Teresa of Avila

Image of Teresa of Avila
Our greatest gain is to lose the wealth that is of such brief duration and, by comparison with eternal things, of such little worth; yet we get upset about it and our gain turns to loss.
- Teresa of Avila
Collection: Loss
Image of Teresa of Avila
You ought to make every effort to free yourselves even from venial sin, and to do what is most perfect.
- Teresa of Avila
Collection: Perfect
Image of Teresa of Avila
Everything seems to me to pass so quickly that we must concentrate on how to die rather than on how to live. How sweet it is to die if one has lived on the Cross with Christ.
- Teresa of Avila
Collection: Sweet
Image of Teresa of Avila
God prefers your health, and your obedience, to your penance.
- Teresa of Avila
Collection: Positive
Image of Teresa of Avila
Any real ecstasy is a sign you are moving in the right direction.
- Teresa of Avila
Collection: Real
Image of Teresa of Avila
May I not come before You with empty hands, since we are rewarded according to our deeds.
- Teresa of Avila
Collection: Hands
Image of Teresa of Avila
It is impossible for human tongue to exaggerate the riches which a vision from God brings to the soul: it even bestows health and refreshment on the body.
- Teresa of Avila
Collection: God
Image of Teresa of Avila
To want to become angels while we are still on earth ... is ridiculous.
- Teresa of Avila
Collection: Angel
Image of Teresa of Avila
Those who in fact risk all for God will find that they have both lost all and gained all.
- Teresa of Avila
Collection: Risk
Image of Teresa of Avila
But the fact is, things always seem to come slowly when you are longing for them.
- Teresa of Avila
Collection: Waiting
Image of Teresa of Avila
Do you know when people really become spiritual? It is when they become the slaves of God and are branded with His sign, which is the sign of the Cross, in token that they have given Him their freedom.
- Teresa of Avila
Collection: Spiritual
Image of Teresa of Avila
I made you, dear, and all I make is perfect. Please come close, for I desire you.
- Teresa of Avila
Collection: Perfect
Image of Teresa of Avila
God deliver me from people who are so spiritual that they want to turn everything into perfect contemplation, come what may.
- Teresa of Avila
Collection: Spiritual
Image of Teresa of Avila
All things pass... Patience attains all it strives for.
- Teresa of Avila
Collection: Patience
Image of Teresa of Avila
One always goes on as one begins.
- Teresa of Avila
Collection: Goes On
Image of Teresa of Avila
Union is as if in a room there were two large windows through which the light streamed in; it enters in different places but it all becomes one.
- Teresa of Avila
Collection: Light
Image of Teresa of Avila
Love draws forth love.
- Teresa of Avila
Collection: Love
Image of Teresa of Avila
It is certain that the love of God does not consist in this sweetness and tenderness which we for the most part desire; but rather in serving Him in justice, fortitude, and humility. His Majesty seeks and loves courageous souls.
- Teresa of Avila
Collection: Humility
Image of Teresa of Avila
From moment to moment one can bear much.
- Teresa of Avila
Collection: Bears
Image of Teresa of Avila
Don't imagine that, if you had a great deal of time, you would spend more of it in prayer. Get rid of that idea; it is no hindrance to prayer to spend your time well.
- Teresa of Avila
Collection: Prayer
Image of Teresa of Avila
Much more is accomplished by a single word of the Our Father said, now and then, from our heart, than by the whole prayer repeated many times in haste and without attention.
- Teresa of Avila
Collection: Prayer
Image of Teresa of Avila
Never affirm anything unless you are sure it is true.
- Teresa of Avila
Collection: Truth
Image of Teresa of Avila
Oh, my Lord! How true it is that whoever works for you is paid in troubles! And what a precious price to those who love you if we understand its value.
- Teresa of Avila
Collection: Love You
Image of Teresa of Avila
What a miserable life is this! There is no happiness that is secure and nothing that does not change.
- Teresa of Avila
Collection: Life
Image of Teresa of Avila
Contemplative prayer [oraciĆ³n mental] in my opinion is nothing else than a close sharing between friends; it means taking time frequently to be alone with him who we know loves us.
- Teresa of Avila
Collection: Prayer
Image of Teresa of Avila
In all created things discern the providence and wisdom of God, and in all things give Him thanks.
- Teresa of Avila
Collection: Giving
Image of Teresa of Avila
How is it, Lord, that we are cowards in everything save in opposing thee?
- Teresa of Avila
Collection: God
Image of Teresa of Avila
How is it that there are not many who are led by sermons to forsake open sin? Do you know what I think? That is because preachers have too much worldly wisdom.
- Teresa of Avila
Collection: Thinking