Terry Goodkind

Image of Terry Goodkind
Wizard's Second Rule The greatest harm can result from the best intentions.
- Terry Goodkind
Collection: Wizards
Image of Terry Goodkind
Reason and reality are the only means to just laws; mindless wishes, if given sovereignty, become deadly masters.
- Terry Goodkind
Collection: Mean
Image of Terry Goodkind
no army has ever marched into battle thinking that the Creator had sided with their enemy.
- Terry Goodkind
Collection: Army
Image of Terry Goodkind
Wizards First Rule: People are Stupid
- Terry Goodkind
Collection: Stupid
Image of Terry Goodkind
Once lucky, twice confident, and thrice dead.
- Terry Goodkind
Collection: Lucky
Image of Terry Goodkind
Over the millennia the seed of stories planted in the fertile soil of bits and scraps of facts was watered by wishes and began to take root and grow. Eventually, a bountiful fruit of rumors burst forth, to be spread on the wind of whispers that said we hid a fabled hoard of gold. Nothing could convince the believers that it was not true. The truth does not glitter for these people like gold does.
- Terry Goodkind
Collection: Wind
Image of Terry Goodkind
How do you know who I am?' Denna grinned, almost laughed. 'To know Richard is to know who Kahlan is.
- Terry Goodkind
Collection: Who I Am
Image of Terry Goodkind
Wrong doing must be punished. If not, it will proliferate until anarchy wears the robes of tolerance and understanding.
- Terry Goodkind
Collection: Understanding
Image of Terry Goodkind
Do you hate me because I have magic?" "Of course not." "Do you love me despite my magic?" He thought a minute. "No. I love everything about you, and your magic is part of you. That was how I got past the Confessor's magic. If I had loved you despite your power, I wouldn't have been accepting you for who you are. Your magic would have destroyed me.
- Terry Goodkind
Collection: Hate
Image of Terry Goodkind
Emotions are the sums created by details, whether those details are true or not.
- Terry Goodkind
Collection: Details
Image of Terry Goodkind
To love someone means that you sometimes are fulfilled the most by putting thier deepest desires above your own.
- Terry Goodkind
Collection: Mean
Image of Terry Goodkind
But emotions when based on valued things can be a faithful and consistant sum of truths.
- Terry Goodkind
Collection: Faithful
Image of Terry Goodkind
People need an enemy to feel a sense of purpose.
- Terry Goodkind
Collection: People
Image of Terry Goodkind
Culture carries no privilege to exist. Cultures do not have value simply because they are. Some cultures, the world is better off without.
- Terry Goodkind
Collection: Culture
Image of Terry Goodkind
Teachings that defy reason defy reality; what defies reality defies life. Defying life is embracing death.
- Terry Goodkind
Collection: Teaching
Image of Terry Goodkind
People are stupid; given proper motivation, almost anyone will believe almost anything. Because people are stupid, they will believe a lie because they want to believe it's true, or because they are afraid it might be true. People’s heads are full of knowledge, facts, and beliefs, and most of it is false, yet they think it all true. People are stupid; they can only rarely tell the difference between a lie and the truth, and yet they are confident they can, and so are all the easier to fool.
- Terry Goodkind
Collection: Motivation
Image of Terry Goodkind
Kahlan stood quietly in the shadows, watching, as evil knocked softly on the door.
- Terry Goodkind
Collection: Doors
Image of Terry Goodkind
I am dead. Only vengeance can restore me! Only victory can return my life to me!
- Terry Goodkind
Collection: Victory
Image of Terry Goodkind
Emotion did not play a part in truth, only reality did.
- Terry Goodkind
Collection: Reality
Image of Terry Goodkind
Reasons are the spoils of victory. When you've destroyed the enemy, then your leaders write down the reasons in books, and give moving speeches about them. If you've done your job, then there aren't any of the enemy left to dispute your leader's reasons. At least not until the next war.
- Terry Goodkind
Collection: Jobs
Image of Terry Goodkind
No amount of telling is worth doing it once.
- Terry Goodkind
Collection: Amount
Image of Terry Goodkind
Bags, and Double Bags!" - Zedd
- Terry Goodkind
Collection: Bags
Image of Terry Goodkind
I never could understand why some writers treat women as helpless. Every woman I know is strong in her own unique way.
- Terry Goodkind
Collection: Inspirational
Image of Terry Goodkind
Fantasy allows you bend the world and the situation to more clearly focus on the moral aspects of what’s happening. In fantasy you can distill life down to the essence of your story.
- Terry Goodkind
Collection: Stories
Image of Terry Goodkind
That’s what friends are for-to be strong for you when you need a moment to find your own strength.
- Terry Goodkind
Collection: Strong