Richard Brautigan

Image of Richard Brautigan
All of us have a place in history. Mine is clouds.
- Richard Brautigan
Collection: History
Image of Richard Brautigan
I didn't know the full dimensions of forever, but I knew it was longer than waiting for Christmas to come.
- Richard Brautigan
Collection: Christmas
Image of Richard Brautigan
It's strange how the simple things in life go on while we become more difficult.
- Richard Brautigan
Image of Richard Brautigan
Probably the closest things to perfection are the huge absolutely empty holes that astronomers have recently discovered in space. If there's nothing there, how can anything go wrong?
- Richard Brautigan
Image of Richard Brautigan
I don't want my daughter to be educated. I think women should just be decorative.
- Richard Brautigan
Image of Richard Brautigan
I'll think about things for thirty or forty years before I'll write it.
- Richard Brautigan
Image of Richard Brautigan
I'm in a constant process of thinking about things.
- Richard Brautigan
Image of Richard Brautigan
Karma Repair Kit Items 1-4. 1.Get enough food to eat, and eat it. 2.Find a place to sleep where it is quiet, and sleep there. 3.Reduce intellectual and emotional noise until you arrive at the silence of yourself, and listen to it. 4.
- Richard Brautigan
Collection: Karma
Image of Richard Brautigan
Sometimes life is merely a matter of coffee and whatever intimacy a cup of coffee affords.
- Richard Brautigan
Collection: Coffee
Image of Richard Brautigan
The time is right to mix sentences with dirt and the sun with punctuation and rain with verbs.
- Richard Brautigan
Collection: Rain
Image of Richard Brautigan
Finding is losing something else. I think about, perhaps even mourn, what I lost to find this
- Richard Brautigan
Collection: Thinking
Image of Richard Brautigan
One day Time will die And love will bury it
- Richard Brautigan
Collection: One Day
Image of Richard Brautigan
I drank coffee and read old books and waited for the year to end.
- Richard Brautigan
Collection: Coffee
Image of Richard Brautigan
I have always wanted to write a book that ended with the word 'mayonnaise.
- Richard Brautigan
Collection: Book
Image of Richard Brautigan
I had a good-talking candle last night in my bedroom. I was very tired but I wanted somebody to be with me, so I lit a candle and listened to its comfortable voice of light until I was asleep.
- Richard Brautigan
Collection: Tired
Image of Richard Brautigan
I’ll affect you slowly as if you were having a picnic in a dream. There will be no ants. It won’t rain.
- Richard Brautigan
Collection: Dream
Image of Richard Brautigan
My teachers could easily have ridden with Jesse James for all the time they stole from me.
- Richard Brautigan
Collection: Teacher
Image of Richard Brautigan
Excuse me, I said. I thought you were a trout stream. I'm not, she said.
- Richard Brautigan
Collection: Trout
Image of Richard Brautigan
Like some kind of strange vacuum cleaner I tried to console him. I recited the same old litanies that you say to people when you try to help their broken hearts, but words can't help at all. It's just the sound of another human voice that makes the only difference. There's nothing you're ever going to say that's going to make anybody happy when they're feeling shitty about losing somebody that they love.
- Richard Brautigan
Collection: Heart
Image of Richard Brautigan
There was something dead in my heart. I tried to figure out what it was by the strength of the smell. I knew that it was not a lion or a sheep or a dog. Using logical deduction, I came to the conclusion that it was a mouse. I had a dead mouse in my heart.
- Richard Brautigan
Collection: Dog
Image of Richard Brautigan
There are spiders living comfortably in my house while the wind howls outside. They aren't bothering anybody. If I were a fly, I'd have second thoughts, but I'm not, so I don't.
- Richard Brautigan
Collection: Wind
Image of Richard Brautigan
Her sunny side was always up.
- Richard Brautigan
Collection: Sides
Image of Richard Brautigan
A sombrero fell out of the sky and landed on the main street of town in front of the mayor, his cousin, and a person out of work. The day was scrubbed clean by the desert air. The sky was blue. It was the blue of human eyes, waiting for something to happen. There was no reason for a sombrero to fall out of the sky. No airplane or helicopter was passing overhead and it was not a religious holiday.
- Richard Brautigan
Collection: Religious
Image of Richard Brautigan
Once upon a time there was a dwarf knight who only had fifty words to live in and they were so fleeting that he only had time to put on a suit of armor and ride swiftly on a black horse into a very well-lit woods where he vanished forever.
- Richard Brautigan
Collection: Horse
Image of Richard Brautigan
If you get hung up on everybody else's hang-ups, then the whole world's going to be nothing more than one huge gallows.
- Richard Brautigan
Collection: Technology
Image of Richard Brautigan
Im haunted a little this evening by feelings that have no vocabulary and events that should be explained in dimensions of lint rather than words. Ive been examining half-scraps of my childhood. They are pieces of distant life that have no form or meaning. They are things that just happened like lint.
- Richard Brautigan
Collection: Vocabulary
Image of Richard Brautigan
God-forsaken is beautiful, too.
- Richard Brautigan
Collection: Beautiful
Image of Richard Brautigan
In Watermelon Sugar the deeds were done and done again as my life is done in watermelon sugar.
- Richard Brautigan
Collection: Life
Image of Richard Brautigan
He learned about life at sixteen, first from Dostoevsky and then from the whores of New Orleans.
- Richard Brautigan
Collection: New Orleans
Image of Richard Brautigan
In a Cafe" I watched a man in a cafe fold a slice of bread as if he were folding a birth certificate or looking at the photograph of a dead lover.
- Richard Brautigan
Collection: Men
Image of Richard Brautigan
I feel as if I am an ad for the sale of a haunted house: 18 rooms $37,000 I’m yours ghosts and all.
- Richard Brautigan
Collection: House
Image of Richard Brautigan
The Pill Versus the Springhill Mine Disaster When you take your pill it's like a mine disaster. I think of all the people lost inside you.
- Richard Brautigan
Collection: Thinking
Image of Richard Brautigan
The American humorist sat on his couch suffering thoughts of her, trying to figure out how to win back her affections, wondering what had happened between them or just tumbling head-over-heels down into romantic oblivion where the image of a remembered kiss provokes bottomless despair and makes death seem like the right idea.He experienced the basics of love ended.
- Richard Brautigan
Collection: Love
Image of Richard Brautigan
The 1960s: A lot of people remember hating President Lyndon Baines Johnson and loving Janis Joplin and Jim Morrison, depending on the point of view. God rest their souls.
- Richard Brautigan
Collection: Hate
Image of Richard Brautigan
Boo, Forever Spinning like a ghost on the bottom of a top, I'm haunted by all the space that I will live without you.
- Richard Brautigan
Collection: Space
Image of Richard Brautigan
It's pretty hard to have faith when everybody is trying to lock you up.
- Richard Brautigan
Collection: Trying
Image of Richard Brautigan
I thought about it for awhile, hiding it from the rest of my mind. But I didn't ruin my birthday by secretly thinking about it too hard
- Richard Brautigan
Collection: Thinking
Image of Richard Brautigan
I believe I saw a woodcock. He had a long bill like putting a fire hydrant into a pencil sharpener, then pasting it onto a bird and letting the bird fly away in front of me with this thing on its face for no other purpose than to amaze me.
- Richard Brautigan
Collection: Believe
Image of Richard Brautigan
The smallest snowstorm on record took place an hour ago in my back yard. It was approximately two flakes. I waited for more to fall, but that was it. The entire storm was two flakes.
- Richard Brautigan
Collection: Fall
Image of Richard Brautigan
...what makes you older is when your bones, muscles and blood wear out, when the heart sinks into oblivion and all the houses you ever lived in are gone and people are not really certain that your civilization ever existed.
- Richard Brautigan
Collection: Heart
Image of Richard Brautigan
Gee, You're so Beautiful That It's Starting to Rain Oh, Marcia, I want your long blonde beauty to be taught in high school, so kids will learn that God lives like music in the skin and sounds like a sunshine harpsicord. I want high school report cards to look like this: Playing with Gentle Glass Things A Computer Magic A Writing Letters to Those You Love A Finding out about Fish A Marcia's Long Blonde Beauty A+!
- Richard Brautigan
Collection: Beautiful
Image of Richard Brautigan
He created his own Kool Aid reality and was able to illuminate himself by it.
- Richard Brautigan
Collection: Reality
Image of Richard Brautigan
because you always have a clock strapped to your body, it's natural that i should think of you as the correct time: with your long blonde hair at 8:03, and your pulse-lightning breasts at 11:17, and your rose-meow smile at 5:30, i know i'm right.
- Richard Brautigan
Collection: Thinking
Image of Richard Brautigan
We walked back to iDEATH, holding hands. Hands are very nice things, especially after they have travelled back from making love.
- Richard Brautigan
Collection: Nice
Image of Richard Brautigan
"I count a lot of things that there's no need to count," Cameron said. "Just because that's the way I am. But I count all the things that need to be counted."
- Richard Brautigan
Collection: Numbers
Image of Richard Brautigan
There are not too many fables about man's misuse of sunflower seeds.
- Richard Brautigan
Collection: Men
Image of Richard Brautigan
We could see the children's toys here and there, and we saw a game that the children had made themselves out of dirt, deer antlers and abalone shells, but the game was so strange that only children could tell what it was. Perhaps it wasn't a game at all, only the grave of a game.
- Richard Brautigan
Collection: Children