Russell Baker

Image of Russell Baker
Except for politics, no business is scrutinized more exhaustively than journalism.
- Russell Baker
Image of Russell Baker
American foreign policy had still not recovered from its victory over communism when George W. Bush and Condoleezza Rice took over at the White House in 2001.
- Russell Baker
Image of Russell Baker
Rereading A.J. Liebling carries me happily back to an age when all good journalists knew they had plenty to be modest about, and were.
- Russell Baker
Image of Russell Baker
Gerald Boyd was a classic specimen of the self-made man. Born poor, he worked and studied his way up out of poverty under the guidance of his widowed grandmother.
- Russell Baker
Image of Russell Baker
It was Queen Elizabeth who made me a foreign correspondent.
- Russell Baker
Image of Russell Baker
Serious journalism need not be solemn.
- Russell Baker
Image of Russell Baker
Like all young reporters - brilliant or hopelessly incompetent - I dreamed of the glamorous life of the foreign correspondent: prowling Vienna in a Burberry trench coat, speaking a dozen languages to dangerous women, narrowly escaping Sardinian bandits - the usual stuff that newspaper dreams are made of.
- Russell Baker
Image of Russell Baker
It's always seemed odd to me that after a group of terrorists commits a vile and odious deed they rush messages to the public to claim credit for it.
- Russell Baker
Image of Russell Baker
My natural instinct after doing something shameful is not to rush into the street boasting about it but to put on dark glasses and head for the next county, hoping nobody notices I've been in the neighborhood.
- Russell Baker
Image of Russell Baker
Happiness is a small and unworthy goal for something as big and fancy as a whole lifetime, and should be taken in small doses.
- Russell Baker
Collection: Happiness
Image of Russell Baker
Reality is the only obstacle to happiness.
- Russell Baker
Collection: Reality
Image of Russell Baker
Life is always walking up to us and saying, "Come on in, the living's fine," and what do we do? Back off and take its picture.
- Russell Baker
Collection: Funny
Image of Russell Baker
The best advice I can give anybody about going out into the world is this: Don't do it. I have been out there. It is a mess....
- Russell Baker
Collection: Giving
Image of Russell Baker
So there he is at last. Man on the moon. The poor magnificent bungler! He can't even get to the office without undergoing the agonies of the damned, but give him a little metal, a few chemicals, some wire and twenty or thirty billion dollars and vroom! there he is, up on a rock a quarter of a million miles up in the sky.
- Russell Baker
Collection: Science
Image of Russell Baker
The people who say: 'You are what you eat' have always seemed addled to me. In my opinion, you are what you think, and if you don't think, you can eat all the meat in Kansas City and still be nothing but a vegetable.
- Russell Baker
Collection: Thinking
Image of Russell Baker
The people who are always hankering loudest for some golden yesteryear usually drive new cars.
- Russell Baker
Collection: People
Image of Russell Baker
The worst thing about the miracle of modern communications is the Pavlovian pressure it places upon everyone to communicate whenever a bell rings.
- Russell Baker
Collection: Communication
Image of Russell Baker
There was scarcely a woman alive, it seemed, who could resist the urge to haul men down onto beds, car seats, kitchen floors, dining-room tables, park grass, parlor sofas, or packing crates, entwine warm thighs around them, and pant in ecstasy.
- Russell Baker
Collection: Sex
Image of Russell Baker
The charm of television entertainment is its ability to bridge the chasm between dinner and bedtime without mental distraction.
- Russell Baker
Collection: Bridges
Image of Russell Baker
The Government cannot afford to have a country made up entirely of rich people, because rich people pay so little tax that the Government would quickly go bankrupt. This is why Government men always tell us that labor is man's noblest calling. Government needs labor to pay its upkeep.
- Russell Baker
Collection: Country
Image of Russell Baker
We honor ambition, we reward greed, we celebrate materialism, we worship acquisitiveness, we commercialize art, we cherish success and then we bark at the young about the gentle arts of the spirit. The kids know that if we really valued learning, we would pay our teachers what we pay our lawyers and stockbrokers. If we valued art, we would not measure it by its capacity to produce profits. If we regarded literature as important, we would remove it from the celebrity sweepstakes and spend a little money on our libraries.
- Russell Baker
Collection: Teacher
Image of Russell Baker
In writing, punctuation plays the role of body language. It helps readers hear you the way you want to be heard.
- Russell Baker
Collection: Writing
Image of Russell Baker
When you're the only pea in the pod, your parents are likely to get you confused with the Hope diamond.
- Russell Baker
Collection: Confused
Image of Russell Baker
Baltimore is permissiveness. The pleasures of the flesh, the table, the bottle, and the purse are tolerated with a civilized understanding.
- Russell Baker
Collection: Understanding
Image of Russell Baker
Research is a scientific activity dedicated to discovering what makes grass green.
- Russell Baker
Collection: Research
Image of Russell Baker
Unpleasant questions are being raised about Mother's Day. Is this day necessary? . . . Isn't it bad public policy? . . . No politician with half his senses, which a majority of politicians have, is likely to vote for its abolition, however. As a class, mothers are tender and loving, but as a voting bloc they would not hesitate for an instant to pull the seat out from under any Congressman who suggests that Mother is not entitled to a box of chocolates each year in the middle of May.
- Russell Baker
Collection: Mother
Image of Russell Baker
The dirty work at political conventions is almost always done in the grim hours between midnight and dawn. Hangmen and politicians work best when the human spirit is at its lowest ebb.
- Russell Baker
Collection: Dirty
Image of Russell Baker
Though Americans talk a good deal about the virtue of being serious, they generally prefer people who are solemn over people who are serious. In politics, the rare candidate who is serious, like Adlai Stevenson, is easily overwhelmed by one who is solemn, like General Eisenhower. This is probably because it is hard for most people to recognize seriousness, which is rare, especially in politics, but comfortable to endorse solemnity, which is as commonplace as jogging.
- Russell Baker
Collection: People
Image of Russell Baker
Skinny women don't enjoy being told they're skinny nowadays. They enjoy telling you how they got that way, as though starvation were an achievement.
- Russell Baker
Collection: Sex
Image of Russell Baker
Now scarcely a week goes by without a news story about the cops swooping down on some adolescent prowler who is as skilled at breaking into computer systems as defense contractors are at breaking into the Federal budget.
- Russell Baker
Collection: News Stories
Image of Russell Baker
Life seemed to be an educator's practical joke in which you spent the first half learning and the second half learning that everything you learned in the first half was wrong.
- Russell Baker
Collection: Half
Image of Russell Baker
What [man landing on the moon] is doing up there is indulging his obsession with the impossible. The impossible infuriates and tantalizes him. Show him an impossible job and he will reduce it to a possibility so trite that eventually it bores him.
- Russell Baker
Collection: Jobs
Image of Russell Baker
Ireland really is my problem; the breaking point of the huge suppuration which all British and all European society now is
- Russell Baker
Collection: Point Break
Image of Russell Baker
There's so much spectating going on that a lot of us never get around to living.
- Russell Baker
Collection: Life
Image of Russell Baker
Of all the people expressing their mental vacuity, none has a better excuse for an empty head than the newspaperman: If he pauses to restock his brain, he invites onrushing deadlines to trample him flat. Broadcasting the contents of empty minds is what most of us do most of the time, and nobody more relentlessly than I.
- Russell Baker
Collection: Empty Mind
Image of Russell Baker
After two years studying what rewrite men did with the facts I phoned them, I knew that journalism was essentially a task of stringing together seamlessly an endless series of cliches.
- Russell Baker
Collection: Men
Image of Russell Baker
Humans treat time as a map and always know where they are located on it and respond with the appropriate emotion.
- Russell Baker
Collection: Maps
Image of Russell Baker
The old notion that brevity is the essence of wit has succumbed to the modern idea that tedium is the essence of quality.
- Russell Baker
Collection: Essence
Image of Russell Baker
The sinister nature of the American soil is apparent in places like Gettysburg. Fertilize it with the blood of heros, and it brings forth a frozen-custard stand.
- Russell Baker
Collection: Peace
Image of Russell Baker
The best thing about being President is that it gets you out of American life. I don't know what the theory is behind this, but it is a fact. The first thing we do with a President is shunt him off to a siding where nothing American can ever happen to him.
- Russell Baker
Collection: President
Image of Russell Baker
New York is the only city in the world where you can get run down on the sidewalk by a pedestrian.
- Russell Baker
Collection: Running
Image of Russell Baker
How many more years will our educators continue to lecture us on the evils of whipping children until they bring home high grades? Year after year we listen to these fellows tell us that it is not the grade that counts but the development of the child's personality. After the lecture they go back to all the best schools and reject our children because they have C averages.
- Russell Baker
Collection: Education
Image of Russell Baker
Windows 95 is what Rube Goldberg would have designed if he'd studied cartooning at M.I.T.
- Russell Baker
Collection: Inspirational
Image of Russell Baker
It takes great self-confidence to write a newspaper column. Some might say it takes arrogance. Be that as it may, my willingness to pronounce on a great many matters of which I have little or no knowledge is one of my prime qualifications for this trade.
- Russell Baker
Collection: Writing
Image of Russell Baker
Urban people, of course, are terribly scared nowadays. They may yearn for society, but it is risky to go around talking to strangers, for a lot of reasons, one being that people are so accustomed not to have many human contacts that they are afraid they may find out they really prefer life that way.
- Russell Baker
Collection: Talking
Image of Russell Baker
Scientists have been struck by the fact that things that break down virtually never get lost, while things that get lost hardly ever break down.
- Russell Baker
Collection: Science
Image of Russell Baker
A man doesn't amount to something because he has been successful at a third-rate career like journalism. It is evidence, that's all: evidence that if he buckled down and worked hard, he might some day do something really worth doing.
- Russell Baker
Collection: Successful
Image of Russell Baker
A $10 million windfall? At today's prices, I'd feel almost as rich as I did one day in 1936 when I found a dime on the sidewalk and blew the whole wad on 20 Mary Jane candy bars, a box of jujubes, and a double feature.
- Russell Baker
Collection: One Day
Image of Russell Baker
Watergate left Washington a city ravaged by honesty.
- Russell Baker
Collection: Honesty