Top Museums Quotes Collection

Discover a curated collection of Museums quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category.

Image of Erich Maria Remarque
Life did not intend to make us perfect. Whoever is perfect belongs in a museum.
- Erich Maria Remarque
Collection: Museums
Image of Robert Smithson
History is representational, while time is abstract; both of these artifices may be found in museums, where they span everybody's own vacancy
- Robert Smithson
Collection: Museums
Image of Lydia Millet
Stay in these rooms for years and years, live on forever in a glorious museum.
- Lydia Millet
Collection: Museums
Image of Tony Stewart
DEI without Dale Earnhardt Jr. is a museum.
- Tony Stewart
Collection: Museums
Image of Richard Fortey
Museums have no political power, but they do have the possibility of influencing the political process. This is a complete change from their role in the early days of collecting and hoarding the world to one of using the collections as an archive for a changing world. This role is not merely scientifically important, but it is also a cultural necessity.
- Richard Fortey
Collection: Museums
Image of John Dos Passos
The world's becoming a museum of socialist failures.
- John Dos Passos
Collection: Museums
Image of Maira Kalman
A visit to a museum is a search for beauty, truth, and meaning in our lives. Go to museums as often as you can.
- Maira Kalman
Collection: Museums
Image of Theodore Levitt
A product is not a product unless it sells. Otherwise it is merely a museum piece.
- Theodore Levitt
Collection: Museums
Image of Violet Trefusis
I don't like museums; there's nothing to buy.
- Violet Trefusis
Collection: Museums
Image of Eva Le Gallienne
the theater should be free to the people just as the Public Library is free, just as the museum is free. ... I want the theater to be made accessible to the people.
- Eva Le Gallienne
Collection: Museums
Image of Glenn Gould
A record is a concert without halls and a museum whose curator is the owner.
- Glenn Gould
Collection: Museums
Image of Adam Carolla
If you spend your life walking through somebody else's museum, you never find out whether you're Rembrandt or not.
- Adam Carolla
Collection: Museums
Image of Neil MacGregor
The British Museum was founded with a civic purpose, to allow the citizen, through reasoned inquiry and comparison, to resist the certainties that endanger free society and are still among the greatest threats to our liberty.
- Neil MacGregor
Collection: Museums
Image of Filippo Tommaso Marinetti
Destroy the Museums. Crack syntax. Sabotage the adjective. Leave nothing but the verb.
- Filippo Tommaso Marinetti
Collection: Museums
Image of Sjon
Katie Paterson introduced the project [ Future Library ] to a handful of writers at a very fine international literary festival in Denmark at the Louisiana Museum, I sent her an e-mail when I got back to Iceland, saying, "It's a wonderful project.
- Sjon
Collection: Museums
Image of Carolyn Kizer
In some ways painters have been more important in my life than writers. Painters teach you how to see—a faculty that usually isn’t highly developed in poets. Whether you take a walk in the woods with a painter, or go to a museum with one, through them you notice shapes, colors, harmonies, relationships that enhance your own seeing.
- Carolyn Kizer
Collection: Museums
Image of Sir William Gull, 1st Baronet
The road to a clinic goes through the pathologic museum and not through the apothecary's shop.
- Sir William Gull, 1st Baronet
Collection: Museums
Image of Herbert
I've heard the sound of 70 condoms being scraped over the floor at the British Museum. It feels like being an adventurer. Why would you stay in your living room if you could go out and experience things no one's ever experienced?
- Herbert
Collection: Museums
Image of Michel Leiris
Nothing seems more like a whorehouse to me than a museum. In it you find the same equivocal aspect, the same frozen quality.
- Michel Leiris
Collection: Museums
Image of Milo
Furniture that is too obviously designed is very interesting, but too often belongs only in museums.
- Milo
Collection: Museums
Image of Chris McDaniel
Our spending priorities are clearly in question when we are increasing bond indebtedness on pet projects such as museums while our infrastructure is allegedly failing. Mississippians are spending more on basic needs than ever. They don’t need their state government making that worse.
- Chris McDaniel
Collection: Museums
Image of Chris McDaniel
Finally, in the Mississippi state Senate, earmarks are often hidden in bond bills, which I have voted against many times, because our bonded indebtedness is too high and we simply can't afford it. For example, building museums in the middle of a recession makes little sense.
- Chris McDaniel
Collection: Museums
Image of Nancy Lancaster
If every piece is perfect the room becomes a museum and lifeless.
- Nancy Lancaster
Collection: Museums
Image of Richard J. Evans
Visiting the Holocaust Memorial Museum in Washington, D.C., for example, I was struck by its marginalization of any other victims apart from the Jews, to the extent that it presented photographs of dead bodies in camps such as Buchenwald or Dauchau as dead Jewish bodies, when in fact relatively few Jewish prisoners were held there.
- Richard J. Evans
Collection: Museums
Image of Mark Kostabi
I'm not sure what [my latest works are] about but I'm convinced they're the best things I've done and I'm going to the world's best museums with them.
- Mark Kostabi
Collection: Museums
Image of William Thorsell
Museums should be places where you raise questions, not just show stuff.
- William Thorsell
Collection: Museums
Image of Norton Simon
These are the people who are going to see the pictures in my museum.
- Norton Simon
Collection: Museums
Image of Ralph Caplan
Designers shouldn’t design for museums any more than mummies should die for them.
- Ralph Caplan
Collection: Museums
Image of Peggy Guggenheim
Having plenty of time and all the museum's funds at my disposal, I put myself on a regime to buy one picture a day.
- Peggy Guggenheim
Collection: Museums
Image of May Kendall
I abide in a goodly Museum, Frequented by sages profound: 'Tis a kind of strange mausoleum, Where the beasts that have vanished abound. There's a bird of the ages Triassic, With his antediluvian beak, And many a reptile Jurassic, And many a monster antique.
- May Kendall
Collection: Museums
Image of Kerry James Marshall
Before people outside of the Western European tradition started asking to be in there, the people who were accumulating objects for the museum were perfectly satisfied with the narrative they were constructing.
- Kerry James Marshall
Collection: Museums
Image of Ba Jin
Nobody would say the cowshed was heaven and nobody would say the inhuman torture of so many victims be called a revolution of the proletariat. ... A museum should be established to remind China of the follies and disasters that had fallen from 1966 to 1976. We cannot forget what had happened and history should not repeat itself.
- Ba Jin
Collection: Museums
Image of Vartan Gregorian
Libraries and museums are the DNA of our culture.
- Vartan Gregorian
Collection: Museums
Image of Richard Stengel
The number of great museums and nonprofits versus the number of corporate headquarters is incredibly out of whack.
- Richard Stengel
Collection: Museums
Image of Lowkey
The biggest looters are the British Museum.
- Lowkey
Collection: Museums
Image of Antony Gormley
It is as much the conversations between objects as between us and objects that make museums so valuable.
- Antony Gormley
Collection: Museums
Image of Frank Oppenheimer
Nobody ever flunked a science museum
- Frank Oppenheimer
Collection: Museums
Image of Gary Saul Morson
An anthology of quotations is a museum of utterances.
- Gary Saul Morson
Collection: Museums
Image of Wade Guyton
I've never seen a postcard of my work in a museum.
- Wade Guyton
Collection: Museums
Image of David Galenson
Titian and Rembrandt, Monet and Rodin, Frank Lloyd Wright and Le Corbusier, Mark Twain and Henry James, Robert Frost and Elizabeth Bishop, to name a few. Twain wrote 'Tom Sawyer' at 41 and bettered it with 'Huckleberry Finn' at 50; Wright completed Fallingwater at 72 and worked on the Guggenheim Museum until his death at 91.
- David Galenson
Collection: Museums
Image of Barry McGee
The parts of graffiti I like are really antagonizing still - it's not something that a museum would really embrace.
- Barry McGee
Collection: Museums
Image of Margo Kaufman
In my experience, Cupid's arrows rarely strike two people with the same definition of cleanliness. One partner usually feels like he or she is being asked to live in a furniture exhibit in the British Museum. The other partner remains convinced that he or she is forced to contend with the human version of Hurricane Gilbert.
- Margo Kaufman
Collection: Museums
Image of Greg MacGillivray
What I love about IMAX is that, when you're in an IMAX theater, in a museum, science center or aquarium, it's eight stories tall and it's immersive, and you can see it in 3D, you really feel like you're being transported to that place.
- Greg MacGillivray
Collection: Museums
Image of Alfred H. Barr, Jr.
The historical museum has to be very conservative and careful in its choices. The modern museum, on the other hand, has to be audacious, to take chances. It has to consider the probability that it would be wrong in a good many cases and take the consequences later.
- Alfred H. Barr, Jr.
Collection: Museums
Image of Philip Freelon
I don't do casinos or prisons; I like to do projects that enhance the lives of everyday people, like campus buildings, libraries, museums and government buildings. That's why I love working in the public sector.
- Philip Freelon
Collection: Museums
Image of Robert Ballard
The DEEP SEA has more history in it than all the museums of the world-combined.
- Robert Ballard
Collection: Museums
Image of Ragnar Kjartansson
A lot of the stuff I've done is inspired by the location. Usually my works are pretty site-specific. There are a lot of shows that are older works, but often when I do new work for a show, it tends to talk to the space or the idea of the museum.
- Ragnar Kjartansson
Collection: Museums
Image of Allan Kozinn
Orchestras seem content to be museums now, even as they wring their hands about dropping subscription sales and graying listeners.
- Allan Kozinn
Collection: Museums
Image of Ann Landers
Church is not a museum for Saints, but rather a hospital for sinners.
- Ann Landers
Collection: Museums
Image of Warren MacKenzie
If you press-mold a pot or if you slab-build a pot, the work has got to take much, much, much longer than if you work on the wheel. And I to this day have the ideal that I want my work to be not too expensive, so that if people buy it and break it, it's not going to be the end of the world. I'm not interested in having things in museums, although some of our work has ended up there, but that's not what I'm striving for.
- Warren MacKenzie
Collection: Museums