
Image of Rumi
Lovers don't finally meet somewhere. They're in each other all along.
- Rumi
Collection: Love
Image of Rumi
There is a place where words are born of silence.
- Rumi
Collection: Silence
Image of Rumi
Don't see yourself as a body of clay; See yourself as a mirror reflecting the divine beauty.
- Rumi
Collection: Mirrors
Image of Rumi
The agony of lovers burns with the fire of passion. Lovers leave traces of where they've been. The wailing of broken hearts is the doorway to God.
- Rumi
Collection: Passion
Image of Rumi
No one looks back and regrets leaving this world. What's regretted is how real we thought it was.
- Rumi
Collection: Regret
Image of Rumi
Pull the thorn of existence out of the heart! Fast! For when you do, you will see thousands of rose gardens in yourself.
- Rumi
Collection: Heart
Image of Rumi
If you love someone, you are always joined with them--in joy, in absence, in solitude, in strife.
- Rumi
Collection: Joy
Image of Rumi
I have been a seeker and I still am, but I stopped asking the books and the stars. I started listening to the teaching of my Soul.
- Rumi
Collection: Yoga
Image of Rumi
Silence is an ocean. Speech is a river. When the ocean is searching for you, don’t walk into the river. Listen to the ocean.
- Rumi
Collection: Ocean
Image of Rumi
Keep silent, because the world of silence is a vast fullness.
- Rumi
Collection: World
Image of Rumi
What you seek is seeking you.
- Rumi
Collection: Inspirational
Image of Rumi
I once had a thousand desires. But in my one desire to know you, all else melted away.
- Rumi
Collection: Desire
Image of Rumi
Dance, when you’re broken open. Dance, if you’ve torn the bandage off. Dance in the middle of the fighting. Dance in your blood. Dance when you’re perfectly free.
- Rumi
Collection: Dance
Image of Rumi
Grief can be the garden of compassion. If you keep your heart open through everything, your pain can become your greatest ally in your life’s search for love and wisdom.
- Rumi
Collection: Heart
Image of Rumi
You’ve seen my descent, now watch my rising.
- Rumi
Collection: Healing
Image of Rumi
When setting out on a journey do not seek advice from someone who never left home.
- Rumi
Collection: Home
Image of Rumi
I am not this hair. I am not this skin. I am the soul that lives within.
- Rumi
Collection: Soul
Image of Rumi
Don’t be sad! Because God sends hope in the most desperate moments. Don’t forget, the heaviest rain comes out of the darkest clouds.
- Rumi
Collection: Rain
Image of Rumi
Move, but don’t move the way fear makes you move.
- Rumi
Collection: Moving
Image of Rumi
Your light is more magnificent than sunrise or sunset.
- Rumi
Collection: Light
Image of Rumi
The only lasting beauty is the beauty of the heart.
- Rumi
Collection: Heart
Image of Rumi
Out beyond ideas of wrongdoing and rightdoing there is a field. I’ll meet you there. When the soul lies down in that grass the world is too full to talk about.
- Rumi
Collection: Marriage
Image of Rumi
Be a lamp, or a lifeboat, or a ladder. Help someone’s soul heal. Walk out of your house like a shepherd.
- Rumi
Collection: Soul
Image of Rumi
Don’t sit and wait. Get out there, feel life. Touch the sun, and immerse in the sea.
- Rumi
Collection: Sea
Image of Rumi
Because I cannot sleep I make music in the night.
- Rumi
Collection: Sleep
Image of Rumi
Muhammad says, ‘Love of one’s country is a part of the faith.’ But don’t take that literally! Your real ‘country’ is where you’re heading, not where you are. Don’t misread that hadith.
- Rumi
Collection: Real
Image of Rumi
Everyone sleeps, except lovers, who stay awake, telling stories to God.
- Rumi
Collection: Stories
Image of Rumi
Your real “country” is where you’re heading, not where you are.
- Rumi
Collection: Real