Tim Daly

Image of Tim Daly
I get offered a lot of parts where I want to say, 'Why don't you just hire a model? Don't hire an actor.' I'm trying to convince people I'm a real actor, not some mannequin.
- Tim Daly
Image of Tim Daly
I could have been a rich kid who stayed in college and got by on the path of least resistance, but I got much more out of being in the world and pulling my own weight.
- Tim Daly
Image of Tim Daly
I have no illusions of being the big box office draw. But I would like to have some choices.
- Tim Daly
Image of Tim Daly
I never have thought of myself as a brand. I've thought of myself as an artist.
- Tim Daly
Image of Tim Daly
My public Facebook page is what it is. My Twitter account is sort of what it is, but if I'm totally honest with you, that is not my personal, private self. I have another Facebook page that is devoted to my dear friends and family, and they can keep in touch with me that way.
- Tim Daly
Image of Tim Daly
There are two jobs. There is being an actor, and there is being a celebrity. Some people are really good at both. Some people are really good celebrities and terrible actors, and some people are really good actors and terrible celebrities. Hopefully, I am a really good actor and an OK celebrity.
- Tim Daly
Image of Tim Daly
I realized that my grandfather walked with Martin Luther King forty years ago. That was his dream. And in his little way, he helped us get closer to where we are today.
- Tim Daly
Image of Tim Daly
I feel the need to endanger myself every so often.
- Tim Daly
Collection: Sports
Image of Tim Daly
You cannot go wrong with Bugs Bunny. He's the coolest cartoon character ever. I quote him all the time.
- Tim Daly
Collection: Character
Image of Tim Daly
What attracted me to it, beyond it being really intelligent, was that it was sadly something that would be unique on television. Anchoring this political show is this vital, dynamic, complex, thriving marriage. These people are passionately and fiercely committed to making it work out.
- Tim Daly
Collection: Intelligent
Image of Tim Daly
In a war you have to take up arms and people will get killed, and I can support that kind of action by petrol bombing and bombs under cars, and probably at a later stage, the shooting of vivisectors on their doorsteps. It's a war, and there's no other way you can stop vivisectors.
- Tim Daly
Collection: War
Image of Tim Daly
One of the great things about cartoons is that they're not real - you're not watching real people and it engages your imagination. One of the cornerstones of America is that we are creative thinkers. We're innovators.
- Tim Daly
Collection: Real
Image of Tim Daly
Every once in a while, someone comes up to me and says, "Excuse me, are you Tim Daly?" And I say yes and they say "I have to tell you, I am such a huge fan of yours, and my favorite work of yours is the voice of Superman." I'm always sort of surprised when that happens - I used to think that it was all about the kids watching those animated shows, and who did the voices didn't really enter their consciousness. But there are people that it means a lot to and I'm always a little bit taken aback by that. And I'm thrilled when that happens.
- Tim Daly
Collection: Taken
Image of Tim Daly
I've never seen a professor of religion on television before, and I thought that was fascinating. The creative tension with spirituality vs. practicality in the world of politics is a vital conversation.
- Tim Daly
Collection: Creative
Image of Tim Daly
I love exploring the relationship between fathers and daughters. I think that's a special thing, especially with daughters who are dealing with being adults. That's fascinating to me. I've had a lot of very interesting parenting techniques that I've employed with my own daughter that have worked really well, so far.
- Tim Daly
Collection: Daughter
Image of Tim Daly
It's become a cliche to think of marriage as a disaster area and a war zone. Although political shows are really popular now, I think what sets this apart is this marriage and this family dynamic, and this way of revealing that people in positions of power or who have public careers are also real people. They have children and lives, and they have to deal with all of the things that everybody else does.
- Tim Daly
Collection: Children