Top acting Quotes Collection - Page 7

Discover a curated collection of acting quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category. Page 7 provides more acting quotes.

Image of Jeff Bridges
I understand professionals have to work when they don't feel like it, and I certainly don't feel like it. So maybe this will put the nail in the coffin for my acting career.
- Jeff Bridges
Collection: Acting
Image of Neil Strauss
One of the reasons I became a writer is that, unlike starting a band, directing movies, or acting in a theatrical production, you can do it alone. Your success and failure depend entirely on yourself.
- Neil Strauss
Collection: Acting
Image of Will Smith
Coming from sitcom television and coming from music you burn up every single second. You don't leave anything there. You burn it up and you pass out when you walk off stage, so I took that concept into acting.
- Will Smith
Collection: Acting
Image of Kristen Stewart
Acting was my classroom in many ways and I always believed and I still do that acting is not just about pretending to be someone else, it's also about discovering yourself and reaching deeper inside yourself.
- Kristen Stewart
Collection: Acting
Image of Joe Strummer
I learnt that fame is an illusion and everything about it is just a joke. I'm far more dangerous now, because I don't care at all.
- Joe Strummer
Collection: Acting
Image of Theodore Roosevelt
By acting as if I was not afraid, I gradually ceased to be afraid.
- Theodore Roosevelt
Collection: Acting
Image of Ashleigh Brilliant
Beware! I'm acting under the influence of human nature.
- Ashleigh Brilliant
Collection: Acting
Image of Monica Bellucci
In acting process, it's very difficult to explain. It's something very intimate, very private
- Monica Bellucci
Collection: Acting
Image of Mary-Louise Parker
I really prefer acting in the theater the most. In some ways TV is closer to that because there's more of a regularity to the schedule. You have to finish an episode by a certain day. Movies can just go on interminably.
- Mary-Louise Parker
Collection: Acting
Image of Maggie Stiefvater
I would say that by virtue of your not acting parental up to this point, you've relinquished your ability to wield any power now. Sam and I are together. It's not an option.
- Maggie Stiefvater
Collection: Acting
Image of Jeff Buckley
One thing that I'm kind of disturbed at is actually being on the television, acting, being in something that's mainstream.
- Jeff Buckley
Collection: Acting
Image of Albert Camus
A régime [Nazism] which invented a biological foreign policy was obviously acting against its own best interests. But at least it obeyed its own particular logic.
- Albert Camus
Collection: Acting
Image of Jessica Chastain
There is this immediate connection, this intimacy when you're acting because there's no room to be polite or shy. Also, as an actor I get to connect with women I've never met before.
- Jessica Chastain
Collection: Acting
Image of Robert Ringer
Start buying gold now, regardless of the price. By acting now, you will not have to react when it's too late. Too late will be when the majority of the public finally figures out what is happening to paper money and frantically tries to get aboard. Remember, if you're one of the ones holding paper in the end, you will have given away your products and services for nothing.
- Robert Ringer
Collection: Acting
Image of Tommy Chong
I converted a family-owned strip club into an improvisational acting theater.
- Tommy Chong
Collection: Acting
Image of Brian Tracy
You develop courage by acting courageously whenever you feel like acting otherwise.
- Brian Tracy
Collection: Acting
Image of Luke Evans
I started doing [acting] for a living, no one really warned me about the amount of traveling I would do. I always thought everything was shot in Los Angeles.
- Luke Evans
Collection: Acting
Image of Rose McGowan
I was never nervous directing. Not once. I'm more nervous acting. I'm far more nervous on set, before I say my lines, than I ever have been, as a director.
- Rose McGowan
Collection: Acting
Image of Emmy Rossum
I like René Descartes' theory about a ball of wax. You can change its form from solid to liquid, but it's still the same ball of wax. With acting, you are the same person in a different form. You can only be what you know, and you only truly know yourself.
- Emmy Rossum
Collection: Acting
Image of Eric Cantona
There were moments - I would be daydreaming - I would imagine scenes, even if there wasn't a camera around. In my head, I was acting.
- Eric Cantona
Collection: Acting
Image of Anjelica Huston
The terrible thing about acting is the stops and starts.
- Anjelica Huston
Collection: Acting
Image of Anjelica Huston
I'd always wanted to act, but it was a question of whether acting wanted me and whether the movies wanted me.
- Anjelica Huston
Collection: Acting
Image of Robin Sharma
If you don't act on life, life has a habit of acting on you. You can't have all that you want if you remain the person you are. To get more from life, you need to be more in life.
- Robin Sharma
Collection: Acting
Image of Dennis Hopper
I was someone who was out of control and not to be worked with. It was partly because method acting was a new thing in Hollywood then and Marlon Brando had gotten through and Montgomery Clift had gotten through and James Dean but beyond that there wasn't really anybody.
- Dennis Hopper
Collection: Acting
Image of James Carville
Why are you sitting here when our democracy is under assault with the FBI acting at the behest of [Republican Congressman] Jason Chaffetz and sitting here acting like it is something legit?
- James Carville
Collection: Acting
Image of Thomas Carlyle
There can be no acting or doing of any kind till it be recognized that there is a thing to be done; the thing once recognized, doing in a thousand shapes becomes possible.
- Thomas Carlyle
Collection: Acting
Image of Michael Caine
Theater acting is an operation with a scalpel, movie acting is an operation with a laser
- Michael Caine
Collection: Acting
Image of John Cage
When you make music you are acting as a philosopher. You can either do that consciously or you can do it unconsciously, but you're doing it.
- John Cage
Collection: Acting
Image of James Stewart
It’s well done if you can do a part and not have the acting show.
- James Stewart
Collection: Acting
Image of Bruce Campbell
You can't show up on set and expect it all to come together. You have to have a plan, much like how the director can't just show up and go, well, where should I put the camera? That is gonna determine how it is lit, you should have already been in the room looking at it earlier, pre-lit the room, you know there is a lot of prep that goes into it, so it is the same thing with acting. You can't just show up.
- Bruce Campbell
Collection: Acting
Image of Jim Carrey
Acting is divine dissatisfaction. It's the greatest thing in the world to do, but you are never satisfied with it ever.
- Jim Carrey
Collection: Acting
Image of Joan Chen
If the costumes are wrong, you feel awful in them and it lessens your acting.
- Joan Chen
Collection: Acting
Image of Brian Tracy
A person will not buy from you until he is convinced that you are a friend and are acting in his best interest. You must make this clear.
- Brian Tracy
Collection: Acting
Image of Miranda Lambert
I don't really do acting. I've done a little bit - enough to know I'll stick to what I know. Music is my thing.
- Miranda Lambert
Collection: Acting
Image of Amanda Bynes
I really enjoy acting, and whether it's TV or films, I feel lucky to be doing it at all. In the end, I'd love to do films, but I'm not going to work just to do work. I only want to do something that I feel right about.
- Amanda Bynes
Collection: Acting
Image of Louisa May Alcott
John Brooke is acting dreadfully, and Meg likes it!
- Louisa May Alcott
Collection: Acting
Image of Michael Caine
You've got to be flexible. Directors do a massive amount of planning and homework, and if after all that your director decides to throw it all out of the window and shoot spontaneously, then you must follow his lead.
- Michael Caine
Collection: Acting
Image of Angela Lansbury
Psychologically, you learn the values that are inherent in the dialogue, and you learn to apply it to the way you read the lines. That's acting. You're not yourself saying those lines, you're somebody else.
- Angela Lansbury
Collection: Acting
Image of Dan Mangan
You feel the weight of the world and you take things in and you are acting out from a place of being pushed and visceral. It's heavy. You can't be there all of the time.
- Dan Mangan
Collection: Acting
Image of James Dean
How can you measure acting in inches?
- James Dean
Collection: Acting
Image of Ram Dass
The question we need to ask ourselves is whether there is any place we can stand in ourselves where we can look at all that's happening around us without freaking out, where we can be quiet enough to hear our predicament, and where we can begin to find ways of acting that are at least not contributing to further destabilization.
- Ram Dass
Collection: Acting
Image of Matt Dillon
Acting is very competitive. There are few good scripts out there and the ones that are good are very competitive. You look at your options and often times they're not too appealing.
- Matt Dillon
Collection: Acting
Image of Jay Mohr
There seems to be a weird ceiling to being a stand-up as far as acting.
- Jay Mohr
Collection: Acting
Image of Jeremy Irvine
If you go into acting to make money then you're an idiot. It's my hobby and the fact that I'm doing my hobby for a job is mental.
- Jeremy Irvine
Collection: Acting
Image of Kat Dennings
Acting is one of the most risky businesses you could ever be in. You literally do not know where your next paycheck will come from.
- Kat Dennings
Collection: Acting
Image of John Dewey
Just because life signifies not bare passive existence (supposing there is such a thing), but a way of acting, environment or medium signifies what enters into this activity as a sustaining or frustrating condition.
- John Dewey
Collection: Acting
Image of Leonardo DiCaprio
Acting is the only time when I truly maintain the spontaneity that I want to be present at all times.
- Leonardo DiCaprio
Collection: Acting
Image of Johnny Depp
There are these mythic unicorn-y tales of method acting, but Marlon [Brando] wanted to have a good time.
- Johnny Depp
Collection: Acting
Image of Henri Frederic Amiel
We become actors without realizing it, and actors without wanting to.
- Henri Frederic Amiel
Collection: Acting