Wayne Dyer

Image of Wayne Dyer
You have a very powerful mind that can make anything happen as long as you keep yourself centered.
- Wayne Dyer
Collection: Motivational
Image of Wayne Dyer
If you believe that feeling bad will change a past event, then you are residing on another planet with a different reality system.
- Wayne Dyer
Collection: Letting Go
Image of Wayne Dyer
Your lifetime in form is to be honored and celebrated. Go beyond your enslavement, and live fully in the now, as this is the only time you have.
- Wayne Dyer
Collection: Lifetime
Image of Wayne Dyer
Albert Einstein once reported, "Great spirits have always encountered voilent opposition from mediocre minds." If you want to achieve your own greatness, to climb your own mountains, you'll have to use yourself as your first and last consultant.
- Wayne Dyer
Collection: Greatness
Image of Wayne Dyer
Love is giving and it has nothing to do with what you receive.
- Wayne Dyer
Collection: Love
Image of Wayne Dyer
You can Light Up the Whole World by Giving without any Expectation Back.
- Wayne Dyer
Collection: Light
Image of Wayne Dyer
Not only do you become what you think about, but the world also becomes what you think about. Those who think that the world is a dark place are blind to the light that might illuminate their lives. Those who see the light of the world view the dark spots as merely potential light.
- Wayne Dyer
Collection: Spiritual
Image of Wayne Dyer
The qualities of creativity and genius are within you, awaiting your decision to match up with the power of intention.
- Wayne Dyer
Collection: Motivational
Image of Wayne Dyer
Everything that you want to create is already there. Your job is to connect yourself to it.
- Wayne Dyer
Collection: Jobs
Image of Wayne Dyer
Forgiveness means that you fill yourself with love and you radiate that love outward and refuse to hang onto the venom or hatred that was engendered by the behaviors that caused the wounds.
- Wayne Dyer
Collection: Mean
Image of Wayne Dyer
Marianne Williamson has written that there are really only two primary emotions in the universe, love and fear. So anytime you're feeling anxious, insecure, worried, angry or resentful, you've left love and entered fear.
- Wayne Dyer
Collection: Insecure
Image of Wayne Dyer
Each place along the way is somewhere you had to be in order to be here.
- Wayne Dyer
Collection: Order
Image of Wayne Dyer
Always be aware that you have the power to create the naturally stress-free and tranquil life you desire.
- Wayne Dyer
Collection: Stress
Image of Wayne Dyer
It's probably more fulfilling for me to be offering what I offer than it is for the people who receive it.
- Wayne Dyer
Collection: Offering
Image of Wayne Dyer
Anything inside that immobilizes me, gets in my way, keeps me from my goals, is all mine.
- Wayne Dyer
Collection: Motivational
Image of Wayne Dyer
The first step toward discarding a scarcity mentality involves giving thanks for everything that you have.
- Wayne Dyer
Collection: Gratitude
Image of Wayne Dyer
Be a busy person. People who are active are often much more at peace with themselves than those who are inactive and inert.
- Wayne Dyer
Collection: Peace
Image of Wayne Dyer
U Must Be What it is that youre Seeking - that is, U Need to Put Forth what U Want to Attract
- Wayne Dyer
Collection: Needs
Image of Wayne Dyer
You cannot solve a problem by condemning it
- Wayne Dyer
Collection: Hate
Image of Wayne Dyer
You can't accumulate anything, because anything you get you have to give away. We all know this. We watch our bodies go through the aging process. We know we came in here with nothing, and we know we're going to leave with nothing. There's nothing to own. There's nothing to get. The only thing you can do with your life is give it away. The best, happiest moments in your life are always when you're giving something away.
- Wayne Dyer
Collection: Giving
Image of Wayne Dyer
Everything that's love can't be fear, and everything that's fear can't be love. You're either in one or the other. Almost every time you turn on the television set, you're in fear. You get aligned with fear. When you're aligned with fear, instead of with God-consciousness, you just keep attracting more fear-more stuff to be afraid of, more shortages, revenge, anger, wars, killing, and disease.
- Wayne Dyer
Collection: Revenge
Image of Wayne Dyer
Why do we even make guns? I'm not against gun control. I'm against guns, period. I'm against anything at all that is used as an instrument of death. Why would we manufacture such a thing? Why would we have a business that does it? Why don't we figure out a way to disarm ourselves totally?
- Wayne Dyer
Collection: Gun
Image of Wayne Dyer
In order to forgive, you must have blamed.
- Wayne Dyer
Collection: Order
Image of Wayne Dyer
Resist Impulses to Label Yourself with Descriptions that Limit You in Any Way.
- Wayne Dyer
Collection: Limits
Image of Wayne Dyer
Your children are spiritual beings who come through you, not for you.
- Wayne Dyer
Collection: Spiritual
Image of Wayne Dyer
Anything that immobilizes you, gets in your way, or keeps you from your goals is all yours. You can throw it away anytime you choose.
- Wayne Dyer
Collection: Goal
Image of Wayne Dyer
Every thought you have has an energy that will either strengthen or weaken you.
- Wayne Dyer
Collection: Energy
Image of Wayne Dyer
If you want to be confident, but don't normally act that way, today, just this once, act in the physical world the way you believe a confident person would.
- Wayne Dyer
Collection: Believe
Image of Wayne Dyer
When you grow up believing you are what you do, when you're done, you aren't.
- Wayne Dyer
Collection: Growing Up
Image of Wayne Dyer
Everything you're currently against blocks you from abundance.
- Wayne Dyer
Collection: Block
Image of Wayne Dyer
Live forgiveness every day rather than just talking about it on Sunday.
- Wayne Dyer
Collection: Acceptance
Image of Wayne Dyer
In order to make a visualization a reality in the world of form, you must be willing to do whatever it takes to make it happen.
- Wayne Dyer
Collection: Reality
Image of Wayne Dyer
Anything that has been accomplished by any other human being in the physical realm is within the field of possibility.
- Wayne Dyer
Collection: Inspirational
Image of Wayne Dyer
It is impossible to need excuses when the focus of your life shifts from 'What's in it for me?' to 'How can I serve?'
- Wayne Dyer
Collection: Focus
Image of Wayne Dyer
Refuse to allow yourself to have low expectations about what you're capable of creating
- Wayne Dyer
Collection: Creating
Image of Wayne Dyer
Once your thoughts reflect what you genuinely wan to be, the appropriate emotions and the consequent behaviour will flow automatically. Believe it and you will see it.
- Wayne Dyer
Collection: Believe
Image of Wayne Dyer
I am much more powerful today than the old programs and mind viruses that I absorbed in my childhood.
- Wayne Dyer
Collection: Powerful
Image of Wayne Dyer
A higher concept of yourself involves taking on new truths and shedding your old views of what you can achieve. This is the only way you can achieve your desires.
- Wayne Dyer
Collection: Views
Image of Wayne Dyer
You can victimize yourself by wallowing around in your own past.
- Wayne Dyer
Collection: Heartbroken
Image of Wayne Dyer
Attachment to being right creates suffering. When you have a choice to be right, or to be kind, choose kind and watch your suffering disappear.
- Wayne Dyer
Collection: Relationship
Image of Wayne Dyer
Even if your Ego Doesn't Grasp it, this is the Truth: Everything is on Time Under Heaven's Net
- Wayne Dyer
Collection: Heaven
Image of Wayne Dyer
We can only give away to others what we have inside ourselves.
- Wayne Dyer
Collection: Giving
Image of Wayne Dyer
The fears you don’t face control you. The fears you face, you move beyond.
- Wayne Dyer
Collection: Fear
Image of Wayne Dyer
The only thing an excuse gives you is an option out of the life you'd like to live.
- Wayne Dyer
Collection: Giving
Image of Wayne Dyer
Infinite Patience brings Immediate Results.
- Wayne Dyer
Collection: Patience
Image of Wayne Dyer
There is a universal intelligence that we call God or Soul or Spirit or Consciousness, and it is everywhere and in all things.
- Wayne Dyer
Collection: Soul
Image of Wayne Dyer
Anytime you start a sentence with 'I am,' you are creating what you are and what you want to be.
- Wayne Dyer
Collection: Creating
Image of Wayne Dyer
Look into a mirror, make eye contact with yourself, and say "I love me" as many times as possible during the day.
- Wayne Dyer
Collection: Eye