Todd Solondz

Image of Todd Solondz
What makes me angry is the idea that people would be going to a movie because of what I said about it. It makes me feel, I don't know, arrogant, self-important, self-aggrandizing, whatever. Like I'm being used.
- Todd Solondz
Collection: Self
Image of Todd Solondz
Some people see me as dissecting my characters in some kind of heartless, coldblooded, analytical way, when in truth making these movies is a passionate, intensely emotional experience for me. I'm detached from the characters only to the degree that I have to be in order to write honestly about them.
- Todd Solondz
Collection: Writing
Image of Todd Solondz
There can be a blurry line between laughing at the expense of a character and laughing at the recognition of something painful and true. But blurry as it may be, it is nevertheless unmistakable, and sometimes the laughter I hear makes me wince.
- Todd Solondz
Collection: Laughter
Image of Todd Solondz
I think success is a lot more healthy than failure.
- Todd Solondz
Collection: Thinking
Image of Todd Solondz
I think, in fact, there's a plus and a minus to knowing my prior work, Happiness and so forth. The plus is of course you can see how I play with the characters, the storylines, and the way things play off each other. And the minus is that it makes you a little bit more self-conscious, that you're not able to enter the movie as it exists and lives and breathes, because you're so busy making references, connections that you're not able to release yourself from and take the film on your own terms.
- Todd Solondz
Collection: Character
Image of Todd Solondz
What makes me put pen to paper? You know, that's the million-dollar question. I've been writing since I've been reading. It's not a question I think that's even meant to be answered, but it's something you always seek to discover the answer to. And the process of filmmaking is one of discovery, and self-discovery at that. Pleasure... it's not exactly what I would call fun, but it's absorbing.
- Todd Solondz
Collection: Fun
Image of Todd Solondz
Casting is great fun, except for the business of it. I love the casting process. I love the editing process. I love working with the music. And even prep is very exciting. But once you get there and the clock is ticking, all it is is stress.
- Todd Solondz
Collection: Fun
Image of Todd Solondz
You try to make them comfortable so they can do what they're best at, and make them shine. You always want to make an actor shine. I'm of the mind that there's no one - you, your mother, anyone, that if in the right place at the right time in the right context, couldn't shine in a movie. And so if it means, "Oh, I have to make them uncomfortable," then whatever it takes to get what I need up onscreen. It's all in the service of the story.
- Todd Solondz
Collection: Mother
Image of Todd Solondz
I think there are many advantages to not knowing any of my prior work. The narrative threads, I think, are totally accessible to anyone who may never have heard of me. There's a beginning, a middle, and an end - I don't think there's going to be any confusion there.
- Todd Solondz
Collection: Thinking
Image of Todd Solondz
I can't please everybody and I don't try to. If I can please myself that's enough. For the rest, I just hope for the best.
- Todd Solondz
Collection: Trying
Image of Todd Solondz
You always have to be ahead of the audience so that they have to always catch up and know the movie's not quite going exactly where you think it's going, or expecting it to be going.
- Todd Solondz
Collection: Thinking
Image of Todd Solondz
I always have to presume that each movie is my last movie because I never know if I'll get money again.
- Todd Solondz
Collection: Lasts
Image of Todd Solondz
I always make mistakes and I always fix things up, as best I can, in the cutting room.
- Todd Solondz
Collection: Mistake
Image of Todd Solondz
I love working with actors. If you cast the right person in the right part at the right time, they make you look like a better writer and director than you really are.
- Todd Solondz
Collection: Directors
Image of Todd Solondz
I love working with actors. I do.
- Todd Solondz
Collection: Actors
Image of Todd Solondz
Compromise is part and parcel of making a movie. It's a question of the kinds of compromises that you have to make.
- Todd Solondz
Collection: Compromise
Image of Todd Solondz
There are a lot of ideas I have that I think would be very marketable and commercial, but they're not as compelling to me as the ones that are unmarketable, uncommercial, and unprofitable.
- Todd Solondz
Collection: Thinking
Image of Todd Solondz
That said, be mindful, to someone who's never seen any of my work, it's just a movie with actors. So it's only those who of course know the earlier work that will see something is afoot, so to speak. But I don't want to intellectualize.
- Todd Solondz
Collection: Speak