Sinead O'Connor

Image of Sinead O'Connor
I find that as a female boss in the music industry, it's difficult to actually be treated as if you actually are the boss and to have people act on your instructions and take you seriously. Like you call up people who are working for you and say, "I'd like to see such-and-such document," and they tell you that you don't need it. Then you have to spend time convincing them that it doesn't matter whether they think you need it or not, they're supposed to hand it to you.
- Sinead O'Connor
Collection: Thinking
Image of Sinead O'Connor
I guess I'm a Holy Spirit maniac. I'm not a religious maniac. I love religion, but I don't like it.
- Sinead O'Connor
Collection: Religious
Image of Sinead O'Connor
I know that I have done many things to give you reason not to listen to me
- Sinead O'Connor
Collection: Giving
Image of Sinead O'Connor
All of my life, actually, I had a real strong relationship with God, but I was always in the closet about it. The only distance out of the closet I really want to come there is having my tattoo or wearing my t-shirt.
- Sinead O'Connor
Collection: Tattoo
Image of Sinead O'Connor
When I kissed you, you didn't mind. I thought I tasted of too many cigarettes, but you tasted like wine.
- Sinead O'Connor
Collection: Honesty
Image of Sinead O'Connor
I had developed manic depression [bipolar disorder] ... and the main symptoms the constant voice in the head telling you to kill yourself.
- Sinead O'Connor
Collection: Depression
Image of Sinead O'Connor
Remember what I told you. If they hated me, they will hate you.
- Sinead O'Connor
Collection: Funny
Image of Sinead O'Connor
It's very hard to be perceived as a boss, and behaving like a boss or wanting to be treated like one.
- Sinead O'Connor
Collection: Boss
Image of Sinead O'Connor
If there was acceptance of the mentally ill in the Catholic Church, the entire Curia would resign!
- Sinead O'Connor
Collection: Acceptance
Image of Sinead O'Connor
I h a v e a l l t h a t I r e q u e s t e d and I do not want what I haven`t got. I have learned this from my mother ; see how happy she has made me. I will take this road much further though I know not where it takes me.
- Sinead O'Connor
Collection: Mother
Image of Sinead O'Connor
It's OK to assert yourself. Obviously, as a woman, I do experience the consequence of asserting yourself - you're not supposed to assert yourself.
- Sinead O'Connor
Collection: Consequence
Image of Sinead O'Connor
There's a standard of songwriting that, when you start immersing yourself in those types of songs, it raises your own bar as a songwriter. There's also simplicity in the songwriting. It's much harder to be simple than it is to be complicated.
- Sinead O'Connor
Collection: Song
Image of Sinead O'Connor
I love songs, and I love songwriting, and there's a standard of songwriting within Chicago blues in particular. I don't like the sad blues, necessarily; the Chicago blues is what I like, which is the kind of blues you can dance to.
- Sinead O'Connor
Collection: Song
Image of Sinead O'Connor
When you have mental illness you don't have a plaster or a cast or a crutch, that let everyone know that you have the illness, so people expect the same of you as from anyone else and when you are different they give you a hard time and they think you're being difficult or they think you're being a pain in the ass and they're horrible to you. You spend your life in Ireland trying to hide that you have a mental illness.
- Sinead O'Connor
Collection: Pain
Image of Sinead O'Connor
I was getting a lot of pressure from people in show business about my being overweight because of medication, I was on 200 mg of amitriptiline. When I said this to my doctor, for some reason she took me completely off medication and she didn't really supervise properly.
- Sinead O'Connor
Collection: Doctors
Image of Sinead O'Connor
God's place is the world but the world is not God's place.
- Sinead O'Connor
Collection: World
Image of Sinead O'Connor
What I'm interested in is the protection of children from violence, and they are exposed to violence every single day in the form of, as it's called, the news. Then you wonder why the children are running around, doing the things in the streets, doing the things that they've seen the adults doing in the so-called news.
- Sinead O'Connor
Collection: Running
Image of Sinead O'Connor
I really believe that God and religion is two different things.
- Sinead O'Connor
Collection: Believe
Image of Sinead O'Connor
We're exposing our minors to abuse by the fact that they leave the radio on in the car and let them listen to the news on the way to school. Or the fact that it's shown on the news, the children can see Gaddafi's face and his glorious Technicolor clothes getting shot off on the news or on the newspaper shelves. In the shelves of the shops where all the sex magazines are consciously put at the top, if they're consciously put at the top, that must mean the violence is all put at the bottom consciously.
- Sinead O'Connor
Collection: Sex
Image of Sinead O'Connor
I suppose the biggest change to me is this kind of very oversexualizing of everything. Not that anyone wants to take the sex out of rock 'n' roll, you know - that would be ludicrous - but it seems that everything now, it's like the sexuality is the only voice; everything else is gone.
- Sinead O'Connor
Collection: Sex
Image of Sinead O'Connor
Biggest lesson I've ever had in life is that blues had a baby and they named it rock 'n' roll.
- Sinead O'Connor
Collection: Baby
Image of Sinead O'Connor
I suppose is very cathartic to do a show to the masses and you get to make magic in a manner that you can't do in regular life, but I suppose that self esteem effect is one of the most powerful.
- Sinead O'Connor
Collection: Powerful
Image of Sinead O'Connor
Generally I don't listen to sad songs if I'm sad. I listen to happy songs.
- Sinead O'Connor
Collection: Song
Image of Sinead O'Connor
As a parent, I don't really want my child to know about all this horrible violence that people seem to be wanting to tell them every time they go to buy some candy.
- Sinead O'Connor
Collection: Children
Image of Sinead O'Connor
I am someone who really does believe very strongly in the Holy Spirit. I feel I'm someone who, since I was a very, very small child, of being engaged in a very strong relationship with the Holy Spirit.
- Sinead O'Connor
Collection: Strong
Image of Sinead O'Connor
They're my positive chaos, my children.
- Sinead O'Connor
Collection: Children
Image of Sinead O'Connor
You can't have a church run by people who don't believe in God.
- Sinead O'Connor
Collection: Running
Image of Sinead O'Connor
The music business is a place where the artists are all treated like we're working for the people who are working for us. That can obviously be exaggerated when you're a female.
- Sinead O'Connor
Collection: Artist
Image of Sinead O'Connor
I'm great at washing dishes and I'm great at cleaning the house and all that kind of stuff. I don't like doing it, but I'm.
- Sinead O'Connor
Collection: House
Image of Sinead O'Connor
The trouble when you have a job like mine is it's your social life as well, so I need to actually [find] something to do in my downtime when my kids are at school.
- Sinead O'Connor
Collection: Jobs
Image of Sinead O'Connor
I'm a Holy Spirit maniac, yeah. When I say maniac, to me, a maniac is a person that goes around telling you what you should believe. You know, you have to believe what I believe, and I don't believe that.
- Sinead O'Connor
Collection: Believe
Image of Sinead O'Connor
I listen to, like, funky Chicago blues. I love blues, but I love the funky, happy blues. There's a song about pretty much everything, including kidney stones, believe it or not. So there's something there for whatever you happen to be suffering, you know?
- Sinead O'Connor
Collection: Song
Image of Sinead O'Connor
Until everyone in this country over 35 has passed away, the theocracy will still be alive. And I am not actually of the theocracy, and that could bother people. I think I've probably taken a bit of flak for that, as well as being an arsehole occasionally, obviously.
- Sinead O'Connor
Collection: Country
Image of Sinead O'Connor
I have always had a good functioning in my artistic life, but I had problems mostly in my private life, I got very angry with my boyfriends and stuff...I would probably have good reasons to be angry but the volume would be too high, just getting to some level of wounding that perhaps was not appropriate to the actual offence committed.
- Sinead O'Connor
Collection: Artistic Life
Image of Sinead O'Connor
There is a God. God exists.
- Sinead O'Connor
Collection: God Exists
Image of Sinead O'Connor
There's a weighing kind of overemphasis on sexuality, which disempowers music generally, because it silences all the other voices; it makes music a very powerless force for changing the world.
- Sinead O'Connor
Collection: Voice
Image of Sinead O'Connor
My favorite way of working is if somebody gives me a piece of music, because I'm quite limited as a player, so it's my favorite thing if somebody gives me a piece of music, and then I can write lyrics and melodies.
- Sinead O'Connor
Collection: Writing
Image of Sinead O'Connor
I suppose the danger when you have a job that involves writing is you can be a bit isolated.
- Sinead O'Connor
Collection: Jobs
Image of Sinead O'Connor
I think there's a lot that's beautiful about religion and very inspiring, obviously, but I do think that God needs to be rescued from religion actually.
- Sinead O'Connor
Collection: Beautiful
Image of Sinead O'Connor
God needs to get rescued from religious music.
- Sinead O'Connor
Collection: Religious
Image of Sinead O'Connor
The irony is that musical artists have enormous public voices, but behind the scenes we're voiceless, actually.
- Sinead O'Connor
Collection: Artist
Image of Sinead O'Connor
Irish artists have a tradition of being very heavily engaged in what is happening in their own society. So it was important that they had a voice.
- Sinead O'Connor
Collection: Artist
Image of Sinead O'Connor
You also said in Rolling Stone that your look is based on mine. The look I chose, I chose on purpose at a time when my record company were encouraging me to do what you have done. I felt I would rather be judged on my talent and not my looks. I am happy that I made that choice, not least because I do not find myself on the proverbial rag heap now that I am almost 47 yrs of age.. which unfortunately many female artists who have based their image around their sexuality, end up on when they reach middle age.
- Sinead O'Connor
Collection: Artist
Image of Sinead O'Connor
I am catholic. And I don't like to see catholicism being brought into disrepute by those in charge who don't seem to believe in God at all... they act like they don't think God is watching.
- Sinead O'Connor
Collection: Believe
Image of Sinead O'Connor
Unfortunately in my case, because of what I do for living, here in Ireland is very hard for me to find a doctor who can just deal with me as a person, that can get beyond Sinead O'Connor. I had to go to England to find a psychiatrist for my case.
- Sinead O'Connor
Collection: Doctors
Image of Sinead O'Connor
What I hope is to really focus on being a songwriter. I'd love to write songs for other people; that's something I'd really like to start doing.
- Sinead O'Connor
Collection: Song
Image of Sinead O'Connor
I'm a very good dishwasher. I'm a terrible cook. I'm an awful cook.
- Sinead O'Connor
Collection: Awful
Image of Sinead O'Connor
Every pore of you is crying and you don't even understand why or what. I actually kind of died and got born again as a result of taking the meds and having a chance to, you know, build a life.
- Sinead O'Connor
Collection: Chance