Pope Francis

Image of Pope Francis
This is Christian hope, that the future is in God's hands.
- Pope Francis
Collection: Christian
Image of Pope Francis
Every time we judge our brother in our hearts or worse when we speak badly of them with others, we are murdering Christians.
- Pope Francis
Collection: Christian
Image of Pope Francis
Sometimes we are saddened by the weight of our sins. May we not be discouraged. Christ has come to lift this burden and give us peace.
- Pope Francis
Collection: Giving
Image of Pope Francis
You should be real witnesses of a world of doing and acting differently. But in life it is difficult for everything to be clear, precise, outlined neatly. Life is complicated; it consists of grace and sin. He who does not sin is not human. We all make mistakes and we need to recognise our weakness. A religious who recognises himself as weak and a sinner does not negate the witness that he is called to give, rather he reinforces it, and this is good for everyone. What I expect of you therefore is to give witness. I want this special witness from religious.
- Pope Francis
Collection: Religious
Image of Pope Francis
There is no cross, big or small, in our life which the Lord does not share with us.
- Pope Francis
Collection: Doe
Image of Pope Francis
Miracles happen. But prayer is needed! Prayer that is courageous, struggling and persevering, not prayer that is a mere formality.
- Pope Francis
Collection: Christian
Image of Pope Francis
All walls fall. Today, tomorrow or in 100 years, they will fall. It's not a solution. The wall isn't a solution. In this moment, Europe is in difficult, it's true. We have to be intelligent, and whoever comes...that migrant flow. It's not easy to find solutions, but with dialogue between nations they should be found. Walls are never solutions. But bridges are, always, always.
- Pope Francis
Collection: Wall
Image of Pope Francis
Mary joins us, she fights at our side. She supports Christians in the fight against the forces of evil. Especially through prayer, through the rosary. Hear me out, the rosary... Do you pray the Rosary each day?
- Pope Francis
Collection: Christian
Image of Pope Francis
The Earth is our environment to protect and the garden to tend to.
- Pope Francis
Collection: Garden
Image of Pope Francis
We must walk united with our differences: there is no other way to become one. This is the way of Jesus.
- Pope Francis
Collection: Jesus
Image of Pope Francis
God never tires of forgiving us.
- Pope Francis
Collection: Forgiving
Image of Pope Francis
Whenever I have a problem, I ask the Saint (Thérèse of Lisieux) not to solve it, but to take it into her hands and to help me accept it and I almost always receive a white rose as a sign.
- Pope Francis
Collection: Hands
Image of Pope Francis
The great biblical tradition enjoins on all peoples the duty to hear the voice of the poor. It bids us break the bonds of injustice and oppression which give rise to glaring, and indeed scandalous, social inequalities.
- Pope Francis
Collection: Biblical
Image of Pope Francis
This may sound like heresy, but it is the greatest truth! It is more difficult to let God love us, than to love Him! The best way to love Him in return is to open our hearts and let Him love us. Let Him draw close to us and feel Him close to us. This is really very difficult: letting ourselves be loved by Him. And that is perhaps what we need to ask today in the Mass: 'Lord, I want to love You, but teach me the difficult science, the difficult habit of letting myself be loved by You, to feel You close and feel Your tenderness ! May the Lord give us this grace.
- Pope Francis
Collection: Letting Go
Image of Pope Francis
The Eucharist, although it is the fullness of sacramental life, is not a prize for the perfect but a powerful medicine and nourishment for the weak.
- Pope Francis
Collection: Powerful
Image of Pope Francis
Just as we need the courage to be happy, we also need the courage to live simply.
- Pope Francis
Collection: Needs
Image of Pope Francis
The measure of the greatness of a society is found in the way it treats those most in need, those who have nothing apart from their poverty!
- Pope Francis
Collection: Greatness
Image of Pope Francis
Have the courage "to swim against the tide". Have the courage to be happy.
- Pope Francis
Collection: Swim
Image of Pope Francis
The Holy Spirit transforms and renews us, creates harmony and unity, and gives us courage and joy for mission.
- Pope Francis
Collection: Giving
Image of Pope Francis
The great danger in today's world, pervaded as it is by consumerism, is the desolation and anguish born of a complacent yet covetous heart, the feverish pursuit of frivolous pleasures, and a blunted conscience. Whenever our interior life becomes caught up in its own interests and concerns, there is no longer room for others, no place for the poor.
- Pope Francis
Collection: Heart
Image of Pope Francis
The family is the greatest treasure of any country. Let us all work to protect and strengthen this, the cornerstone of society.
- Pope Francis
Collection: Country
Image of Pope Francis
When you lose the capacity to dream, you lose the capacity to love, and the energy to love is lost.
- Pope Francis
Collection: Dream
Image of Pope Francis
Let us pause before the Child of Bethlehem. Let us allow our hearts to be touched, let us allow ourselves to be warmed by the tenderness of God; we need his caress. God is full of love: to him be praise and glory forever! God is peace: let us ask him to help us to be peacemakers each day, in our life, in our families, in our cities and nations, in the whole world. Let us allow ourselves to be moved by God's goodness.
- Pope Francis
Collection: Children
Image of Pope Francis
Let us not close our hearts, let us not lose confidence, let us never give up: there are no situations which God cannot change, there is no sin which he cannot forgive if only we open ourselves to him.
- Pope Francis
Collection: Giving Up
Image of Pope Francis
Dear young people, let us not be satisfied with a mediocre life. Be amazed by what is true and beautiful, what is of God!
- Pope Francis
Collection: Beautiful
Image of Pope Francis
Let Jesus preach to you, and and let Jesus heal you. We are all wounded. Everyone.
- Pope Francis
Collection: Jesus
Image of Pope Francis
Dear young people, Jesus gives us life, life in abundance. If we are close to him we will have joy in our hearts and a smile on our face.
- Pope Francis
Collection: Smile
Image of Pope Francis
Let us contemplate the humility of the Son of God born into poverty. Let us imitate him by sharing with those who are weak.
- Pope Francis
Collection: Humility
Image of Pope Francis
A credible witness to truth and to the values of the Gospel is urgently needed.
- Pope Francis
Collection: Witness
Image of Pope Francis
Let us pray for the many Christians in the world who still suffer persecution and violence. May God grant them the courage of fidelity.
- Pope Francis
Collection: Christian
Image of Pope Francis
The Family is the salt of the earth and the light of the world, it is the leaven of society.
- Pope Francis
Collection: Light
Image of Pope Francis
We live in an age rather skeptical of truth, of its existence." There is a "tendency to believe that nothing is definitive, and think that the truth is given by consent or by what we want. The question arises: does "the" truth really exist? What is "the" truth? Can we know it? Can we find it?
- Pope Francis
Collection: Truth
Image of Pope Francis
Trust in the power of Christ’s Cross! Receive his reconciling grace and share it!
- Pope Francis
Collection: Grace
Image of Pope Francis
Today, elderly people are discarded when, in reality, they are the seat of wisdom of the society...the right to life means allowing people to live and not killing, allowing them to grow, to eat, to be educated, to be healed, and to be permitted to die with dignity.
- Pope Francis
Collection: Mean
Image of Pope Francis
Reject every form of corruption.
- Pope Francis
Collection: Corruption
Image of Pope Francis
We don't need youth museums but we do need holy young people.
- Pope Francis
Collection: Museums
Image of Pope Francis
I want to see the church get closer to the people. I want to get rid of clericalism, the mundane, this closing ourselves off within ourselves, in our parishes, schools or structures. Because these need to get out!
- Pope Francis
Collection: School
Image of Pope Francis
Human trafficking is a scourge, a crime against the whole of humanity. It is time to join forces and work together to free its victims and to eradicate this crime that affects all of us, from individual families to the worldwide community.
- Pope Francis
Collection: Community
Image of Pope Francis
If, in your relationship with the Lord, you do not feel that He loves you tenderly, you are missing something, you still have not understood what grace is, you have not yet received grace which is this closeness.
- Pope Francis
Collection: Love You
Image of Pope Francis
I join the March for Life in Washington with my prayers. May God help us respect all life, especially the most vulnerable.
- Pope Francis
Collection: Prayer
Image of Pope Francis
The most important thing is the first proclamation: Jesus Christ has saved you.
- Pope Francis
Collection: Jesus
Image of Pope Francis
Are we capable of bringing the word of God into the environment in which we live? Do we know how to speak of Christ, of what he represents for us, in our families, among the people who form part of our daily lives? Faith is born from listening, and is strengthened by proclamation.
- Pope Francis
Collection: People
Image of Pope Francis
Let us never forget that it is the Lord who guides the Church. He is the one who makes our apostolates fruitful.
- Pope Francis
Collection: Church
Image of Pope Francis
It means caring for one another in our families: husbands and wives first protect one another, and then, as parents, they care for their children, and children themselves, in time, protect their parents.
- Pope Francis
Collection: Family
Image of Pope Francis
Let's not be naive, we're not talking about a simple political battle; it is a destructive pretension against the plan of God. We are not talking about a mere bill, but rather a machination of the Father of Lies that seeks to confuse and deceive the children of God.
- Pope Francis
Collection: Children
Image of Pope Francis
Let us learn from the Virgin Mary how to be bolder in obeying the word of God.
- Pope Francis
Collection: Mary
Image of Pope Francis
Let us not allow ourselves to be robbed of missionary enthusiasm!
- Pope Francis
Collection: Missionary
Image of Pope Francis
Idolatry, then, is always polytheism, an aimless passing from one lord to another. Idolatry does not offer a journey but rather a plethora of paths leading nowhere and forming a vast labyrinth.
- Pope Francis
Collection: Journey
Image of Pope Francis
While new rights are attributed to or indeed almost presumed by the individual, life is not always protected as the primary value and the primordial right of every human being. The ultimate aim of medicine remains the defence and promotion of life.
- Pope Francis
Collection: Rights