William Shakespeare

Image of William Shakespeare
And in some perfumes there is more delight than in the breath that from my mistress reeks. I love to hear her speak, yet well I know that music hath a far more pleasing sound.
- William Shakespeare
Collection: Loss
Image of William Shakespeare
Golden lads and girls all must as chimney sweepers come to dust.
- William Shakespeare
Collection: Girl
Image of William Shakespeare
Much rain wears the marble.
- William Shakespeare
Collection: Time
Image of William Shakespeare
I am but mad north-north-west. When the wind is southerly, I know a hawk from a handsaw.
- William Shakespeare
Collection: Crazy
Image of William Shakespeare
Ambition, the soldier's virtue.
- William Shakespeare
Collection: Military
Image of William Shakespeare
Death lies on her like an untimely frost.
- William Shakespeare
Collection: Death
Image of William Shakespeare
Beshrew that heart that makes my heart to groan For that deep wound it gives my friend and me; Is't not enough to torture me alone, But slave to slavery my sweet'st friend must be?
- William Shakespeare
Collection: Sad
Image of William Shakespeare
They have been at a great feast of languages, and stolen the scraps.
- William Shakespeare
Collection: Communication
Image of William Shakespeare
He is not great who is not greatly good.
- William Shakespeare
Collection: Life
Image of William Shakespeare
We few. We happy few. We band of brothers, for he today That sheds his blood with me Shall be my brother.
- William Shakespeare
Collection: Brother
Image of William Shakespeare
Out, out, brief candle! Life's but a walking shadow.
- William Shakespeare
Collection: Futility Of Life
Image of William Shakespeare
But indeed an old religious uncle of mine taught me to speak, who was in his youth an inland man; one that knew courtship too well, for there he fell in love. I have heard him read many lectures against it; and I thank God I am not a woman, to be touched with so many giddy offenses as he hath generally taxed their whole sex withal.
- William Shakespeare
Collection: Religious
Image of William Shakespeare
Two women placed together makes cold weather.
- William Shakespeare
Collection: Women
Image of William Shakespeare
All is well ended, if the suit be won.
- William Shakespeare
Collection: Suits
Image of William Shakespeare
We must every one be a man of his own fancy.
- William Shakespeare
Collection: Men
Image of William Shakespeare
The bitter past, more welcome is the sweet.
- William Shakespeare
Collection: Sweet
Image of William Shakespeare
Some innocents 'scape not the thunderbolt.
- William Shakespeare
Collection: Scapes
Image of William Shakespeare
Tired with all these for restful death I cry, As to behold desert a beggar born, And needy nothing trimmed in jollity, And purest faith unhappily forsworn.
- William Shakespeare
Collection: Sad
Image of William Shakespeare
If there be devils, would I were a devil, To live and burn in everlasting fire, So I might have your company in hell, But to torment you with my bitter tongue!
- William Shakespeare
Collection: Anger
Image of William Shakespeare
Beshrew the heart that makes my heart to groan.
- William Shakespeare
Collection: Anger
Image of William Shakespeare
Never play with the feelings of others. Because you may win the game but the risk is that you will surely lose the person for a life time.
- William Shakespeare
Collection: Winning
Image of William Shakespeare
The fault, dear Brutus, is not in our stars, but in ourselves.
- William Shakespeare
Collection: Stars