
Image of Rihanna
I've always been a dreamer...or let's just say I kept my options open. In my heart, I knew singing was gonna be in my future, but I considered psychology, hairdressing, banking, teaching, acting, modeling, aviation, and philanthropy. I just didn't know I'd pretty much be doing all of these things eventually!
- Rihanna
Collection: Teaching
Image of Rihanna
Fashion for me is another way I get to express myself creatively. It is one of the fun things I get to do: to play dress-up, and create outfits and looks that aren't typical. I am an artist, so I like creating things.
- Rihanna
Collection: Fashion
Image of Rihanna
I always listen to music no matter what I'm doing. Music is definitely always something that drives the mood and creating and helps you lock that in and escape to a whole other world.
- Rihanna
Collection: Other Worlds
Image of Rihanna
Love is great, love is fine. Out the box, out of line. The affliction of the feeling leaves me wanting more.
- Rihanna
Collection: Love Is
Image of Rihanna
We found love in a hopeless place.
- Rihanna
Collection: Missing Someone
Image of Rihanna
I don't ever want to have to depend on a relationship. I think it's a really special thing to find love. It's beautiful. Nothing can match it. But I want to make sure that I find other things in life that I love besides . . . love.
- Rihanna
Collection: Beautiful
Image of Rihanna
As a young female I think it's important that young people know there's nothing wrong with having fun, nobody is telling us to be square or be boring, but we have to be safe.
- Rihanna
Collection: Fun
Image of Rihanna
Ask God for forgiveness, and leave your regrets in the past!
- Rihanna
Collection: Regret
Image of Rihanna
You will never be stylish if you don't take risks.
- Rihanna
Collection: Risk
Image of Rihanna
Attention is something I've learned to ignore. This is what I do: I live my life and they document it.
- Rihanna
Collection: Attention
Image of Rihanna
Tears were for the weaker days, I'm stronger now
- Rihanna
Collection: Tears
Image of Rihanna
I think a lot of people are afraid of being happy because of what others might think of it.
- Rihanna
Collection: Thinking
Image of Rihanna
People hesitate to follow their desires because they don't know how to divide their soul from their spirit.
- Rihanna
Collection: People
Image of Rihanna
I stand up for what I believe in and a lot of the time that can be against people's opinion.
- Rihanna
Collection: Believe
Image of Rihanna
I never play the victim, I’d rather be a stalker.
- Rihanna
Collection: Play
Image of Rihanna
My new one (tattoo) says 'Never a failure, always a lesson' and is kind of my mantra to life, just a reminder. My life is just a crazy rollercoaster every day and whenever I read that it just reassures me.
- Rihanna
Collection: Tattoo
Image of Rihanna
It's tougher to be vulnerable than to actually be tough.
- Rihanna
Collection: Tough
Image of Rihanna
The more I swear I'm happy the more I'm feeling alone
- Rihanna
Collection: Feeling Alone
Image of Rihanna
My knees on the ground, dear father, don't let me break, please make me stronger.
- Rihanna
Collection: Funny
Image of Rihanna
find light in the beautiful sea. I choose to be happy.
- Rihanna
Collection: Beautiful
Image of Rihanna
I'm open to love. But guys should have to earn it. Because the minute they get it, they want something else.
- Rihanna
Collection: Should Have
Image of Rihanna
Took an oath, I'ma stick it out to the end.
- Rihanna
Collection: Sticks
Image of Rihanna
To me makeup is a major accessory. It can change an outfit, it can make the outfit, it can be the outfit, and that's why I like to play with it.
- Rihanna
Collection: Makeup
Image of Rihanna
I can compensate for all my weaknesses with my fashion.
- Rihanna
Collection: Fashion
Image of Rihanna
I just love a challenge, whether it’s a relationship, my career, clothing.
- Rihanna
Collection: Careers
Image of Rihanna
Single life is so overrated. It sucks.
- Rihanna
Collection: Being Single
Image of Rihanna
Sometimes you just need your privacy.
- Rihanna
Collection: Needs
Image of Rihanna
Any man that tells me what to do is sexy!
- Rihanna
Collection: Sexy
Image of Rihanna
I'm in a positive space, but I do have my days. Everybody has their days.
- Rihanna
Collection: Space
Image of Rihanna
I just really wanted to be myself. I wanted to be sassy, the attitude, all these things that I am.
- Rihanna
Collection: Attitude
Image of Rihanna
I found the one, he changed my life, but was it me that changed?
- Rihanna
Collection: Found
Image of Rihanna
So much has happened in the past five years, I can't speak for the next five. What I want is to continue to grow. Because I am never satisfied; I always want more. I always want to get better. I always want to climb another step.
- Rihanna
Collection: Past
Image of Rihanna
I have always loved kids. They are little adults with so much personality, and it is fun to work with that. Whether that means donating school supplies or medication, or [using my celebrity] to get them a bone marrow transplant, I want to help.
- Rihanna
Collection: Fun
Image of Rihanna
Fashion for me is another way I get to express myself creatively. It is one of the fun things I get to do: to play dress-up, and create outfits and looks that aren't typical. I am an artist, so I like creating things. Shoes are my favorite thing.
- Rihanna
Collection: Fashion
Image of Rihanna
All humans are born with the ability to be attracted to both sexes. I mean, I could see myself in a relationship with a girl.
- Rihanna
Collection: Girl
Image of Rihanna
While in America beautiful is skinny, in Barbados it's thick - girls with huge butts and nice curves.
- Rihanna
Collection: Beautiful
Image of Rihanna
The music is an important and crucial part to an animated film. You don't think about it, but you can watch Tom and Jerry with no words, for hours, and the music dictates the emotion and where the story is going and how you're supposed to feel. Everything is in the music.
- Rihanna
Collection: Thinking
Image of Rihanna
I rarely know exactly what I want to do, but always know exactly how I want it to make me feel. Feeling always leads the sound!
- Rihanna
Collection: Feelings
Image of Rihanna
Once you're back on your feet - if you ever make it back on your feet - that's the ultimate achievement. I remember I was in New York at the Trump Hotel and I woke up and I just knew I was over it. It was a different day. I felt different. I didn't feel lonely. I felt like I wanted to get up and be in the world. That was a great, great feeling.
- Rihanna
Collection: Lonely
Image of Rihanna
You the one that I dream about all day. You the one that I think about always. You are the one so I make sure I behave! My love is your love, your love is my love.
- Rihanna
Collection: Dream
Image of Rihanna
Even angels have their wicked schemes and you take that to new extremes.
- Rihanna
Collection: Angel
Image of Rihanna
HIV/AIDS has been a big epidemic for my generation, it's been around for as long as I've been alive.
- Rihanna
Collection: Epidemics
Image of Rihanna
There's not any religion or any culture or any race or any generation that cannot get AIDS or HIV. We all have to take responsibility for ourselves and get tested to know our status, and spread the word.
- Rihanna
Collection: Responsibility
Image of Rihanna
I want to be the black Madonna.
- Rihanna
Collection: Black
Image of Rihanna
Lipstick can glam up a whole look, especially in red.
- Rihanna
Collection: Looks
Image of Rihanna
I have an ugly day every month; pimples on my face, I'm fat and in a bad mood. It's more like an ugly week!
- Rihanna
Collection: Ugly
Image of Rihanna
Genetically my legs are supposed to be huge. I can't really think about it, or I'll go crazy.
- Rihanna
Collection: Crazy
Image of Rihanna
I like Toronto; the people are really chill.
- Rihanna
Collection: People