Ray Liotta

Image of Ray Liotta
The more you think about something, the more important it becomes, the more important it is to you, and the more important it will become to the audience.
- Ray Liotta
Collection: Thinking
Image of Ray Liotta
Man, I did love this game. I'd have played for food money... I used to love traveling on the trains from town to town. The hotels... brass spittoons in the lobbies, brass beds in the rooms. It was the crowd, rising to their feet when the ball was hit deep. Shoot, I'd play for nothing!
- Ray Liotta
Collection: Money
Image of Ray Liotta
To me, being a gangster was better than being President of the United States.
- Ray Liotta
Collection: President
Image of Ray Liotta
I'm amused by a lot of things. I love humor. I'm constantly joking around.
- Ray Liotta
Collection: Things I Love
Image of Ray Liotta
I'm not a proponent of people watching a movie, and then going out and doing something bad. People have been doing bad things, well before movies.
- Ray Liotta
Collection: People
Image of Ray Liotta
My career has been up and down, and I like it much better being up.
- Ray Liotta
Collection: Careers
Image of Ray Liotta
It is more difficult to maintain friendship with people that you work with five minutes ago, than from many years ago. For some reason we've just remained friends, we talk to each other all the time. For a while, for years, we spent New Year together.
- Ray Liotta
Collection: New Year
Image of Ray Liotta
If you start acting and you start thinking about and worrying about what other people are going to say about it, you'll never really fully commit to who it is and what it is that you're playing.
- Ray Liotta
Collection: Thinking
Image of Ray Liotta
Just by the nature of what we do it kind of gets you out of the regularities of life. Playing pretend for a living is a good way to have a release and playing make believe is a good way of getting away from it and doing things like this. So I think work gets me away from life.
- Ray Liotta
Collection: Believe
Image of Ray Liotta
I think that if you can achieve a balance, then you appease a lot of yourself and your career and what it takes to maintain in this business for a while
- Ray Liotta
Collection: Thinking
Image of Ray Liotta
I never, ever wanted to be an actor.
- Ray Liotta
Collection: Actors
Image of Ray Liotta
If I think something's funny, I think it's funny.
- Ray Liotta
Collection: Thinking
Image of Ray Liotta
I like to think that even with some of the more intense ones sometimes there is humour in there, you try to make a complete human being, whether the guy is good or bad.
- Ray Liotta
Collection: Thinking
Image of Ray Liotta
I've done a few movies where I really liked the project, but I wasn't sure about the director, and I still did it and my instinct was right, in the beginning. Even though it was a good story, the guy still didn't really know what he was doing.
- Ray Liotta
Collection: Guy
Image of Ray Liotta
I think drug movies free the director to make intense films
- Ray Liotta
Collection: Thinking
Image of Ray Liotta
In college, I started out doing musicals and Shakespeare
- Ray Liotta
Collection: College
Image of Ray Liotta
I do certain things that, maybe, nobody else knows why I'm doing. But it's all - it all has to do with - to grow as an actor.
- Ray Liotta
Collection: Actors
Image of Ray Liotta
The best way to learn anything is through a movie, because you have so much time to do it and you have great people teaching you.
- Ray Liotta
Collection: Teaching
Image of Ray Liotta
You know, I started out really hot out of the box. Then I've definitely had and up-and-down career. And when things started cooling off again, it frustrated me.
- Ray Liotta
Collection: Careers
Image of Ray Liotta
There are a lot of actors who will watch the monitors. They'll do a scene, and then the director will look back to see if he got whatever he wanted. I just find it odd to sit there and watch yourself. But if you can be objective, I can see how it's really useful as a tool, especially if you're doing something physical.
- Ray Liotta
Collection: Directors
Image of Ray Liotta
With any mannerisms or dialogue, you have to be careful you're not just serving yourself. What happens with improving is a lot of times, if you're not in the framework of the script, you're just making everything easier so it fits you. It's much more interesting and challenging to go to it, rather than it coming to you.
- Ray Liotta
Collection: Interesting
Image of Ray Liotta
I was looking to become more proactive with my career because I wasn't crazy with some of the scripts I was getting - this was before Blow and Hannibal - so I decided to start my own production company
- Ray Liotta
Collection: Crazy
Image of Ray Liotta
I just know what it's like being an East Coast person, being from New Jersey.
- Ray Liotta
Collection: Jersey