Top Research Quotes Collection

Discover a curated collection of Research quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category.

Image of Bernice Johnson Reagon
But I'm a historian. I wasn't interested in just being a producer, I was interested in doing research and presenting that research to a general public
- Bernice Johnson Reagon
Collection: Research
Image of Steven Pressfield
Research can become Resistance. We want to work, not prepare to work.
- Steven Pressfield
Collection: Research
Image of Walter Moers
Stealing from one author is plagiarism; from many authors, research.
- Walter Moers
Collection: Research
Image of Eli Broad
Research – and using what you learn from it to analyze every situation – is what separates being unreasonable from being irrational.
- Eli Broad
Collection: Research
Image of Hugh Downs
The most mature human insight comes from one's introspection rather than from exterior research.
- Hugh Downs
Collection: Research
Image of Barbara Tuchman
One must stop conducting research before one has finished. Otherwise, one will never stop and never finish.
- Barbara Tuchman
Collection: Research
Image of Mike Moreno
Brand-new research suggests that the faster you take weight off, the longer you keep it off. Now that's a reason for dieters everywhere to rejoice.
- Mike Moreno
Collection: Research
Image of Katy Perry
I have a confidence because my research shows that I should just really trust my instincts.
- Katy Perry
Collection: Research
Image of Franz Boas
We all know scientists who in private life do not come up to the standard of truthfulness, but who, nevertheless, would not consciously falsify the results of their researches
- Franz Boas
Collection: Research
Image of Burt Rutan
A true creator researches how to have confidence in nonsense.
- Burt Rutan
Collection: Research
Image of Burt Rutan
NASA is doing nothing but development. They're not doing research in manned spaceflight at all and I see no reason for them to do that because we already know that it will work and we already know exactly how it will work.
- Burt Rutan
Collection: Research
Image of Kurt Lewin
No research without action, no action without research.
- Kurt Lewin
Collection: Research
Image of Shinya Yamanaka
I thought, we can’t keep destroying embryos for our research. There must be another way.
- Shinya Yamanaka
Collection: Research
Image of Harold Eugene Edgerton
We worked and worked, didn't get anywhere. That's how you know you're doing research.
- Harold Eugene Edgerton
Collection: Research
Image of Verlyn Klinkenborg
Research, in nature’s laboratory, never stops. It explores every possibility. It never lacks funding. It is never demoralized by failed experiments. It cannot be lobbied.
- Verlyn Klinkenborg
Collection: Research
Image of Jennifer Connelly
I had a good time working with Russell Crowe, Ron Howard and Ed Harris. It was a great cast and Russell worked really hard, doing tons of research and questioning everything
- Jennifer Connelly
Collection: Research
Image of Jim Shepard
Oh, I usually don't know a whole lot about a subject when I begin; the process itself teaches me a lot as I go along. Usually I know enough about one narrow area of the subject to start myself going, and then everything - including a lot more research - follows from that.
- Jim Shepard
Collection: Research
Image of Paul Clitheroe
Don't invest in anything that you don't understand. Do your research first.
- Paul Clitheroe
Collection: Research
Image of Sjon
I do quite extensive research for most of my novels.
- Sjon
Collection: Research
Image of Rob Corddry
Anything that you can do a tiny bit of research about, I'll turn it into an obsession.
- Rob Corddry
Collection: Research
Image of Benedict Cumberbatch
I'm a high-functioning sociopath, do your research.
- Benedict Cumberbatch
Collection: Research
Image of Stephen LaBerge
I have high-tech tastes. If I had $100 million, I would spend it on research equipment rather than a yacht.
- Stephen LaBerge
Collection: Research
Image of Clive Cussler
To create something you want to sell, you first study and research the market, then you develop the product to the best of your ability.
- Clive Cussler
Collection: Research
Image of Jared Harris
You can't really do a lot of research for being a mass manipulating, murdering super-villain.
- Jared Harris
Collection: Research
Image of Erik Adigard
Intrinsic value follows meaning follows form follows economics follows function follows more economics follows market research.
- Erik Adigard
Collection: Research
Image of E. C. Bentley
I know, if anyone does - all research workers know - how much is missed that really matters because reports have to be written in officialese. They have to be, because a lot of us can't take anything seriously unless you make it dull for them.
- E. C. Bentley
Collection: Research
Image of Peter Bergen
There's some pretty good academic research that suggest that what Americans don't like is losing.
- Peter Bergen
Collection: Research
Image of Seth Lloyd
One of the things that I've been doing recently in my scientific research is to ask this question: Is the universe actually capable of performing things like digital computations?
- Seth Lloyd
Collection: Research
Image of Arthur Conan Doyle
I'm not a psychopath, I'm a fully functioning sociopath. Do your research.
- Arthur Conan Doyle
Collection: Research
Image of H. David Burton
However gemlike mathematical truths may be, research is but a human endeavor.
- H. David Burton
Collection: Research
Image of William Eckhardt
You can be very promiscuous in your research, but not in your trading.
- William Eckhardt
Collection: Research
Image of George Lakoff
The Public provides freedom...Individualism begins after the roads are built, after individualists have had an education, after medical research has cured their diseases.
- George Lakoff
Collection: Research
Image of Mario Bunge
Of course much remains to know, but we know how to learn: through scientific research.
- Mario Bunge
Collection: Research
Image of David Blackwell
I've worked in so many areas -- I'm sort of a dilettante. Basically, I'm not interested in doing research and I never have been.
- David Blackwell
Collection: Research
Image of Lady Starlight
Anyone who ever spoke to me would know I would never say the words 'get hitched' nxt time do ur research.
- Lady Starlight
Collection: Research
Image of John Medina
Based on research into the Picture Superiority Effect, when we read text alone, we are likely to remember only 10 percent of the information 3 days later. If that information is presented to us as text combined with a relevant image, we are likely to remember 65 percent of the information 3 days later.
- John Medina
Collection: Research
Image of Michael Marmot
I've pursued a lifetime in the research on the social determinants of health and more recently been packaging not just my research but global research on this topic in a way that I hope will influence policy.
- Michael Marmot
Collection: Research
Image of Albert Szent-Gyorgyi
Research is not a systematic occupation but an intuitive artistic vocation.
- Albert Szent-Gyorgyi
Collection: Research
Image of Patrick Michaels
The conference also has a moral duty to examine the corruption of science that can be caused by massive amounts of money. The United States has disbursed tens of billions of dollars to climate scientists who would not have received those funds had their research shown climate change to be beneficial or even modest in its effects. Are these scientists being tempted by money? And are the very, very few climate scientists whose research is supported by industry somehow less virtuous?
- Patrick Michaels
Collection: Research
Image of Alan Kay
Any company large enough to have a research lab is too large to listen to it.
- Alan Kay
Collection: Research
Image of Lewis M. Branscomb
Scientists are used to debating with one another about the finer points of new research. But increasingly, they find themselves battling their televisions and computer screens, which transmit ever-more-heated rhetoric from politicians, pundits, and other public figures who misinterpret, misrepresent, and malign scientific results.
- Lewis M. Branscomb
Collection: Research
Image of Iain Banks
After doing extensive research, I can definitely tell you that single malt whiskies are good to drink.
- Iain Banks
Collection: Research
Image of Andrew Lang
Among the various forms of science which are reaching and affecting the new popular tradition, we have reckoned Anthropology. Pleasantly enough, Anthropology has herself but recently emerged from that limbo of the unrecognised in which Psychical Research is pining.
- Andrew Lang
Collection: Research
Image of Leanne Pooley
The thing I learned was the lack of coordination in research projects in the world and therefore you will have gaps in what we could possibly learn from these research projects.
- Leanne Pooley
Collection: Research
Image of Tim Kring
All you have to do is do a little bit of research and a floodgate of material comes your way.
- Tim Kring
Collection: Research
Image of Michael LeBoeuf
A Financial Research Corporation study determined that the expense ratio is the only reliable predictor of future mutual fund performance.
- Michael LeBoeuf
Collection: Research
Image of Patrick Heusinger
I went into very deep research as to what exactly that meant and how sociopaths function psychologically and within the world.
- Patrick Heusinger
Collection: Research
Image of John McPhee
Taking things from one source is plagiarism; taking things from several sources is research.
- John McPhee
Collection: Research
Image of Karl Popper
I have come to the conclusion that Darwinism is not a testable scientific theory, but a metaphysical research programme.
- Karl Popper
Collection: Research
Image of Robert Pattinson
Every cent that goes to research is changing the lives of patients and their families right now.
- Robert Pattinson
Collection: Research