St. Vincent

Image of St. Vincent
We ought to deal kindly with all, and to manifest those qualities which spring naturally from a heart tender and full of Christian charity; such as affability, love and humility. These virtues serve wonderfully to gain the hearts of men, and to encourage them to embrace things that are more repugnant to nature.
- St. Vincent
Collection: Christian
Image of St. Vincent
While Jesus is saving, I'm spending all my daysin backgrounds and landscapes with the languages of saints.While people are spinning like toys on Christmas day,I'm inside a still life with the other absentee.
- St. Vincent
Collection: Jesus
Image of St. Vincent
Whoever wishes to make progress in perfection should use particular diligence in not allowing himself to be led away by his passions, which destroy with one hand the spiritual edifice which is rising by the labors of the other. But to succeed well in this, resistance should be begun while the passions are yet weak; for after they are thoroughly rooted and grown up, there is scarcely any remedy.
- St. Vincent
Collection: Spiritual
Image of St. Vincent
I read the signs,I got all my stars aligned,My amulets, my charms,I set all my false alarms,So I'll be someoneWho won't be forgotten.
- St. Vincent
Collection: Stars
Image of St. Vincent
In a really great way, you simultaneously try to take up as little and as much space as possible.
- St. Vincent
Collection: Space
Image of St. Vincent
It ought to be considered a great misfortune, not only for individuals, but also for Houses and Congregations, to have everything in conformity with their wishes; to go on quietly, and to suffer nothing for the love of God. Yes, consider it certain that a person or a Congregation that does not suffer and is applauded by all the world is near a fall.
- St. Vincent
Collection: Fall
Image of St. Vincent
Oh but I'd pay anything to keep my conscience clean.I'm keeping my eyes on the the exit sign. Steady now.
- St. Vincent
Collection: Eye
Image of St. Vincent
The keys are in my pocket and they rattle you awake.
- St. Vincent
Collection: Keys
Image of St. Vincent
The Church of Christ, zealous and cautious guardian of the dogmas deposited with it, never changes any phase of them. It does not diminish them or add to them; it neither trims what seems necessary now grafts things superfluous . . . but it devotes all its diligence to one aim: To treat tradition faithfully and wisely; to consolidate and to strengthen what already was clear; and to guard what already was confirmed and defined.
- St. Vincent
Collection: Church
Image of St. Vincent
Perfection consists in one thing alone, which is doing the will of God. For, according to Our Lord's words, it suffices for perfection to deny self, to take up the cross and to follow Him. Now who denies himself and takes up his cross and follows Christ better than he who seeks not to do his own will, but always that of God? Behold, now, how little is needed to become as Saint? Nothing more than to acquire the habit of willing, on every occasion, what God wills.
- St. Vincent
Collection: Self
Image of St. Vincent
Fervor is a fire that makes things boil and grow hot, just as fire causes water to boil. It is, properly speaking, charity on fire, and that is what you should have because a Daughter without Charity is like a body without a soul.
- St. Vincent
Collection: Daughter
Image of St. Vincent
Outpouring of affection for God, of resting in his presence, of good feelings towards everyone and sentiments and prayers like theseare suspect if they do not express themselves in practical love which has real effects.
- St. Vincent
Collection: Prayer
Image of St. Vincent
Leaden trumpets spit the soot of power they say"I'm on your side when nobody is, cause nobody is.Come sit right here and sleep while I slip poison in your ear
- St. Vincent
Collection: Sleep
Image of St. Vincent
Let us love God my brothers, let us love God. But let it be with the strength of our arms and the sweat of our brow.
- St. Vincent
Collection: Brother
Image of St. Vincent
Go to the poor there you will find God.
- St. Vincent
Collection: Poor
Image of St. Vincent
The first step to be taken by one who wishes to follow Christ is, according to Our Lord’s own words, that of renouncing himself - that is, his own senses, his own passions, his own will, his own judgement, and all the movements of nature, making to God a sacrifice of all these things, and of all their acts, which are surely sacrifices very acceptable to the Lord. And we must never grow weary of this; for if anyone having, so to speak, one foot already in Heaven, should abandon this exercise, when the time should come for him to put the other there, he would run much risk of being lost.
- St. Vincent
Collection: Running
Image of St. Vincent
I just love playing guitar, so that’s what I’m going to do.
- St. Vincent
Collection: Guitar