Tom Cotton

Image of Tom Cotton
If we had maintained a small, residual force in Iraq, I don't think the Islamic State would have risen to power as it has.
- Tom Cotton
Image of Tom Cotton
Teenagers are kinda the same wherever you find them in America.
- Tom Cotton
Image of Tom Cotton
When he was running, my thinking was, 'I can't believe my governor is running for president.' By the end of Clinton's first year in office, I was like, 'Wow, I must not be a Democrat.'
- Tom Cotton
Image of Tom Cotton
We only have one president and one secretary of state, but our founding fathers very clearly insisted that Congress play a significant role in foreign policy.
- Tom Cotton
Image of Tom Cotton
Most of who's left in the administration now are all these yes men and fanboys who were van drivers or press flacks for Barack Obama in Iowa and New Hampshire in 2008.
- Tom Cotton
Image of Tom Cotton
As a Republican Party, we're going to have to have a conversation about it. But I think, ultimately, a majority of Republicans, like a majority of Americans, don't want to let violent felons out of prison.
- Tom Cotton
Image of Tom Cotton
We have to remain vigilant, and we have to continue to take the fight to the terrorist.
- Tom Cotton
Image of Tom Cotton
I learned one of the very important lessons in life in the 9/11 attacks. It's good to have a plan for your future; it's even better to write your plan in pencil.
- Tom Cotton
Image of Tom Cotton
You never know what kind of challenges are going to be thrown in your way or opportunities will arise.
- Tom Cotton
Image of Tom Cotton
I don't do stairs. And I don't do groups.
- Tom Cotton
Image of Tom Cotton
Given the devastation that crime can visit on families and communities, I will err on being a little too tough on crime than being too soft on crime.
- Tom Cotton
Image of Tom Cotton
I run a lot every morning.
- Tom Cotton
Image of Tom Cotton
I'm very proud and happy to be serving the people of Arkansas and the Senate, and I look forward to continue to serve them.
- Tom Cotton
Image of Tom Cotton
Hillary Clinton exposed our nation's most sensitive national security secrets to foreign adversaries.
- Tom Cotton
Image of Tom Cotton
It's the job of the president to negotiate, but it's the job of Congress to approve.
- Tom Cotton
Image of Tom Cotton
We're simply trying to say that Congress has a constitutional role to approve any deal, to make sure that Iran never gets a nuclear weapon. Not today, not tomorrow, not ten years from now.
- Tom Cotton
Image of Tom Cotton
There are nothing but hardliners in Iran.
- Tom Cotton
Image of Tom Cotton
Donald Trump can ultimately make the case for himself.
- Tom Cotton
Image of Tom Cotton
As a senator, I play an important role in crafting foreign policy.
- Tom Cotton
Image of Tom Cotton
Jimmy Carter proposed withdrawing the troops from South Korea. He was stopped by the United States Congress.
- Tom Cotton
Image of Tom Cotton
Any deal that's not approved by Congress won't be accepted by Congress. Not now and certainly not in the future.
- Tom Cotton
Image of Tom Cotton
Today, few terrorist organizations still employ the 'al-Qaeda model' in which individuals travel to terrorist training camps overseas and then are deployed to the West to inflict atrocities.
- Tom Cotton
Image of Tom Cotton
Under the cover of encryption, terror masterminds provide recruits with the tactics and tools necessary to carry out attacks using small arms and explosives. None of this requires any overseas travel.
- Tom Cotton
Image of Tom Cotton
Fundamentally, we have to recognize that Iran is not a partner.
- Tom Cotton
Image of Tom Cotton
The nuclear deal with Iran is fundamentally flawed.
- Tom Cotton
Image of Tom Cotton
We need to force Iran to dismantle its nuclear program entirely or face the threat of military force to destroy that program.
- Tom Cotton
Image of Tom Cotton
I'm not going to respond to every single thing that Donald Trump has to say or that Hillary Clinton says.
- Tom Cotton
Image of Tom Cotton
The critical role of Congress in the adoption of international agreements was clearly laid out by our Founding Fathers in our Constitution. And it's a principle upon which Democrats and Republicans have largely agreed.
- Tom Cotton
Image of Tom Cotton
The Senate must approve any deal President Obama negotiates with Iran by a two-thirds majority vote.
- Tom Cotton
Image of Tom Cotton
I do not take my obligations as a senator lightly.
- Tom Cotton
Image of Tom Cotton
Our goal is simple: to stop Iran from obtaining a nuclear weapon.
- Tom Cotton
Image of Tom Cotton
Guantanamo Bay is a first-rate detention facility that's kept terrorists off the battlefield and kept America safe. It's critical role in our national security cannot be overstated.
- Tom Cotton
Image of Tom Cotton
Information obtained from detainees at Guantanamo has been described by the CIA as 'the lead information' that enabled the agency to recognize the importance of a courier for Usama bin Laden, a crucial understanding that led to Bin Laden's secret hideout in Pakistan and the U.S. raid that killed him.
- Tom Cotton
Image of Tom Cotton
Men are simple creatures. It doesn't take much to please us. The problem is women.
- Tom Cotton
Collection: Simple
Image of Tom Cotton
It shouldn't surprise any American to know that Russia uses its money and its intelligence services to spread disinformation, use subterfuge and deception and manipulation, to try to divide political opinion within the United States, within any Western European country, or among NATO countries. That's one of the techniques that Russia has used for decades, during the Cold War and during the Putin era.
- Tom Cotton
Collection: Country
Image of Tom Cotton
If you're a doctor, or a scientist, or a computer programmer, it shouldn't matter whether you come from Nigeria, or Norway, or any other country on this earth. Today though we have a system that rewards ties of blood, ties of kin, ties of clan. That's one of the most un-American immigration systems I can imagine.
- Tom Cotton
Collection: Country
Image of Tom Cotton
Donald Trump, like most Americans, like most Republicans, believe in protecting America's core national interests. He believes as do I, as do most Americans, that we aren't yet doing enough to take the fight to the Islamic State.That the intervention in Libya was ill-considered and slapdash at the time. And we're living with the consequences of it now. That we have to get tougher when it comes to our intelligence and law enforcement practices to stop Islamic terrorism.
- Tom Cotton
Collection: Islamic
Image of Tom Cotton
It should come as no surprise that Russia continues its effort to manipulate Western democracies in a way to sow discord and disagreements between our countries in NATO and within the United States or any other Western European country. And it's something the United States obviously must be on guard against.
- Tom Cotton
Collection: Country
Image of Tom Cotton
It's important to remember that whatever the presidential candidates of either party say, they will have to interact with the United States Congress, particularly the Senate, when it comes to crafting policy.
- Tom Cotton
Collection: Party
Image of Tom Cotton
We`ll go through the legislative process and I`m make it clear what I support, don`t support and what I think is good for Arkansas.
- Tom Cotton
Collection: Thinking
Image of Tom Cotton
If you change our immigration system to a skills-based system that respects and treats people for who they are as individuals as opposed to residents of a certain country or relatives of certain people in the United States, it's a system that is more in keeping with American values.
- Tom Cotton
Collection: Country
Image of Tom Cotton
In military terms, if you're not winning, sometimes you are losing. We've seen the Taliban and associated terrorist organizations make gains in recent years. It's time to stop those gains and roll them back. There's a lot of different techniques to do so, but we cannot allow Afghanistan to once again become an ungoverned country from which terrorist organizations can launch attacks against the United States and our citizens.
- Tom Cotton
Collection: Country
Image of Tom Cotton
Russia remains an adversary to the United States. We have some overlapping interests. It would be better if our relationship was better. But our relationship is not good right now because of Vladimir Putin. There are steps that I think that we should be taking that we should have taken under the Obama administration. For instance, providing defensive weaponry to Ukraine. I encourage the President and the administration to take a look at those steps.
- Tom Cotton
Collection: Taken
Image of Tom Cotton
A lot of my opposition to President Obama's policies had behind them 5, 6, 7 years of bad policies that made America less safe in my regard.
- Tom Cotton
Collection: Years
Image of Tom Cotton
The Islamic State is dangerous, a nuclear-armed Islamic Republic is even more so.
- Tom Cotton
Collection: Islamic