Robert H. Schuller

Image of Robert H. Schuller
There are two views of interpreting the Bible in America: that every word is literally the truth without qualification, and then the other view is, it's called plenary inspiration, which holds that all religious truth taught in the Bible is true from God, but each word is not necessarily interpreted literally.
- Robert H. Schuller
Image of Robert H. Schuller
We all know that a church is not a building.
- Robert H. Schuller
Image of Robert H. Schuller
I have said to people I have six children, one son, four daughters, and a church.
- Robert H. Schuller
Image of Robert H. Schuller
Winning starts with beginning.
- Robert H. Schuller
Image of Robert H. Schuller
What appears to be the end of the road may simply be a bend in the road.
- Robert H. Schuller
Image of Robert H. Schuller
If you're going to counsel people - and that's all my ministry is, it's a counseling ministry more than anything else - people have to believe that they can trust you and that they can listen to you, that you're going to try to help them and not just politically try to convert them to your views.
- Robert H. Schuller
Image of Robert H. Schuller
I have a reputation worldwide of being tolerant of all people and their views. I'm too well-educated to criticize a certain religion or group of people for what they believe in. It's called freedom.
- Robert H. Schuller
Image of Robert H. Schuller
I want to build friendships. I want to come across as being a good illustration of what Jesus is like.
- Robert H. Schuller
Image of Robert H. Schuller
I tell people, 'I was born in a little house at the dead end of a dirt road that had no name and no number, and you can go anywhere from nowhere.'
- Robert H. Schuller
Image of Robert H. Schuller
You will suddenly realize that the reason you never changed before was because you didn't want to.
- Robert H. Schuller
Image of Robert H. Schuller
The secret of success is to find a need and fill it, to find a hurt and heal it, to find somebody with a problem and offer to help solve it.
- Robert H. Schuller
Collection: Hurt
Image of Robert H. Schuller
In difficult times, people too often lose the ability to face the future optimistically. They begin to think about their tomorrow's negatively. They forget that the tough times will pass. They concentrate on the problems of today rather than on the opportunities of tomorrow. In so doing, they not only lose the potential of today, they also throw away the beauty of tomorrow.
- Robert H. Schuller
Collection: Opportunity
Image of Robert H. Schuller
When faced with a mountain, I WILL NOT QUIT! I will keep on striving until I climb over, find a pass through, tunnel underneath, or simply stay and turn the mountain into a gold mine with God's help!
- Robert H. Schuller
Collection: Life
Image of Robert H. Schuller
Faith is reacting positively to a negative situation.
- Robert H. Schuller
Collection: Positive
Image of Robert H. Schuller
The good news is that the bad news can be turned into good news when you change your attitude.
- Robert H. Schuller
Collection: Wisdom
Image of Robert H. Schuller
You know how many seeds are in an apple. But you don't know how many apples are in a seed.
- Robert H. Schuller
Collection: Apples
Image of Robert H. Schuller
Nothing is more important than honesty in prayer. There are no pretensions in prayer, so the best place to begin is wherever you are.
- Robert H. Schuller
Collection: Prayer
Image of Robert H. Schuller
I see the invisible. I believe the incredible. I attempt the impossible.
- Robert H. Schuller
Collection: Believe
Image of Robert H. Schuller
Never sell tomorrow short. There's plenty to get excited about. Be filled with expectation, hope and confidence. Believe something good is going to happen - and it usually will.
- Robert H. Schuller
Collection: Believe
Image of Robert H. Schuller
Lord, make my life A window for Your light To shine through And a mirror to reflect Your love To all I meet. Amen.
- Robert H. Schuller
Collection: Prayer
Image of Robert H. Schuller
If you are creative enough to imagine a problem, you're clever enough to discover a solution.
- Robert H. Schuller
Collection: Clever
Image of Robert H. Schuller
The only thing that stands between you and grand success in living are these two things: getting started and never quitting!
- Robert H. Schuller
Collection: Two
Image of Robert H. Schuller
Every achiever that I have ever met says, 'My life turned around when I began to believe in me'.
- Robert H. Schuller
Collection: Inspirational
Image of Robert H. Schuller
Impossible situations can become possible miracles.
- Robert H. Schuller
Collection: Life
Image of Robert H. Schuller
Since it doesn't cost a dime to dream, you'll never shortchange yourself when you stretch your imagination.
- Robert H. Schuller
Collection: Dream
Image of Robert H. Schuller
Be the artist you were born to be.
- Robert H. Schuller
Collection: Artist
Image of Robert H. Schuller
Faith is making claims to victory before it is achieved.
- Robert H. Schuller
Collection: Victory
Image of Robert H. Schuller
Any analysis of 'sin' or 'evil' or 'demonic influence' or 'negative thinking' or 'systemic evil' or 'antisocial behavior' that fails to see the lack of self-dignity as the core of the problem will prove to be too shallow.
- Robert H. Schuller
Collection: Thinking
Image of Robert H. Schuller
What we need is a theology of salvation that begins and ends with a recognition of every person's hunger for glory.
- Robert H. Schuller
Collection: Needs
Image of Robert H. Schuller
I found myself immediately attracted to Pope John Paul II when, upon his election to the Papacy, his published speeches invariably called attention to the need for recognizing the dignity of the human being as a child of God.
- Robert H. Schuller
Collection: Children
Image of Robert H. Schuller
We are all children starving to experience and know the heart of reality.
- Robert H. Schuller
Collection: Peace
Image of Robert H. Schuller
One classical role of the pulpit in Protestantism has been to 'preach sermons' which imply indoctrination more than education. Within this from of communication, there is an inherent, intrinsic inclination to intimidate, manipulate, and, hence, offend the person's most prized quality of humanness - his dignity.
- Robert H. Schuller
Collection: Communication
Image of Robert H. Schuller
Labels such as, 'evangelical', 'fundamental', 'charismatic', 'liberal' contribute to polarization and produce a climate of implied or outspoken distrust. Respectful dialogue becomes virtually impossible. What we desperately need to offset this disunity and distrust is a new and cleansing theology of communication.
- Robert H. Schuller
Collection: Religious
Image of Robert H. Schuller
If the gospel of Jesus Christ can be proclaimed as a theology of self-esteem, imagine the health this could generate in society!
- Robert H. Schuller
Collection: Religious
Image of Robert H. Schuller
I am not fully forgiven until I allow God to write his new dream for my life on the blackboard of my mind. .. God has a great plan to redeem society. He needs me and wants to use me.
- Robert H. Schuller
Collection: Dream
Image of Robert H. Schuller
Classical theology has erred in its insistence that theology be 'God-centered,' not 'man-centered'.
- Robert H. Schuller
Collection: Men
Image of Robert H. Schuller
Roman Catholics utter their Papal edicts, Protestants quote their Bible, Fundamentalists declare their orthodox theological dogmas, and we are all expected to renounce private reflection and peacefully acquiesce to these pronouncements. And the result is that the dignity of the person is violated by such oppressive, intelligence-smothering forms of communication.
- Robert H. Schuller
Collection: Communication
Image of Robert H. Schuller
The Cross sanctifies the ego trip. For the Cross protected our Lord's perfect self-esteem from turning into sinful pride.
- Robert H. Schuller
Collection: Self Esteem
Image of Robert H. Schuller
The subconscious is ahead of the conscious, and we never know what really drives us.
- Robert H. Schuller
Collection: Conscious
Image of Robert H. Schuller
Tremendous human energy is needed to walk God's walk, work God's work, fulfill God's will, and complete his dream for our self-esteem.
- Robert H. Schuller
Collection: Dream
Image of Robert H. Schuller
Come to me. Are you lost? I can see another way from where I live. The heart can see a path that's out of sight to the head-a path you'll surely overlook, left alone on your lofty perch up there, too distracted by your world to see the real world where I live. I live on the level of laughter, tears, and-yes-prayer.
- Robert H. Schuller
Collection: Laughter
Image of Robert H. Schuller
The world of tomorrow belongs to the person who has the vision for today.
- Robert H. Schuller
Collection: Vision
Image of Robert H. Schuller
Possibility-thinking is the long sought-after fountain of youth.
- Robert H. Schuller
Collection: Thinking
Image of Robert H. Schuller
Grace is God's love in action for those who don't deserve it.
- Robert H. Schuller
Collection: Love
Image of Robert H. Schuller
The classical error of historical Christianity is that we have never started with the value of the person. Rather, we have started from the 'unworthiness of the sinner', and that starting point has set the stage for the glorification of human shame in Christian theology.
- Robert H. Schuller
Collection: Christian
Image of Robert H. Schuller
Through faith, the weak times can become peak times.
- Robert H. Schuller
Collection: Faith
Image of Robert H. Schuller
If you will make a deliberate decision to develop a positive attitude toward opportunities and obstacles, you are on your way toward having what is the most important quality in education: the power of positive thinking.
- Robert H. Schuller
Collection: Attitude
Image of Robert H. Schuller
To be born again means that we must be changed from a negative to a positive self-image - from inferiority to self-esteem, from fear to love, from doubt to trust.
- Robert H. Schuller
Collection: Self Esteem
Image of Robert H. Schuller
All it takes is one idea to solve an impossible problem.
- Robert H. Schuller
Collection: Creativity