Thomas Merton

Image of Thomas Merton
This is the greatest stumbling block in our spiritual discipline, which, in actuality, consists not in getting rid of the self but in realizing the fact that there is no such existence from the first.
- Thomas Merton
Collection: Spiritual
Image of Thomas Merton
The evil in the world is all of our own making, and it proceeds entirely from our ruthless, senseless, wasteful, destructive, and suicidal neglect of our own being.
- Thomas Merton
Collection: Suicidal
Image of Thomas Merton
A purely mental life may be destructive if it leads us to substitute thought for life and ideas for actions. The activity proper to man is purely mental because man is not just a disembodied mind. Our destiny is to live out what we think, because unless we live what we know, we do not even know it. It is only by making our knowledge part of ourselves, through action, that we enter into the reality that is signified by our concepts.
- Thomas Merton
Collection: Reality
Image of Thomas Merton
... but any fool knows that you don't need money to get enjoyment out of life.
- Thomas Merton
Collection: Life
Image of Thomas Merton
Our whole life is a meditation of our last decision - the only decision that matters.
- Thomas Merton
Collection: Meditation
Image of Thomas Merton
Today will never come again.
- Thomas Merton
Collection: Life
Image of Thomas Merton
If a man is to live, he must be all alive, body, soul, mind, heart, spirit.
- Thomas Merton
Collection: Wisdom
Image of Thomas Merton
Even the darkest moments of the liturgy are filled with joy, and Ash Wednesday, the beginning of the lenten fast, is a day of happiness, a Christian feast.
- Thomas Merton
Collection: Christian
Image of Thomas Merton
You cannot be a man of faith unless you know how to doubt.
- Thomas Merton
Collection: Men
Image of Thomas Merton
We cannot arrive at the perfect possession of God in this life, and that is why we are travelling and in darkness. But we already possess Him by grace, and therefore in that sense we have arrived and are dwelling in the light. But oh! How far have I to go to find You in Whom I have already arrived!
- Thomas Merton
Collection: Wisdom
Image of Thomas Merton
What is the use of praying if at the very moment of prayer, we have so little confidence in God that we are busy planning our own kind of answer to our prayer?
- Thomas Merton
Collection: Prayer
Image of Thomas Merton
The fruitfulness of our lives depends in large measure in our ability to doubt our own words and to question the value of our own work. The man who completely trusts his own estimate of himself is doomed to sterility.
- Thomas Merton
Collection: Wisdom
Image of Thomas Merton
It is both dangerous and easy to hate man as he is because he is not what he ought to be. If we do not first respect what he is we will never suffer him to become what he ought to be: in our impatience we do away with him altogether.
- Thomas Merton
Collection: Hate
Image of Thomas Merton
I would call the attention of the reader to the difference between "reason" and "reasoning." Reason is a light, reasoning a process. Reason is a faculty, reasoning an exercise of that faculty. Reasoning proceeds from one truth to another by means of argumentation. This generally involves the whole mind in labor and complexity. But reason does not exist merely in order to engage in reasoning. The process is a means to an end. The true fulfillment of reason as a faculty is found when it can embrace the truth simply and without labor in the light of single intuition.
- Thomas Merton
Collection: Mean
Image of Thomas Merton
For me to be a saint means to be myself.
- Thomas Merton
Collection: Mean
Image of Thomas Merton
Not only does silence give us a chance to understand ourselves better, to get a truer and more balanced perspective on our own lives in relation to the lives of others: silence makes us whole if we let it. Silence helps draw together the scattered and dissipated energies of a fragmented existence.
- Thomas Merton
Collection: Giving
Image of Thomas Merton
The artistic experience, at its highest, was actually a natural analogue of mystical experience. It produced a kind of intuitive of perception.
- Thomas Merton
Collection: Mystical Experiences
Image of Thomas Merton
The man who fears to be alone will never be anything but lonely, no matter how much he may surround himself with people. But the man who learns, in solitude and recollection, to be at peace with his own loneliness, and to prefer its reality to the illusion of merely natural companionship, comes to know the invisible companionship of God. Such a one is alone with God in all places, and he alone truly enjoys the companionship of other men, because he loves them in God in Whom their presence is not tiresome, and because of Whom his own love for them can never know satiety.
- Thomas Merton
Collection: Wisdom
Image of Thomas Merton
I suppose what makes me most glad is that we all recognize each other in this metaphysical space of silence and happening, and get some sense, for a moment, that we are full of paradise without knowing it.
- Thomas Merton
Collection: Knowing
Image of Thomas Merton
The peculiar grace of a Shaker chair is due to the fact that it was made by someone capable of believing that an angel might come and sit on it.
- Thomas Merton
Collection: Believe
Image of Thomas Merton
Sincerity must be bought at a price: the humility to recognize our innumerable errors, and fidelity in tirelessly setting them right.
- Thomas Merton
Collection: Humility
Image of Thomas Merton
Humility sets us free to do what is really good, by showing us our illusions and withdrawing our will from what was only an apparent good.
- Thomas Merton
Collection: Humility
Image of Thomas Merton
True happiness is not found in any other reward than that of being united with God. If I seek some other reward besides God Himself, I may get my reward but I cannot be happy.
- Thomas Merton
Collection: Wisdom
Image of Thomas Merton
If we live with possibilities we are exiles from the present which is given us by God to be our own, homeless and displaced in a future or a past which are not ours because they are always beyond our reach. The present is our right place, and we can lay hands on whatever it offers us.
- Thomas Merton
Collection: Wisdom
Image of Thomas Merton
What I wear is pants. What I do is live. How I pray is breathe.
- Thomas Merton
Collection: Pants
Image of Thomas Merton
The humble person receives praise the way a clean window takes the light of the sun. The truer and more intense the light is, the less you see of the glass.
- Thomas Merton
Collection: Humble
Image of Thomas Merton
Love is an intensification of life.
- Thomas Merton
Collection: Love Is
Image of Thomas Merton
For language to have meaning, there must be intervals of silence somewhere, to divide word from word and utterance from utterance. He who retires into silence does not necessarily hate language. Perhaps it is love and respect for language which imposes silence upon him. For the mercy of God is not heard in words unless it is heard, both before and after the words are spoken, in silence.
- Thomas Merton
Collection: Hate
Image of Thomas Merton
For if I am to love truly and freely, I must be able to give something that is truly my own to another. If my heart does not first belong to me, how can I give it to another?
- Thomas Merton
Collection: Heart
Image of Thomas Merton
I myself am part of the weather and part of the climate and part of the place … It is certainly part of my life of prayer.
- Thomas Merton
Collection: Prayer
Image of Thomas Merton
Our Christian destiny is, in fact, a great one: but we cannot achieve greatness unless we lose all interest in being great. For our own idea of greatness is illusory, and if we pay too much attention to it we will be lured out of the peace and stability of the being God gave us, and seek to live in a myth we have created for ourselves. And when we are truly ourselves we lose most of the futile self-consciousness that keeps us constantly comparing ourselves with others in order to see how big we are.
- Thomas Merton
Collection: Christian
Image of Thomas Merton
It is true that we are called to create a better world. But we are first of all called to a more immediate and exalted task: that of creating our own lives.
- Thomas Merton
Collection: Creating
Image of Thomas Merton
It is in the ordinary duties and labors of life that the Christian can and should develop his spiritual union with God.
- Thomas Merton
Collection: Christian
Image of Thomas Merton
My God, I pray better to you by breathing and walking than by talking, just as in choir I sing best when I am thinking about something else, or better still, praying.
- Thomas Merton
Collection: Talking
Image of Thomas Merton
The world of men has forgotten the joys of silence, the peace of solitude, which is necessary, to some extent, for the fullness of human living. Man cannot be happy for long unless he is in contact with the springs of spiritual life which are hidden in the depths of his own soul. If man is exiled constantly from his own home, locked out of his spiritual solitude, he ceases to be a true person.
- Thomas Merton
Collection: Happy
Image of Thomas Merton
People have no idea what one saint can do: for sanctity is stronger than the whole of hell.
- Thomas Merton
Collection: Wisdom
Image of Thomas Merton
The whole world is charged with the glory of God and I feel fire and music under my feet.
- Thomas Merton
Collection: Fire
Image of Thomas Merton
True happiness is found in unselfish Love, A love which increases in proportion as it is shared.
- Thomas Merton
Collection: Happiness And Love
Image of Thomas Merton
Consequently, the truth of God lives in our souls more by the power of superior moral courage than by the light of an eminent intelligence. Indeed, spiritual intelligence itself depends on the fortitude and patience with which we sacrifice ourselves for the truth, as it is communicated to our lives concretely in the providential will of God
- Thomas Merton
Collection: Spiritual
Image of Thomas Merton
Creation was given to people as a clean window through which the light of God could shine into people's souls. Sun and moon, night and day, rain, sea, the crops, the flowering tree, all these things were transparent. They spoke to people not of themselves but only of Him who made them. Nature was symbolic. But the progressive degradation of humans led them further and further from this truth. Nature became opaque.
- Thomas Merton
Collection: Nature
Image of Thomas Merton
True contemplation is not a psychological trick but a theological grace. It can come to us ONLY as a gift, and not as a result of our own clever use of spiritual techniques.
- Thomas Merton
Collection: Spiritual
Image of Thomas Merton
Life consists in learning to live on one's own, spontaneous, freewheeling: to do this one must recognize what is one's own-be familiar and at home with oneself. This means basically learning who one is, and learning what one has to offer to the contemporary world, and then learning how to make that offering valid.
- Thomas Merton
Collection: Home
Image of Thomas Merton
Our thought should not merely be an answer to what someone else has just said. Or what someone else might have said. Our interior world must be more than an echo of the words of someone else. There is no point in being a moon to somebody else's sun, still less is there any justification for our being moons of one another, and hence darkness to one another, not one of us being a true sun.
- Thomas Merton
Collection: Wisdom
Image of Thomas Merton
People are in a hurry to magnify themselves by imitating what is popular- and too lazy to think of anything better.
- Thomas Merton
Collection: Thinking
Image of Thomas Merton
Our happiness consists in sharing the happiness of God, the perfection of His unlimited freedom, the perfection of His love.
- Thomas Merton
Collection: Perfection
Image of Thomas Merton
If nothing that can be seen can either be God or represent Him to us as He is, then to find God we must pass beyond everything that can be seen and enter into darkness. Since nothing that can be heard is God, to find Him we must enter into silence. Since God cannot be imagined, anything our imagination tells us about Him is ultimately a lie and therefore we cannot know Him as He really is unless we pass beyond everything that can be imagined and enter into an obscurity without images and without the likeness of any created thing.
- Thomas Merton
Collection: Lying
Image of Thomas Merton
The things I thought were so important -- because of the effort I put into them -- have turned out to be of small value. And the things I never thought about, the things I was never able to either to measure or to expect, were the things that mattered.
- Thomas Merton
Collection: Effort
Image of Thomas Merton
The desire to kill is like the desire to attack another with an ingot of red -hot iron: I have to pick up the incandescent metal and burn my own hand while burning the other. Hate itself is the seed of death in my own heart, while it seeks the death of the other.
- Thomas Merton
Collection: Hate
Image of Thomas Merton
I have only one desire, and that is the desire for solitude-to disappear into God, to be submerged in His peace, to be lost in the secret of His Face.
- Thomas Merton
Collection: Solitude