Kat Dennings

Image of Kat Dennings
I can't imagine wanting to be famous just for the sake of being famous. I think fame should come along with success, talent.
- Kat Dennings
Collection: Success
Image of Kat Dennings
If you don't like me, it's your problem.
- Kat Dennings
Image of Kat Dennings
I've played every instrument you could possibly think of for 10 minutes. So I'm mediocre at everything. I can play drums, guitar, piano, violin, saxophone, clarinet, flute... Just not well.
- Kat Dennings
Image of Kat Dennings
I'm still wearing Target and hand-me-downs.
- Kat Dennings
Image of Kat Dennings
I tried being anorexic for four hours, and then I was like, I need some bagels.
- Kat Dennings
Image of Kat Dennings
I wrote a script with my brother which ended up, somehow, on the Black List in 2008.
- Kat Dennings
Image of Kat Dennings
I'm really nearsighted, which has served me well.
- Kat Dennings
Image of Kat Dennings
I've never dyed my hair, never fixed my teeth or gotten a tan.
- Kat Dennings
Image of Kat Dennings
I'm really comfortable with myself.
- Kat Dennings
Image of Kat Dennings
I can watch a movie and go, 'Oh, my god, that person is acting.' If you just listen to what the other person is saying, your response will always be genuine.
- Kat Dennings
Image of Kat Dennings
I'm a reclusive weirdo.
- Kat Dennings
Image of Kat Dennings
The more unsettling the more I feel at home.
- Kat Dennings
Image of Kat Dennings
I was a very unique child.
- Kat Dennings
Image of Kat Dennings
I have nothing to hide!
- Kat Dennings
Image of Kat Dennings
I am very outspoken, obviously, and I should say that I can't judge anyone for doing anything.
- Kat Dennings
Image of Kat Dennings
I don't really think about doing something kind, I think there's just a way to conduct your daily life with compassion to other people.
- Kat Dennings
Image of Kat Dennings
I always hold doors open, I always try to be nice.
- Kat Dennings
Image of Kat Dennings
I was a Girl Scout!
- Kat Dennings
Image of Kat Dennings
I want to see as many movies as I can and I covet a lot of weird influential movies.
- Kat Dennings
Image of Kat Dennings
Quirky is what a guy would call a girl he doesn't understand.
- Kat Dennings
Image of Kat Dennings
I think you can tell when someone is being dishonest as an actor.
- Kat Dennings
Image of Kat Dennings
My mom took me to a Dolly Parton concert when I was 3.
- Kat Dennings
Image of Kat Dennings
There's stuff I don't like to rehearse, really emotional things, I don't like to rehearse. You just beat it to death.
- Kat Dennings
Image of Kat Dennings
I have friends who are so sarcastic but I never view it as mean.
- Kat Dennings
Image of Kat Dennings
I'm a very safe saver. I save everything. I save all my money and my parents raised me like that.
- Kat Dennings
Image of Kat Dennings
I don't know, I like the word sassy.
- Kat Dennings
Image of Kat Dennings
People make the mistake of drinking the Kool-Aid, believing your own hype, letting people tell you you're this or you're that or you're too this.
- Kat Dennings
Image of Kat Dennings
I'm from Pennsylvania, so I was in New York a lot and my brother lives in New York.
- Kat Dennings
Image of Kat Dennings
I was a home-schooled kid, living in the forest, and I didn't even have cable. I'm serious.
- Kat Dennings
Image of Kat Dennings
I wasn't a rebel.
- Kat Dennings
Image of Kat Dennings
I haven't actually studied acting at all.
- Kat Dennings
Image of Kat Dennings
My first audition was for a commercial for the lottery. I didn't get it, so I hate the lottery.
- Kat Dennings
Image of Kat Dennings
Actors make less than you think.
- Kat Dennings
Image of Kat Dennings
I buy food and gasoline - that's it.
- Kat Dennings
Image of Kat Dennings
I've never been in jeopardy, but being an actor is a pretty shady place to be because you never know where your next job is.
- Kat Dennings
Image of Kat Dennings
I really am pretty boring. There's no reason to take pictures of me.
- Kat Dennings
Image of Kat Dennings
I don't think I've had a holiday in my entire life that wasn't about my dad's work.
- Kat Dennings
Image of Kat Dennings
If I had a robot friend, he or she would be electric.
- Kat Dennings
Image of Kat Dennings
Although anything can happen when under the influence of ice water.
- Kat Dennings
Image of Kat Dennings
Oh I'm a huge comic book movie fan.
- Kat Dennings
Image of Kat Dennings
There aren't as many girl superheroes, but there are cool ones. Banshee, for instance.
- Kat Dennings
Image of Kat Dennings
I would love to do a period movie. I've always wanted to wear the corset, you know. It's a girl thing!
- Kat Dennings
Image of Kat Dennings
I don't die in anything!
- Kat Dennings
Image of Kat Dennings
People are ruthless, man.
- Kat Dennings
Image of Kat Dennings
I've been really lucky.
- Kat Dennings
Image of Kat Dennings
Any glamorous moment you might mistake me for having is always pretend.
- Kat Dennings
Image of Kat Dennings
I can say that I had a particularly painful teenage-hood.
- Kat Dennings
Image of Kat Dennings
I tried being anorexic for four hours and then i was like, i need some bagels.
- Kat Dennings
Collection: Food
Image of Kat Dennings
I think it's important for people to know that it's okay to feel like you're not better as long as you keep trying.
- Kat Dennings
Collection: Thinking
Image of Kat Dennings
I don't take crap from anyone, so that makes people think I'm rebellious. I'm not. I'm just not a pushover.
- Kat Dennings
Collection: Thinking