William Kristol

Image of William Kristol
He has a competent person, I think who will be confirmed as HHS secretary, Congressman Tom Price.
- William Kristol
Collection: Thinking
Image of William Kristol
Conservatism as an "ism" is always going to be somewhat in tension with a political party.
- William Kristol
Collection: Party
Image of William Kristol
I don't think you want political parties that are entirely driven by some extremely doctrinal ideology.
- William Kristol
Collection: Party
Image of William Kristol
[Donald ] Trump is more important than all of us. He's more important than the media.
- William Kristol
Collection: Media
Image of William Kristol
Maybe one thing that has happened is that the claims of non-partisanship of the mainstream media have been a little bit exploded. Mostly I'd say what, if anything has caused the change, are just the obvious technological changes - proliferation of easier access to getting your opinions out and the proliferation of media.
- William Kristol
Collection: Media
Image of William Kristol
If Donald Trump behaves well, personally, and morally - I agree with Van [Jones] on this - if he distances - if he disassociates himself from forces that he unfortunately coddled and even fostered a little in this campaign, if he is responsible about the way in which he goes about his policy, initiatives on immigration and ObamaCare, trade and other areas, he has a huge opportunity, because the truth is that a lot of this stuff isn't that - there is a lot that can be done.
- William Kristol
Collection: Distance
Image of William Kristol
I think the whole dynamic is different. Whereas in [Barack] Obama's case, even though there was no incumbent, he was able to run against eight years of Bush-Cheney and a Republican Congress, and everyone was tired of everything. He was able to benefit from that.
- William Kristol
Collection: Running
Image of William Kristol
Political parties are complicated coalitions and aren't excessively theoretical.
- William Kristol
Collection: Party
Image of William Kristol
Republican Congressmen and senators will be in a very interesting place, where they have to support the president-elect - president - what will be President [Donald] Trump when they - when they agree with him, try to guide him in certain ways, I think oppose him on some things.
- William Kristol
Collection: Thinking
Image of William Kristol
It will be an unusual dynamic [in Congress]. It won't be like the rallying behind President [Barack] Obama in 2009 or behind President [George W.] Bush, even at the beginning of his presidency, or even [Bill] Clinton in '93, when he got his budget through on a partisan vote.
- William Kristol
Collection: President
Image of William Kristol
I think it's fine that there are five million people who are watching [politics on TV], and obviously I'm happy they are since they're on the air, and there are a couple hundred thousand people reading The Weekly Standard online, and that's great too, but most Americans aren't engaged that intensely, and are much less partisan.
- William Kristol
Collection: Couple
Image of William Kristol
The ObamaCare premiums, the numbers started moving away from Hillary Clinton he moment there was a problem with.
- William Kristol
Collection: Moving
Image of William Kristol
If you look at the polls, for all the talk about immigration and even trade, ObamaCare was an extremely important issue for Trump voters in 2016.
- William Kristol
Collection: Obamacare
Image of William Kristol
Look, at actual Republican and conservative think-tank proposals to replace ObamaCare all have the pre-existing condition provision in, done somewhat differently from [Barack] President Obama's.
- William Kristol
Collection: Thinking
Image of William Kristol
What's more important than the media, there's this thing called ObamaCare, which was President Obama's signature domestic achievement. It won Republicans the House in 2014 - 2010. It won Republicans the Senate in 2014.
- William Kristol
Collection: Media
Image of William Kristol
Donald Trump beat Jeb Bush and beat Hillary Clinton. And when everyone thinks of Donald Trump that's pretty impressive.
- William Kristol
Collection: Thinking
Image of William Kristol
I was "Never Trump." But it turned out never republican was really the theme of this election.
- William Kristol
Collection: Election
Image of William Kristol
It's been an unusual election [2016].
- William Kristol
Collection: Election
Image of William Kristol
There are a few things [Donald Trump] has been pretty clear he'll do. A big infrastructure program that he'll get bipartisan support for.
- William Kristol
Collection: Support
Image of William Kristol
[Donald Trump] will try to renegotiate the trade deals a little bit.
- William Kristol
Collection: Trying
Image of William Kristol
I think [Donald Trump] will do something on immigration.
- William Kristol
Collection: Thinking
Image of William Kristol
I don't really believe that people read just the stuff they agree with.
- William Kristol
Collection: Believe
Image of William Kristol
People read the Tribune or the Sun-Times, you know, way back when the Tribune was a right-wing paper.It's always been somewhat that way. We take 10, 20 years in the 50s and 60s as kind of the norm, when there was this sort of bi-partisan parent consensus.
- William Kristol
Collection: Years
Image of William Kristol
My sense from talking to college students is that you have a healthier sense of the diversity of opinions or arguments or analysis about issues. In our day it was just sort of, "Well gee, this is what the news says so that's the way it is." It didn't really get challenged that much.
- William Kristol
Collection: College
Image of William Kristol
You all would be really shocked, if you were dropped back down into when I went to college, by the narrowness of the opinions you could get just by reading newspapers and magazines and watching TV.
- William Kristol
Collection: Reading
Image of William Kristol
I am on the whole a defender of the current, despite being a conservative. I mean, I think things are better than when I was younger.
- William Kristol
Collection: Mean