
Image of Saadi
If thou art wise, incline to truth; for truth, not the semblance, remains in its place.
- Saadi
Collection: Wise
Image of Saadi
Expose not the secret failings of mankind, otherwise you must verily bring scandal upon them and distrust upon yourself.
- Saadi
Collection: Secret
Image of Saadi
Riches are intended for the comfort of life, and not life for the purpose of hoarding riches.
- Saadi
Collection: Comfort
Image of Saadi
No reliance can be placed on the friendship of kings, nor vain hope put in the melodious voice of boys; for that passes away like a vision, and this vanishes like a dream.
- Saadi
Collection: Dream
Image of Saadi
Obedience is not truly performed by the body of him whose heart is dissatisfied. The shell without a kernel is not fit for store.
- Saadi
Collection: Heart
Image of Saadi
When you see contention amongst your enemies, go and sit at ease with your friends; but when you see them of one mind, string your bow, and place stones upon the ramparts.
- Saadi
Collection: War
Image of Saadi
He, who learns and makes no use of his learning, is a beast of burden, with a load of books.
- Saadi
Collection: Book
Image of Saadi
Be generous, and pleasant-tempered, and forgiving; even as God scatter favors over thee, do thou scatter over the people.
- Saadi
Collection: People
Image of Saadi
Wherever the tree of beneficence takes root, it sends forth branches beyond the sky!
- Saadi
Collection: Roots
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He who learns, and makes no use of his learning, is a beast of burden with a load of books. Does the ass comprehend whether he carries on his back a library or a bundle of faggots?
- Saadi
Collection: Book
Image of Saadi
It is wrong to follow the advice of an adversary; nevertheless it is right to hear it, that you may do the contrary; and this is the essence of good policy.
- Saadi
Collection: Essence
Image of Saadi
Man is, beyond dispute, the most excellent of created beings, and the vilest animal is a dog; but the sages agree that a grateful dog is better than an ungrateful man.
- Saadi
Collection: Dog
Image of Saadi
Now that another is suffering pain at thy hand, trust not that thy heart shall be exempt from affliction.
- Saadi
Collection: Bullying
Image of Saadi
Better hold the hand for coin, though small, Than lose, for one half a dang, it all.
- Saadi
Collection: Hands
Image of Saadi
Fear not the proud and the haughty; fear rather him who fears God.
- Saadi
Collection: Fear
Image of Saadi
The greedy man is incontent with a whole world set before him.
- Saadi
Collection: Men
Image of Saadi
That sorrow which is the harbinger of joy is preferable to the joy which is followed by sorrow.
- Saadi
Collection: Joy
Image of Saadi
Court the society of a superior, and make much of the opportunity; for in the company of an equal thy good fortune must decline.
- Saadi
Collection: Opportunity
Image of Saadi
Use a sweet tongue, courtesy, and gentleness, and thou mayest manage to guide an elephant by a hair.
- Saadi
Collection: Sweet
Image of Saadi
Whoever interrupts the conversation of others to make a display of his fund of knowledge, makes notorious his own stock of ignorance.
- Saadi
Collection: Ignorance
Image of Saadi
People are crying up the rich and variegated plumage of the peacock, and he is himself blushing at the sight of his ugly feet.
- Saadi
Collection: Confidence
Image of Saadi
A dog will never forget the crumb thou gavest him, though thou mayst afterwards throw a hundred stones at his head.
- Saadi
Collection: Friendship
Image of Saadi
Better is the sinner who hath thoughts about God, than the saint who hath only the show of sanctity.
- Saadi
Collection: Saint
Image of Saadi
If a piece of worthless stone can bruise a cup of gold, its worth is not increased, nor that of the gold diminished.
- Saadi
Collection: Gold
Image of Saadi
A tree, freshly rooted, may be pulled up by one man on his own. Give it time, and it will not be moved, even with a crane
- Saadi
Collection: Wisdom
Image of Saadi
He who lives upon the fruit of his own labor, escapes the contempt of haughty benefactors.
- Saadi
Collection: Fruit
Image of Saadi
It is better to break off a thousand friendships, than to endure the sight of a single enemy.
- Saadi
Collection: Sight
Image of Saadi
Make no friendship with an elephant keeper If you have no room to entertain an elephant
- Saadi
Collection: Wisdom
Image of Saadi
The best loved by God are those that are rich, yet have the humility of the poor, and those that are poor and have the magnanimity of the rich.
- Saadi
Collection: Best Love
Image of Saadi
Patience accomplishes its object, while hurry speeds to its ruin.
- Saadi
Collection: Ruins
Image of Saadi
However much you study, you cannot know without action. A donkey laden with books is neither an intellectual nor a wise man. Empty of essence, what learning has he whether upon him is firewood or book?
- Saadi
Collection: Wise
Image of Saadi
Have patience. Everything is difficult before it is easy.
- Saadi
Collection: Healing
Image of Saadi
A grateful dog is better than an ungrateful man.
- Saadi
Collection: Dog
Image of Saadi
O wise man, wash your hands of that friend who associates with your enemies.
- Saadi
Collection: Wise
Image of Saadi
Whoever recounts to you the faults of your neighbour will doubtless expose your defects to others.
- Saadi
Collection: Faults
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When the belly is empty, the body becomes spirit; and when it is full, the spirit becomes body.
- Saadi
Collection: Body
Image of Saadi
Whoever gives advice to a heedless man is himself in need of advice.
- Saadi
Collection: Wisdom
Image of Saadi
Be not so severe as to cause shyness, nor so clement as to encourage boldness.
- Saadi
Collection: Causes
Image of Saadi
Publish not men's secret faults, for by disgracing them you make yourself of no repute.
- Saadi
Collection: Men
Image of Saadi
Every person thinks his own intellect perfect, and his own child handsome.
- Saadi
Collection: Children
Image of Saadi
Holiness comes by holy deeds. Not starving flesh of daily needs.
- Saadi
Collection: Deeds
Image of Saadi
Keep belly lightly loaded, if mind would wisdom see;For bodies crammed to bursting, make empty souls to be.
- Saadi
Collection: Soul
Image of Saadi
A friend whom you have been gaining during your whole life, you ought not to be displeased with in a moment. A stone is many years becoming a ruby - take care that you do not destroy it in an instant against another stone.
- Saadi
Collection: Years
Image of Saadi
The bad fortune of the good turns their faces up to heaven; the good fortune of the bad bows their heads down to the earth.
- Saadi
Collection: Heaven
Image of Saadi
Whatever is produced in haste goes hastily to waste.
- Saadi
Collection: Haste
Image of Saadi
God gives sleep to the bad, in order that the good may be undisturbed.
- Saadi
Collection: Sleep
Image of Saadi
Do good even to the wicked; it is as well to shut a dog's mouth with a crumb.
- Saadi
Collection: Dog
Image of Saadi
Do to me, O Allah, what is worthy of Thee; And not what is worthy of me.
- Saadi
Collection: Wisdom