William Blake

Image of William Blake
The countless gold of a merry heart, The rubies and pearls of a loving eye, The indolent never can bring to the mart, Nor the secret hoard up in his treasury.
- William Blake
Collection: Heart
Image of William Blake
It is the greatest of crimes to depress true art and science.
- William Blake
Collection: Depressing
Image of William Blake
'Come hither, my boy, tell me what thou seest there?' 'A fool tangled in a religious snare.'
- William Blake
Collection: Religious
Image of William Blake
Jerusalem (1804) And did those feet in ancient time Walk upon England's mountains green And was the holy lamb of God On England's pleasant pastures seen And did the countenance divine Shine forth upon our clouded hills And was Jerusalem builded here Among those dark Satanic mills Bring me my bow of burning gold Bring me my arrows of desire Bring me my spears o'clouds unfold Bring me my chariot of fire I will not cease from mental fight Nor shall my sword sleep in my hand 'Til we have built Jerusalem In England's green and pleasant land
- William Blake
Collection: Sleep
Image of William Blake
Thinking as I do that the Creator of this world is a very cruel being, and being a worshipper of Christ, I cannot help saying: ''the Son, O how unlike the Father!'' First God Almighty comes with a thump on the head. Then Jesus Christ comes with a balm to heal it.
- William Blake
Collection: Jesus
Image of William Blake
Joys impregnate. Sorrows bring forth.
- William Blake
Collection: Joy
Image of William Blake
Poetry fettered fetters the human race.
- William Blake
Collection: Race
Image of William Blake
I rest not from my great task! | To open the Eternal Worlds, | to open the immortal Eyes of Man | Inwards into the Worlds of Thought; | Into eternity, ever expanding | In the Bosom of God, | The Human Imagination
- William Blake
Collection: Eye
Image of William Blake
To generalize is to be an idiot. To particularize is the alone distinction of merit. General knowledge are those knowledge that idiots possess.
- William Blake
Collection: Merit
Image of William Blake
He loves to sit and hear me sing, Then, laughing, sports and plays with me; Then stretches out my golden wing, And mocks my loss of liberty.
- William Blake
Collection: Love
Image of William Blake
When the sun rises, do you not see a round disc of fire somewhat like a guinea? O no, no, I see an innumerable company of the heavenly host crying Holy, Holy, Holy is the Lord God Almighty.
- William Blake
Collection: Fire
Image of William Blake
Every Night and every Morn Some to Misery are born. Every Morn and every Night Some are born to Sweet Delight, Some are born to Endless Night.
- William Blake
Collection: Baby
Image of William Blake
Little fly, thy summer's play My thoughtless hand has brushed away. Am not I a fly like thee? Or art not thou a man like me? For I dance and drink and sing, Till some blind hand shall brush my wing!
- William Blake
Collection: Summer
Image of William Blake
The Old and New Testaments are the Great Code of Art.
- William Blake
Collection: Art
Image of William Blake
My mother bore me in the southern wild, And I am black, but O! my soul is white; White as an angel is the English child, But I am black as if bereaved of light.
- William Blake
Collection: Mother
Image of William Blake
Every tear from every eyeBecomes a babe in eternity.
- William Blake
Collection: Tears
Image of William Blake
The Whole Business of Man is The Arts, & All Things Common.
- William Blake
Collection: Art
Image of William Blake
Ages are All Equal. / But Genius is Always Above The Age.
- William Blake
Collection: Age
Image of William Blake
Demonstration, similitude & harmony are objects of reasoning. Invention, identity & melody are objects of intuition.
- William Blake
Collection: Intuition
Image of William Blake
O white-robed Angel, guide my timorous hand to write as on a lofty rock with iron pen the words of truth, that all who pass may read.
- William Blake
Collection: Angel
Image of William Blake
Everything is beautiful in its own way. Exuberance is beauty.
- William Blake
Collection: Beautiful
Image of William Blake
Pity would be no more, If we did not make somebody poor. Mercy no more could be, If all were happy as we.
- William Blake
Collection: Would Be
Image of William Blake
Nature has no outline. Imagination has.
- William Blake
Collection: Imagination
Image of William Blake
But when he has done this, let him not say that he knows better than his master, for he only holds a candle in sunshine.
- William Blake
Collection: Sunshine
Image of William Blake
If Christianity was morality, Socrates would be the Saviour.
- William Blake
Collection: Would Be
Image of William Blake
Energy is eternal delight.
- William Blake
Collection: Philosophy
Image of William Blake
The pride of the peacock is the glory of God.
- William Blake
Collection: Pride
Image of William Blake
How can the bird that is born for joy Sit in a cage and sing? How can a child, when fears annoy, But droop his tender wing, And forget his youthful spring?
- William Blake
Collection: Children
Image of William Blake
The lamb misused breeds public strife And yet forgives the butcher's knife.
- William Blake
Collection: Knives
Image of William Blake
Man was made for joy and woe, and when this we rightly know through the world we safely go. Joy and woe are woven fine, a clothing for the soul to bind.
- William Blake
Collection: Men
Image of William Blake
None but blockheads copy each other.
- William Blake
Collection: Art
Image of William Blake
Come live, and be merry, and join with me, To sing the sweet chorus of 'Ha ha he!
- William Blake
Collection: Sweet
Image of William Blake
Colouring does not depend on where the colours are put, but on where the lights and darks are put, and all depends on form and outline, on where that is put.
- William Blake
Collection: Light
Image of William Blake
Work up imagination to the state of vision.
- William Blake
Collection: Imagination
Image of William Blake
Poetry, Painting & Music, the three Powers in man of conversing with Paradise, which the flood did not sweep away.
- William Blake
Collection: Men
Image of William Blake
There is a smile of love, And there is a smile of deceit, And there is a smile of smiles In which these two smiles meet.
- William Blake
Collection: Two
Image of William Blake
Without Unceasing Practice nothing can be done. Practice is Art. If you leave off you are lost.
- William Blake
Collection: Art
Image of William Blake
How can a bird that is born for joy Sit in a cage and sing?
- William Blake
Collection: Bird
Image of William Blake
We are here to learn to endure the beams of love
- William Blake
Collection: Beam
Image of William Blake
I myself do nothing. The Holy Spirit accomplishes all through me.
- William Blake
Collection: Spiritual
Image of William Blake
Each man is haunted until his humanity awakens.
- William Blake
Collection: Men
Image of William Blake
Mysteries are not to be solved. They eye goes blind when it only wants to see why.
- William Blake
Collection: Eye
Image of William Blake
Gratitude, in itself, is heaven.
- William Blake
Collection: Gratitude
Image of William Blake
He who sees the Infinite in all things sees God.
- William Blake
Collection: Religion
Image of William Blake
And we are put on earth a little space, That we may learn to bear the beams of love.
- William Blake
Collection: Love