Tony Goldwyn

Image of Tony Goldwyn
Relationships are super complicated and always have dark and light in them. And all good sexual relationships do, too.
- Tony Goldwyn
Collection: Dark
Image of Tony Goldwyn
I'm a moderate Democrat. I've always been fascinated and maddened by the way things get done in our system, which as an ideal is so extraordinary, but the way it actually works can be mind-boggling.
- Tony Goldwyn
Collection: Mind
Image of Tony Goldwyn
My parents kept us sheltered from this world of Hollywood. I don't have any great memories of bouncing on Cary Grant's knee or something like that
- Tony Goldwyn
Collection: Memories
Image of Tony Goldwyn
In television, the creator is really the voice...
- Tony Goldwyn
Collection: Voice
Image of Tony Goldwyn
I want to keep doing different things. I'd like to do a more personal, dramatic movie next, I think. But as long as it's about characters and good writing and good parts for actors, that's what's important
- Tony Goldwyn
Collection: Writing
Image of Tony Goldwyn
One of the reasons that the African American actors wanted to be a part of the show was because these people are talking to each other the way that African American people talk to each other, and they said that they didn't see that on TV.
- Tony Goldwyn
Collection: Talking
Image of Tony Goldwyn
It was great to essentially have two protagonists where you're sympathies could go back and forth between the two of them, throughout the season.
- Tony Goldwyn
Collection: Two
Image of Tony Goldwyn
Even when a pilot goes, you shoot it in March or April, and then you have to rush it through post-production by May. If they greenlight it, then you go and there's no time to think about it. And then, you've gotta start shooting in July, so you're off to the races.
- Tony Goldwyn
Collection: Thinking
Image of Tony Goldwyn
I think the problem with polemics is that it's general and it's lazy. When you say, "This is bad," that's a general thing. We're more interested in asking the question.
- Tony Goldwyn
Collection: Thinking
Image of Tony Goldwyn
Capital punishment? It makes no sense as a policy: It's not a deterrent, and economically it's a disaster. It's very clear that there are innocent people on death row. And if I put an innocent person to death, that's murder.
- Tony Goldwyn
Collection: Punishment
Image of Tony Goldwyn
I directed and produced Conviction, a movie about a man who spent 18 years in prison for a crime he didn't commit. I got to know Innocence Project co-founder Barry Scheck very well - he's a character in the movie - and I got very passionate about the cause. It's just so inherently dramatic.
- Tony Goldwyn
Collection: Character
Image of Tony Goldwyn
You can say the president's private life takes up so much of his time that he doesn't focus on his job, so therefore he's terrible. But in my imagination, the 23 hours of the day that we don't experience, he's very hard at work. He's quite an effective and successful president - in my narcissistic imagination.
- Tony Goldwyn
Collection: Jobs
Image of Tony Goldwyn
My mother's whole family had been from the theater, really. Because I grew up in Hollywood, I wasn't that interested in Hollywood. But the New York theater was completely exotic and fabulous to me.
- Tony Goldwyn
Collection: Mother