Phil McGraw

Image of Phil McGraw
I just am not good at math.
- Phil McGraw
Image of Phil McGraw
It's hard to see your own face without a mirror.
- Phil McGraw
Image of Phil McGraw
Take it from a guy: If you're in love with somebody, you will swim the stream, you will climb the mountain, you will slay the dragon. You're going to get to her somehow, some way.
- Phil McGraw
Image of Phil McGraw
The truth is, I think we are a self-less society, not a selfish society. Because we're so busy now.
- Phil McGraw
Image of Phil McGraw
Parents need to dial in and know what their kids are doing.
- Phil McGraw
Image of Phil McGraw
I think every parent, every generation has wanted their children to do better and have a higher standard of living. But I think there's too much guilt.
- Phil McGraw
Image of Phil McGraw
If I was on the air and was just kind of a plain-vanilla personality that took the safe road and the safe way trying to please all of the people all of the time, I'd been gone in two weeks.
- Phil McGraw
Image of Phil McGraw
People are used to being coddled.
- Phil McGraw
Image of Phil McGraw
I grew up in athletics, where people keep score.
- Phil McGraw
Image of Phil McGraw
If you're trying to get out of debt, you have to be willing to treat everything as expendable.
- Phil McGraw
Image of Phil McGraw
In life you have three options with any situation that is a challenge. Remove yourself from the situation, change it, or accept it.
- Phil McGraw
Collection: Challenges
Image of Phil McGraw
You can't put feathers on a dog and call it a chicken!
- Phil McGraw
Collection: Dog
Image of Phil McGraw
You get what you ask for in this life. If you ask for nothing, you get nothing.
- Phil McGraw
Collection: This Life
Image of Phil McGraw
You can't change what you don't acknowledge.
- Phil McGraw
Collection: Helping
Image of Phil McGraw
If you don't have a plan, days turn into weeks, weeks turn into months, months turn into years, and before you know it you're looking back saying, I should've had a plan.
- Phil McGraw
Collection: Years
Image of Phil McGraw
Take the high road, there's a lot less traffic up there.
- Phil McGraw
Collection: Taking The High Road
Image of Phil McGraw
The difference between winners and losers is that winners do things losers don't want to do.
- Phil McGraw
Collection: Differences
Image of Phil McGraw
If what you're doing isn't working, change it.
- Phil McGraw
Collection: Inspirational
Image of Phil McGraw
Unless you know who you are, you will always be vulnerable to what people say.
- Phil McGraw
Collection: People
Image of Phil McGraw
Eighty percent of all questions are statements in disguise.
- Phil McGraw
Collection: Inspirational
Image of Phil McGraw
Learn when's a good time to shut up
- Phil McGraw
Collection: Good Times
Image of Phil McGraw
Instead of being ashamed of what you've been through, be proud of what you have overcome!
- Phil McGraw
Collection: Overcoming
Image of Phil McGraw
When you allow a person's words to upset you, you're giving away your power.
- Phil McGraw
Collection: Giving
Image of Phil McGraw
Men fall in love with their eyes. Women fall in love with their ears.
- Phil McGraw
Collection: Inspirational
Image of Phil McGraw
At this very moment, you may be saying to yourself that you have any number of admirable qualities. You are a loyal friend, a caring person, someone who is smart, dependable, fun to be around. That's wonderful, and I'm happy for you, but let me ask you this: are you being any of those things to yourself?
- Phil McGraw
Collection: Fun
Image of Phil McGraw
Anyone can do something when they want to do it. Really successful people do things when they don't want to do it.
- Phil McGraw
Collection: Motivational
Image of Phil McGraw
The truth doesn't have versions, it just is.
- Phil McGraw
Collection: Versions
Image of Phil McGraw
Be your authentic self. Your authentic self is who you are when you have no fear of judgment, or before the world starts pushing you around and telling you who you're supposed to be. Your fictional self is who you are when you have a social mask on to please everyone else. Give yourself permission to be your authentic self.
- Phil McGraw
Collection: Being Yourself
Image of Phil McGraw
You do not HAVE to be angry just because you have the right to be angry.
- Phil McGraw
Collection: Angry
Image of Phil McGraw
Stand up and walk out of your history
- Phil McGraw
Collection: Letting Go
Image of Phil McGraw
People have the right to think and say whatever they want to. But you have the right not to take it to heart, and not to react.
- Phil McGraw
Collection: Heart
Image of Phil McGraw
There is no reality, only perception.
- Phil McGraw
Collection: Reality
Image of Phil McGraw
Willpower is a myth. The problem with trying to use willpower to achieve and sustain a behavioral change is that it is fueled by emotion. And as we all know, our emotions are, at best, fickle. They come and go. When your emotions start running down -- and they will -- even your best-laid plans will fall flat.
- Phil McGraw
Collection: Running
Image of Phil McGraw
Life is not a success only journey.
- Phil McGraw
Collection: Journey
Image of Phil McGraw
Why do so many marriages fail? Because nobody gets taught how to be married. We're not taught how to pick a mate, or why to pick a mate; we don't know how to manage our emotions once we're in a marriage; we don't know how to resolve marital conflict. Married people have never been taught why they or their spouses feel the way they do and act the way they do. Nobody has ever taught us the fundamentals.
- Phil McGraw
Collection: Marriage
Image of Phil McGraw
Know your goal, make a plan and pull the trigger
- Phil McGraw
Collection: Motivation
Image of Phil McGraw
You cannot be who and what you are unless you have a lifestyle, both internally and externally, that is designed to support that definition of self.
- Phil McGraw
Collection: Self
Image of Phil McGraw
Pain is the price you pay for resisting life.
- Phil McGraw
Collection: Pain
Image of Phil McGraw
Happiness isn't a one-size-fits-all proposition. You must define what it looks like for you and then make a conscious effort to access whatever gets you to your unique definition of joy.
- Phil McGraw
Collection: Inspirational Life
Image of Phil McGraw
Champions get what they want because they know what they want. They have a vision that keeps them motivated and efficiently on track. They see it, feel it, and experience it in their minds and hearts. What is success for you? You won't get there without knowing what it feels and looks like.
- Phil McGraw
Collection: Heart
Image of Phil McGraw
A mother is only as happy as her saddest child.
- Phil McGraw
Collection: Mother
Image of Phil McGraw
Leaders inspire. They aren't assigned leadership. They command it.
- Phil McGraw
Collection: Inspirational
Image of Phil McGraw
You either get it or you don't. Become one of those who get it.
- Phil McGraw
Collection: Truth
Image of Phil McGraw
Like an enemy I knew as intimately as any friend, I came to know the nagging, constant emptiness of the incongruent life. I ignored myself and lived for people, purposes, and goals that weren't my own. I betrayed who I was and instead accepted a fictional substitute that was defined from the outside in.
- Phil McGraw
Collection: People
Image of Phil McGraw
You have to name it to claim it
- Phil McGraw
Collection: Names
Image of Phil McGraw
People who have nothing to hide, hide nothing. You should be an open book, be transparent.
- Phil McGraw
Collection: Book
Image of Phil McGraw
Change can come in either of two important ways: Start behaving positively or stop behaving negatively.
- Phil McGraw
Collection: Inspirational
Image of Phil McGraw
Are you doing what you're doing today because you want to do it, or because it's what you were doing yesterday?
- Phil McGraw
Collection: Yesterday
Image of Phil McGraw
You are your own most important resource for making your life work. Life rewards action. Until your knowledge, awareness, insights, and understandings are translated into action, they are of no value.
- Phil McGraw
Collection: Success