Top Air Quotes Collection - Page 2

Discover a curated collection of Air quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category. Page 2 provides more Air quotes.

Image of Osamu Tezuka
Now we are living in the age of comics as air
- Osamu Tezuka
Collection: Air
Image of Adam Gidwitz
The oven became hotter and hotter, and Hansel began to sweat. Then a delicious smell wafted to his nostrils. Oh no! he thought. I'm cooking! He sniffed at the air. And I smell delicious!
- Adam Gidwitz
Collection: Air
Image of Judy Blume
Concentrate on how good if feels to be alive. No matter what. Just to see the color of the sky, just to smell the air, and feel the wind in your face
- Judy Blume
Collection: Air
Image of Ricky Nelson
Yoko brought the walrus, there was magic in the air.
- Ricky Nelson
Collection: Air
Image of Lucan
The abode of God, too, is wherever is earth and sea and air, and sky and virtue. Why further do we seek the Gods of heaven? Whatever thou dost behold and whatever thou dost touch, that is Jupiter.
- Lucan
Collection: Air
Image of Daniel H. Wilson
How much change can a person absorb before everything loses meaning Living for its own sake isn't life. People need meaning as much as they need air.
- Daniel H. Wilson
Collection: Air
Image of Daniel H. Wilson
People need meaning as much as they need air. Lucky for us, we can give meaning to each other for free. Just by being alive.
- Daniel H. Wilson
Collection: Air
Image of Maya Rudolph
Because you want to keep an air of calm and cool.
- Maya Rudolph
Collection: Air
Image of Jennifer Crusie
You got shot at and you still got me an air conditioner.
- Jennifer Crusie
Collection: Air
Image of Kaui Hart Hemmings
I'll never be ready. Yet at the same time, you always want to reach the end. You can't fly to a destination and linger in the air. I want to reach the end of this thing, and I feel terrible about it.
- Kaui Hart Hemmings
Collection: Air
Image of Arlene J. Chai
The word itself creates an empty sensation. Try saying it now. "Why?" Notice how your tongue touches nothing when you form the word with your mouth. Feel the gap, the space inside your mouth, that it creates. The air. It is a place that needs filling. It is missing an answer.
- Arlene J. Chai
Collection: Air
Image of Tim Wise
The power of resistance is to set an example: not necessarily to change the person with whom you disagree, but to empower the one who is watching and whose growth is not yet completed, whose path is not at all clear, whose direction is still very much up in the proverbial air.
- Tim Wise
Collection: Air
Image of Ferruccio Busoni
Music is sonorous air.
- Ferruccio Busoni
Collection: Air
Image of Obert Skye
I shouldn't have said it, but the word slipped out of my mouth as easy as air. it wasn't exactly the kind of work any well-behaved student would use, which sort of explained why I had just used it. And it certainly isn't the most elegant way to start off a story, but it honestly represents what I was feeling. Besides, I could have said something a lot stronger. But not everybody wants to read a story with those kinds of words and thoughts being expressed in the very first sentence. "Stop swearing," Jason screamed.
- Obert Skye
Collection: Air
Image of Linus Torvalds
A computer is like air conditioning - it becomes useless when you open Windows
- Linus Torvalds
Collection: Air
Image of William Wharton
Movement is most of what a bird is. When they're dead, they're only feathers and air.
- William Wharton
Collection: Air
Image of William Wharton
The first time I flew, it was being alive. Nothing was pressing under me. I was living in the fullness of air; air all around me, no holding place to break the air spaces. It's worth everything to be alone in the air, alive.
- William Wharton
Collection: Air
Image of Rhys Bowen
We should all have personal hot air balloons and drift serenely through the clouds.
- Rhys Bowen
Collection: Air
Image of N. Scott Momaday
I am interested in the way that we look at a given landscape and take possession of it in our blood and brain. None of us lives apart from the land entirely; such an isolation is unimaginable. If we are to realize and maintain our humanity, we must come to a moral comprehension of earth and air as it is perceived in the long turn of seasons and of years.
- N. Scott Momaday
Collection: Air
Image of Bernard Law Montgomery
Air power is indivisible. If you split it up into compartments, you merely pull it to pieces and destroy its greatest asset - its flexibility.
- Bernard Law Montgomery
Collection: Air
Image of Boyle Roche
Mr Speaker, I smell a rat; I see him forming in the air and darkening the sky; but I will nip him in the bud.
- Boyle Roche
Collection: Air
Image of Leif Enger
I remember it as October days are always remembered, cloudless, maple-flavored, the air gold and so clean it quivers.
- Leif Enger
Collection: Air
Image of Eric Weiner
Music was literally in the air at the time, the Vienna of 1780. Everybody played music, classical music. There were in fact so many musicians that in apartment buildings people had to come up with a schedule - you practice at 5 p.m., I'll practice at 6 p.m. That way the music didn't collide with one another.
- Eric Weiner
Collection: Air
Image of Mother Angelica
Faith is one foot on the ground, one foot in the air, and a queasy feeling in the stomach.
- Mother Angelica
Collection: Air
Image of John Ajvide Lindqvist
It was as if she lived only on clear, salty air, and when the day came for her to pass away, she would probably do exactly that. Just take a step to one side. Dissolve into a north-westerly wind as it whirled around the lighthouse at North Point, then out across the sea.
- John Ajvide Lindqvist
Collection: Air
Image of Keith Richards
Music is a necessity. After food, air, water and warmth, music is the next necessity of life.
- Keith Richards
Collection: Air
Image of Doris Grumbach
Talk uses up ideas. Once I have spoken them aloud, they are lost to me, dissipated into the noisy air like smoke. Only if I bury them, like bulbs, in the rich soil of silence do they grow.
- Doris Grumbach
Collection: Air
Image of Otto Lilienthal
No one can realize how substantial the air is, until he feels its supporting power beneath him. It inspires confidence at once.
- Otto Lilienthal
Collection: Air
Image of Otto Lilienthal
One can get a proper insight into the practice of flying only by actual flying experiments. . . . The manner in which we have to meet the irregularities of the wind, when soaring in the air, can only be learnt by being in the air itself. . . . The only way which leads us to a quick development in human flight is a systematic and energetic practice in actual flying experiments.
- Otto Lilienthal
Collection: Air
Image of Otto Lilienthal
All flight is based upon producing air pressure, all flight energy consists in overcoming air pressure.
- Otto Lilienthal
Collection: Air
Image of Donald Worster
Environmental historians . . . insist that we have got to go . . . down to the earth itself as an agent and presence in history. Here we will discover even more fundamental forces at work over time. And to appreciate those forces we must now and then get out of parliamentary chambers, out of birthing rooms and factories, get out of doors altogether, and ramble into fields, woods, and the open air. It is time we bought a good set of walking shoes, and we cannot avoid getting some mud on them.
- Donald Worster
Collection: Air
Image of Mechthild of Magdeburg
Fish cannot drown in water. Birds cannot sink in air. This has God given to all creatures, to foster and seek their own nature. How then can I withstand mine?
- Mechthild of Magdeburg
Collection: Air
Image of Randall Robinson
People need their history like they need air and food.
- Randall Robinson
Collection: Air
Image of Sharon Gannon
There are atoms of air in your lungs that were once in the lungs of everyone who has ever lived. In essence, we are breathing (inspiring) one another.
- Sharon Gannon
Collection: Air
Image of Sharon Gannon
Our breath is connected to the air that every being breathes. By breathing consciously, we acknowledge our communion with all of life.
- Sharon Gannon
Collection: Air
Image of Viola Spolin
When student-actors see people and the way they behave when together, see the color of the sky, hear the sounds in the air, feel the ground beneath them and the wind on their faces, they get a wider view of their personal world and development in the theater is quickened. The world provides the material for the theater and artistic growth develops hand-in-hand with one's recognition of it and one's self within it.
- Viola Spolin
Collection: Air
Image of Dee Brown
To the Indians it seemed that these Europeans hated everything in nature - the living forests and their birds and beasts, the grassy grades, the water, the soil, the air itself.
- Dee Brown
Collection: Air
Image of Hugh Shelton
I feel very confident that Americans flying in the air are safe, and that only under the most dire of circumstances would our pilots even request permission to do that.
- Hugh Shelton
Collection: Air
Image of Dinaw Mengestu
The world around us is alive, he would have said, with our emotions and thoughts, and the space between any two people are charged with them all. He had learned early in his life that before any violent gesture there is a moment when the act is born, not as something that can be seen or felt, but by the change it precipitates in the air.
- Dinaw Mengestu
Collection: Air
Image of Dan Fouts
Nothing good happens when you jump in the air.
- Dan Fouts
Collection: Air
Image of Andre Lhote
To use color well is as difficult as for a fish to pass from water to air or earth.
- Andre Lhote
Collection: Air
Image of Vincent Canby
Confession: When I went to see The Empire Strikes Back I found myself glancing at my watch. The Force is with us, indeed, and a lot of it is hot air. It's a measure of my mixed feelings about The Empire Strikes Back that I'm not at all sure that I understand the plot. The Empire Strikes Back is about as personal as a Christmas card from a bank.
- Vincent Canby
Collection: Air
Image of Mary Hunter Austin
The palpable sense of mystery in the desert air breeds fables, chiefly of lost treasure. ... It is a question whether it is not better to be bitten by the little horned snake of the desert that goes sidewise and strikes without coiling, than by the tradition of a lost mine.
- Mary Hunter Austin
Collection: Air
Image of Susan Rothenberg
The problem with Matisse is that I can't ever figure out when he's done a good painting or a bad painting because I don't know how to analyse him. I just know that I like the way he put it on and I like his airs and forms.
- Susan Rothenberg
Collection: Air
Image of Manu Ginobili
Once I step on the court in San Antonio, I feel the support in the air.
- Manu Ginobili
Collection: Air
Image of Simon Doonan
Knowing who you really are and dressing the part -- with an air of amused recklessness -- is life affirming for you and life enhancing for other people.
- Simon Doonan
Collection: Air
Image of Fanny Burney
Tis best to build no castles in the air.
- Fanny Burney
Collection: Air
Image of Edward Elgar
The music is in the air. Take as much as you want.
- Edward Elgar
Collection: Air
Image of Seth Shostak
Odors can be highly transitory, depending on the air currents. If this is happening in your house, ask if there are any possessions of that deceased loved one still around. If it happens elsewhere, consider just how many millions of people use the same perfume or smoke the same brand of cigar as someone you knew.
- Seth Shostak
Collection: Air