy Boyington
Collection: Air
Image of Sterling W Sill
When you want knowledge and understanding as badly as you wanted air, you won't have to ask anyone to give it to you.
- Sterling W Sill
Collection: Air
Image of Christopher Lee
Johnny Depp, as far as I'm concerned, is number one. Of his generation, there's no one who can touch him. Some performers, today, it's like looking at holes in the air.
- Christopher Lee
Collection: Air
Image of John Clare
Burning hot is the ground, liquid gold is the air; Whoever looks round sees Eternity there.
- John Clare
Collection: Air
Image of Lincoln Kirstein
The domain of the ballet dancer is not earth but air.
- Lincoln Kirstein
Collection: Air
Image of Sarah Kay
Life will hit you hard in the face, wait for you to get back up just so it can kick you in the stomach. But getting the wind knocked out of you is the only way to remind your lungs how much they like the taste of air.
- Sarah Kay
Collection: Air
Image of Ozzie Smith
As I was in the air, the ball took a bad hop and caromed behind me, but I was able to catch it with my bare hand. I hit the ground, bounced back up, and threw Burroughs out at first.
- Ozzie Smith
Collection: Air
Image of Newton D. Baker
That idea is so damned nonsensical and impossible that I'm willing to stand on the bridge of a battleship while that nitwit tries to hit if from the air.
- Newton D. Baker
Collection: Air
Image of George W. Bush
It has come to my attention, that air pollution is polluting the air!
- George W. Bush
Collection: Air
Image of Daisy Ashford
I am very fond of fresh air and royalties.
- Daisy Ashford
Collection: Air
Image of Samuel Lyman Atwood Marshall
Fundamentally only two great novelties have come out of recent warfare. They are: (1) mechanical vehicles, which relieve the Soldier of equipment hitherto carried by him; (2) air supply, which relieves the vehicle of the road.
- Samuel Lyman Atwood Marshall
Collection: Air
Image of Howard Baker
The beginning of the decline of the Republic was the day they air-conditioned the Capitol.
- Howard Baker
Collection: Air
Image of William McDonough
Our goal is a delightfully diverse, safe, healthy, and just world, with clean air, water, soil and power – economically, equitably, ecologically and elegantly enjoyed.
- William McDonough
Collection: Air
Image of Maxine Kumin
Meanwhile let us cast one shadow in air and water.
- Maxine Kumin
Collection: Air
Image of Medea Benjamin
It's not as "cheap" as it's put out to be. One predator drone in one day of activity supposedly needs 168 people... to carry out the day's operations... They crash a lot. So when you calculate their costs, consider that the Air Force has said about a third of their drones have crashed.
- Medea Benjamin
Collection: Air
Image of Luis Suarez
Gabriel Batistuta. He was a spectacular No 9 - great at finding space, shooting from outside the box, good in the air. He was always a reference for me and I used to watch the way he played.
- Luis Suarez
Collection: Air
Image of Violet Fane
Let me arise and open the gate, / to breathe the wild warm air of the heath.
- Violet Fane
Collection: Air
Image of Henri Mignet
To fly! to live as airmen live! Like them to ride the skyways from horizon to horizon, across rivers and forests! To free oneself from the petty disputes of everyday life, to be active, to feel the blood renewed in one's vein - ah! that is life. . . . Life in finer and simpler. My will is freer. I appreciate everything more, sunlight and shade, work and my friends. The sky is vast. I breathe deep gulps of the fine clear air of the heights. I feel myself to have achieved a higher state of physical strength and a clearer brain. I am living in the third dimension!
- Henri Mignet
Collection: Air