Ryan Phillippe

Image of Ryan Phillippe
A lot of producers cookie cut movies one after another, but I'll be a little more careful, and have the opportunity to be, because I have the acting career to subsidize the producing.
- Ryan Phillippe
Collection: Movies
Image of Ryan Phillippe
Home life's great, man. The kids are great, happy and healthy. I've reached this sort of wonderful precipice.
- Ryan Phillippe
Collection: Home
Image of Ryan Phillippe
I grew up with no money. My kids will grow up with a lot of money and so it's really important to me, and it will always be a part of my parenting, to keep them conscientious and connected socially to other people.
- Ryan Phillippe
Collection: Parenting
Image of Ryan Phillippe
I have three sisters and I've always wanted a brother, so I was really interested in that notion.
- Ryan Phillippe
Image of Ryan Phillippe
My sisters are my favorite people on earth.
- Ryan Phillippe
Image of Ryan Phillippe
There was a time - before I made movies - when I was more forgiving, but now that I've learned as much as I have, I want to do movies that I want to see, that have their own unique flavor.
- Ryan Phillippe
Image of Ryan Phillippe
The idea of doing something that you've seen a thousand times before doesn't appeal to me.
- Ryan Phillippe
Image of Ryan Phillippe
Granted, there are times when, for business reasons, you do something that's more mainstream. But even then, I try to find something that has a dark or subversive aspect.
- Ryan Phillippe
Image of Ryan Phillippe
Tarantino's movies, I really enjoy, certainly, and when I was 19 and 20, I was really into them.
- Ryan Phillippe
Image of Ryan Phillippe
Tarantino's stuff in its inception was all about finding a way for him to break into Hollywood.
- Ryan Phillippe
Image of Ryan Phillippe
I learn so much more in an ensemble movie.
- Ryan Phillippe
Image of Ryan Phillippe
I really respond to diversity, a broader landscape, with actors of different ages and races and backgrounds.
- Ryan Phillippe
Image of Ryan Phillippe
A film goes through so many hands, that by the time it's done, it might not resemble what you thought you were making.
- Ryan Phillippe
Image of Ryan Phillippe
To be more involved and more aware is appealing to me.
- Ryan Phillippe
Image of Ryan Phillippe
There are a lot of good stories out there, but I haven't found too many great scripts.
- Ryan Phillippe
Image of Ryan Phillippe
But in a broader sense, when I have more control, I want to expose people to new ideas.
- Ryan Phillippe
Image of Ryan Phillippe
I know that when I grew up I was pretty sheltered, and didn't come to understand much about the world until I was in my really late teens and early twenties, and that process continues.
- Ryan Phillippe
Image of Ryan Phillippe
I want to make movies that people talk about when they leave the theater, that aren't clear-cut, but effective and fulfilling in some sense.
- Ryan Phillippe
Image of Ryan Phillippe
Look at music: I've always loved hiphop and rap, and now there's this whole progressive movement, with De La Soul and Mos Def, Common. It's some of the best stuff around.
- Ryan Phillippe
Image of Ryan Phillippe
To me, White Boy Shuffle is sort of like Catcher in the Rye, the story is so universal.
- Ryan Phillippe
Image of Ryan Phillippe
The point is to expand the scope of what a movie can possibly mean or be, to get people involved because they're artistic or understand the point of the material, not just because they fit a certain bill aesthetically.
- Ryan Phillippe
Image of Ryan Phillippe
You know, social issue movies don't make a lot of money.
- Ryan Phillippe
Image of Ryan Phillippe
There's always difficulties and challenges in every life, I don't care how much money you make, where you live... and that's something this film speaks to.
- Ryan Phillippe
Image of Ryan Phillippe
I've been in this business for a long time at my age, I've just turned 30, and I feel like my wife's career is going incredibly well, my kids are happy and healthy in schools, we've both been able to buy a house for our parents, respectively, in the places they live.
- Ryan Phillippe
Image of Ryan Phillippe
Where you raise your children isn't as important as how you raise your children.
- Ryan Phillippe
Image of Ryan Phillippe
LA can be a very open and accepting creative environment. But it is important, because there is this odd separation here, it is important to make your kids mindful of other people and other people's plight.
- Ryan Phillippe
Image of Ryan Phillippe
But I'm not particularly comfortable around guns.
- Ryan Phillippe
Image of Ryan Phillippe
People are sheepish when they approach me.
- Ryan Phillippe
Image of Ryan Phillippe
It's nice that people want to compliment you in some superficial way, but I've never considered that that's how I might be categorized. I guess it's better than being called ugly.
- Ryan Phillippe
Image of Ryan Phillippe
My first film goes into production in October. It's called White Boy Shuffle and it's based on a novel about a young black kid and it's sort of reminiscent of Catcher in the Rye.
- Ryan Phillippe
Image of Ryan Phillippe
I am miserable when I'm in a movie I'm not proud of and a movie that I don't want to do.
- Ryan Phillippe
Image of Ryan Phillippe
At 27, it's great to get to a place where I'm not an actor for hire anymore.
- Ryan Phillippe
Image of Ryan Phillippe
I won't make a movie for money ever again.
- Ryan Phillippe
Image of Ryan Phillippe
I've written something and I would like to have my first film directed by the time I'm 30.
- Ryan Phillippe
Image of Ryan Phillippe
I'm really interested in having a studio one day and being a filmmaker.
- Ryan Phillippe
Image of Ryan Phillippe
What's more ludicrous is the whole idea of me being jealous and competitive.
- Ryan Phillippe
Image of Ryan Phillippe
Well actually, some weeks they'll write that I'm jealous of living in her shadow. Then other weeks, they'll write that all I want to do is loaf around on her money! It's ridiculous!
- Ryan Phillippe
Image of Ryan Phillippe
I still have sadness and complicated feelings about my divorce. But how beneficial is it to keep hanging onto those feelings? If someone lives through an accident, his aim is to become better and healthy. My aim is always to progress - to make better decisions and be a better father, a better boyfriend, a better husband if it happens again.
- Ryan Phillippe
Image of Ryan Phillippe
The ultimate 20-year plan is to be living in the Caribbean, writing, living off the land, eating from the ocean and probably smoking herb.
- Ryan Phillippe
Collection: Weed
Image of Ryan Phillippe
It just makes so many other things insignificant. It is the most incredible thing that has happened to me, and I feel so lucky to have found the person I want to be with, and to be prepared and enthusiastic.
- Ryan Phillippe
Collection: Lucky
Image of Ryan Phillippe
Being a father is the greatest achievement and the most important thing about me. I have two great kids, no question.
- Ryan Phillippe
Collection: Father
Image of Ryan Phillippe
I only want to make movies I want to see. That may mean my career is somewhat limited, but that is my version of integrity. No matter how it performs or how it's received, I can be okay with it.
- Ryan Phillippe
Collection: Integrity
Image of Ryan Phillippe
I've made 30-plus films over 20 years. And in my opinion, five of them are good.
- Ryan Phillippe
Collection: Years
Image of Ryan Phillippe
Working in South Africa and the people in Johannesburg get under your skin. It stays with you. It's a place I want to take my children back to. It's a place that filled me with great joy and inspiration but also sadness. I think it's one of the most complex places on the planet.
- Ryan Phillippe
Collection: Children
Image of Ryan Phillippe
On his daughter, Ava: She is a relief from all the stress in my life; everyday she does something new and it is so amazing.
- Ryan Phillippe
Collection: Daughter
Image of Ryan Phillippe
Divorce was the darkest, saddest place I had ever been. It was a struggle - there were a good four or five months of not being able to get out of bed. It was the worst time in my life. You get through it. It's a process that's not easy, but I get less and less sad about it every day.
- Ryan Phillippe
Collection: Struggle
Image of Ryan Phillippe
Music is my greatest love. If I could play an instrument I would be a musician.
- Ryan Phillippe
Collection: Play
Image of Ryan Phillippe
The world's gotten smaller by virtue of the Internet and new media.
- Ryan Phillippe
Collection: Media
Image of Ryan Phillippe
People keep trying to make me a movie star but they just don't understand. I'm not a movie star, I'm an actor.
- Ryan Phillippe
Collection: Stars
Image of Ryan Phillippe
I will no longer be an actor to hire, I have a passion for producing and making films.
- Ryan Phillippe
Collection: Passion