William Feather

Image of William Feather
The right man can make a good job out of any job.
- William Feather
Collection: Jobs
Image of William Feather
It is better to rely on yourself than on your friends.
- William Feather
Collection: Self
Image of William Feather
Work is the best method devised for killing time.
- William Feather
Collection: Money
Image of William Feather
The hardest job of all is trying to look busy when you're not.
- William Feather
Collection: Jobs
Image of William Feather
Do each daily task the best we can; act as though the eye of opportunity were always upon us.
- William Feather
Collection: Eye
Image of William Feather
One compensation of old age is that it excuses you from picnics.
- William Feather
Collection: Birthday
Image of William Feather
One right and honest definition of business is mutual helpfulness.
- William Feather
Collection: Teamwork
Image of William Feather
Laziness is the one common deficiency in mankind that blocks the establishment of a perfect world in which everyone leads a happy life.
- William Feather
Collection: Block
Image of William Feather
The sweaty players in the game of life always have more fun than the supercilious spectators.
- William Feather
Collection: Motivational
Image of William Feather
No task is so humble that it does not offer an outlet for individuality.
- William Feather
Collection: Humble
Image of William Feather
In business, as in baseball, the prizes go most often to the organizations that pursue their objective hard and relentlessly every day of the year.
- William Feather
Collection: Baseball
Image of William Feather
Almost any idea is good if a man has ability and is willing to work hard. The best idea is worthless if the creator is a loafer and ineffective.
- William Feather
Collection: Hard Work
Image of William Feather
All the vitamins needed seem to be found in plebian dishes.
- William Feather
Collection: Food
Image of William Feather
Unnecessary hustle is one of the American follies. We hustle at both work and play, and consequently enjoy neither to the utmost.
- William Feather
Collection: Play
Image of William Feather
Business demands faith, compels earnestness, requires courage, is honestly selfish, is penalized for mistakes, and is the essence of life.
- William Feather
Collection: Business
Image of William Feather
Success in business hinges mostly on the ability to get the important things done.
- William Feather
Collection: Important
Image of William Feather
If at first you don't succeed, try hard work.
- William Feather
Collection: Success
Image of William Feather
Control from without flourishes when discipline from within grows weak.
- William Feather
Collection: Discipline
Image of William Feather
Make a better friend of every man with whom you come in contact
- William Feather
Collection: Inspiration
Image of William Feather
A good man likes a hard boss. I don't mean a nagging boss or a grouchy boss. I mean a boss who insists on things being done right and on time; a boss who is watching things closely enough so that he knows a good job from a poor one. Nothing is more discouraging to a good man than a boss who is not on the job, and who does not know whether things are going well or badly.
- William Feather
Collection: Leadership
Image of William Feather
BUSINESS and LIFE are like a bank account-you can't take out more than you put in.
- William Feather
Collection: Bank Accounts
Image of William Feather
Once you have sold a customer, make sure he is satisfied with your goods. Stay with him until the goods are used up or worn out. Your product may be of such long life that you will never sell him again, but he will sell you and your product to his friends.
- William Feather
Collection: Life
Image of William Feather
Blow your own horn loud. If you succeed, people will forgive your noise; if you fail, they'll forget it.
- William Feather
Collection: Motivational
Image of William Feather
Avoid letting temper block progress-keep cool.
- William Feather
Collection: Block
Image of William Feather
Next to doing a good job yourself, the greatest joy is having someone else do a first class job under your direction.
- William Feather
Collection: Leadership
Image of William Feather
I have won every argument I ever had with myself.
- William Feather
Collection: Argument
Image of William Feather
If you do the best you can, you will find, nine times out of ten, that you have done as well as or better than anyone else.
- William Feather
Collection: Gymnastics
Image of William Feather
We don't need men with new ideas as much as we need men who will put energy behind the old ideas.
- William Feather
Collection: Men
Image of William Feather
Brains aren't everything, but they're important.
- William Feather
Collection: Brain
Image of William Feather
Let us resolve to do the best we can with what we've got.
- William Feather
Collection: Success
Image of William Feather
Command of English, spoken or written, ranks at the top in business. Our main product is words, so a knowledge of their meaning and spelling and pronunciation is imperative. If a man knows the language well, he can find out about all else.
- William Feather
Collection: Men
Image of William Feather
Politeness is an inexpensive way to make friends.
- William Feather
Collection: Friendship
Image of William Feather
Giving advice isn't as risky as people say. Few ever take it anyway.
- William Feather
Collection: People
Image of William Feather
The tragedy is that so many have ambition and so few have ability
- William Feather
Collection: Ambition
Image of William Feather
Successful salesmen, authors, executives and workmen of every sort need patience. The great liability of youth is not inexperience but impatience.
- William Feather
Collection: Successful
Image of William Feather
None of us can buy goodwill; we must earn it.
- William Feather
Collection: Goodwill
Image of William Feather
The big things that come our way are ... the fruit of seeds planted in the daily routine of our work.
- William Feather
Collection: Time
Image of William Feather
Success is seldom achieved by people who contemplate the possibility of failure
- William Feather
Collection: People
Image of William Feather
Improvement of one's economic position is helped more by cool persistence than by hot enthusiasm.
- William Feather
Collection: Persistence
Image of William Feather
The way to get ahead is to start now. If you start now, you will know a lot next year that you don't know now and that you would not have known next year if you had waited.
- William Feather
Collection: Years
Image of William Feather
We all find time to do what we really want to do.
- William Feather
Collection: Wisdom
Image of William Feather
Nothing happens to you that has not happened to someone else.
- William Feather
Collection: Happened
Image of William Feather
Men do their hardest work at the bottom of the ladder, not at the top.
- William Feather
Collection: Work
Image of William Feather
Getting along with others is the essence of getting ahead, success being linked with cooperation.
- William Feather
Collection: Essence
Image of William Feather
Know and believe in yourself and what others think won't disturb you.
- William Feather
Collection: Inspirational
Image of William Feather
After saying our prayers, we ought to do something to make them come true.
- William Feather
Collection: Christian
Image of William Feather
The superiority of the American system is eloquently proved by the pressure of people who want to crash our borders.
- William Feather
Collection: People
Image of William Feather
A woman seldom comes out of a sullen spell until she's sure her husband has suffered as much as she thinks he should.
- William Feather
Collection: Marriage
Image of William Feather
Whether it’s marriage of business, patience is the first rule of success.
- William Feather
Collection: Firsts