Violet Duke

Image of Violet Duke
I read two to three books a day anyway (I only sleep about two hours a night, and I read really fast).
- Violet Duke
Collection: Book
Image of Violet Duke
When I'm about to start writing, I pull up some of my all-time-favorite re-reads to feel inspired and fall headfirst into the world of beautiful words.
- Violet Duke
Collection: Beautiful
Image of Violet Duke
I drag my husband out of bed, hook him up to a coffee to stay awake and make him listen to my plotting and any issues I may be having. I *need* his head-nodding (he's an expert head-nodder).
- Violet Duke
Collection: Husband
Image of Violet Duke
I'm a well-intentioned plotter who ends up with wondrous pantsing revelations and (at times) ginormous rewrites that look almost nothing like my carefully plotted plans.
- Violet Duke
Collection: Looks
Image of Violet Duke
While my writing does seem to ultimately have a lot to do with pantsing in the end, without the plotting, I'd get nowhere to begin with.
- Violet Duke
Collection: Writing
Image of Violet Duke
I'm weird - I don't really listen to American music while I'm writing. I do occasionally get an anthem song, but generally speaking, when I write, I only listen to Japanese and Hawaiian music.
- Violet Duke
Collection: Song