Top Corruption Quotes Collection

Discover a curated collection of Corruption quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category.

Image of Ha-Joon Chang
Corruption often exists because there are too many market forces, not too few.
- Ha-Joon Chang
Collection: Corruption
Image of Louis Auchincloss
If you can sense the corruption in me, it is ... because there's a dose of it in you.
- Louis Auchincloss
Collection: Corruption
Image of Al-Ghazali
The corruption of religions comes from turning them to mere words and appearances.
- Al-Ghazali
Collection: Corruption
Image of Dean Cavanagh
Time Is Speeding Up In Relation To Corruption. Hold On Tight.
- Dean Cavanagh
Collection: Corruption
Image of Goodluck Jonathan
There is no corruption but mere stealing in Nigeria.
- Goodluck Jonathan
Collection: Corruption
Image of Joseph Wambaugh
It`s corruption never been systemic, because a fish rots from the head
- Joseph Wambaugh
Collection: Corruption
Image of Joseph Muscat
Corruption is another tax on the consumer and it is the Maltese families who are forking the money to make up for such corruptions.
- Joseph Muscat
Collection: Corruption
Image of B. W. Powe
The origin of corruption in politics is surely in the thought that you are the bearer of ultimate virtue.
- B. W. Powe
Collection: Corruption
Image of Muhammadu Buhari
We cannot build an economy where corruption is the working capital
- Muhammadu Buhari
Collection: Corruption
Image of Stephen Harper
Corruption is not a Canadian value!
- Stephen Harper
Collection: Corruption
Image of Jan Theuninck
It starts with organizing the corruption and it ends with organizing the terror.
- Jan Theuninck
Collection: Corruption
Image of George Richard Marek
Corruption is simply crime without conscience.
- George Richard Marek
Collection: Corruption
Image of George Brandis
One of the things about federal politics is that it has been remarkably free of corruption.
- George Brandis
Collection: Corruption
Image of Malcolm Wrightson Nance
Trump will not resign. But the allegations that are arrayed right now! The corruption is in our face. He changed his trust, supposed to have been a blind trust, which it was not, he changed it so that he could withdraw profits personally at any time from facilities that are being paid by the United States. It's corrupt.
- Malcolm Wrightson Nance
Collection: Corruption
Image of Paul Ryan
PACs corrupt the system. They handle vast amounts of money and the money corrupts.
- Paul Ryan
Collection: Corruption
Image of John Wayne
Screw ambiguity. Perversion and corruption masquerade as ambiguity. I don`t trust ambiguity. John Wayne
- John Wayne
Collection: Corruption
Image of Vladimir Putin
I'm sure corruption in Chechnya is minimal.
- Vladimir Putin
Collection: Corruption
Image of Evan Esar
Corrupt officials are usually close-mouthed and open-handed.
- Evan Esar
Collection: Corruption
Image of Albert Einstein
Work is the only thing I do to escape the corruption of praise.
- Albert Einstein
Collection: Corruption
Image of Newt Gingrich
Elected on anti-corruption platform in 1978.
- Newt Gingrich
Collection: Corruption
Image of Pope Francis
- Pope Francis
Collection: Corruption
Image of Pope Francis
Reject every form of corruption.
- Pope Francis
Collection: Corruption
Image of Thomas Jefferson
The time to guard against corruption and tyranny is before they shall have gotten hold of us.
- Thomas Jefferson
Collection: Corruption
Image of Jay Leno
Senator Chris Dodd unveiled his plan to reduce corruption in the Senate. He's retiring.
- Jay Leno
Collection: Corruption