Peter Diamandis

Image of Peter Diamandis
We live in a world bathed in 5,000 times more energy than we consume as a species in the year, in the form of solar energy.
- Peter Diamandis
Collection: Years
Image of Peter Diamandis
A Masai warrior on a cellphone in the middle of Kenya has better mobile comm than President Reagan did 25 years ago.
- Peter Diamandis
Collection: Warrior
Image of Peter Diamandis
During the next 50 years, in countless cycles, in countless entrepreneurial companies, this let's just go and do it mentality will help us finally get off the planet and irreversibly open the space frontier. The capital and tools are finally being placed into the hands of those willing to risk, willing to fail, willing to follow the dreams.
- Peter Diamandis
Collection: Dream
Image of Peter Diamandis
If you believe that the developing world deserves the same standards of living that we do in the developed world, then to achieve that, they need resources. They need the metals and the minerals to build the industries and the buildings and so forth, and the energy.
- Peter Diamandis
Collection: Believe
Image of Peter Diamandis
If you stop and you think about everything we hold of value on this planet, metal, minerals, energy, real estate, the things that nations fight wars over. These things are in near infinite quantities out there.
- Peter Diamandis
Collection: Real
Image of Peter Diamandis
The first trillionaire can be made in space.
- Peter Diamandis
Collection: Space
Image of Peter Diamandis
Many have built their careers buttressing the status quo, reinforcing what theyve already accomplished, and resisting the radical thinking that can topple their legacy - not exactly the attitude you want when trying to drive innovation forward.
- Peter Diamandis
Collection: Attitude
Image of Peter Diamandis
You have to ask yourself the question, do you have the smartest people in the world working for your company? And if you do, you're lucky. But if you don't, put up the incentive. And have someone who is absolutely brilliant who's a 22-year old in India who says what about this way? And who revolutionizes the way you do business.
- Peter Diamandis
Collection: Years
Image of Peter Diamandis
In the space business, space had gotten very much to be the aerospace industry. This is something that governments only do and it's where the Boeings and the Lockheed's and the Northrop's and so forth. And there's no way these small companies could do it.
- Peter Diamandis
Collection: Government
Image of Peter Diamandis
Life on Earth is at an ever-increasing risk of being wiped out by disaster. ... I think the human race doesn't have a future if it doesn't go into space. I therefore want to encourage public interest in space.
- Peter Diamandis
Collection: Thinking
Image of Peter Diamandis
My goal is there's a new generation of cars. And people can say we're living in a new day and age. A new day and age of cars that are beautiful, affordable, safe, and of course every car gets over 100 mpg, why wouldn't it.
- Peter Diamandis
Collection: Beautiful
Image of Peter Diamandis
The folks who go after grand challenges are impatient. They're pissed off. They're sick and tired, but in a passionate way. They're driven by a fire in their bellies to make a difference.
- Peter Diamandis
Collection: Meaningful
Image of Peter Diamandis
We have these 100 mms delays, you know, our attention is on our PDA, we're always in a rush. We drive around in these 4,000 pound metal wombs, these 4,000 pound containment systems to protect us from these 6,000 pound cars from smacking us.
- Peter Diamandis
Collection: Pda
Image of Peter Diamandis
When cars have the sensory systems around them, GPS intelligence, they're looking at the world not only in visual spectrum, but infrared, ultraviolet and everything else that's going on and they've got reaction times in microseconds. Not a tenth of a second. They're a hundred thousand times faster.
- Peter Diamandis
Collection: Gps
Image of Peter Diamandis
The idea of a young thin woman who weighs 100 pounds driving herself around in a 4,000 pound SUV is laughable.
- Peter Diamandis
Collection: Ideas
Image of Peter Diamandis
You could not legally put a human and fly them into space. In fact, you couldn't bring a spaceship back. All those spaceships we were sending commercially into space were one way. You sort of like, got rid of them. And most passengers, who go up, do want to come back down.
- Peter Diamandis
Collection: Space
Image of Peter Diamandis
What opened up the American West was the fact that you owned the real estate. You owned the gold mines, the oil wells. The creation of these, back then, million dollar industries drove the railroads and eventually the airlines to provide this kind of transportation.
- Peter Diamandis
Collection: Real
Image of Peter Diamandis
You should command and demand the tenfold leverage on your dollars when you give it away as well.
- Peter Diamandis
Collection: Giving
Image of Peter Diamandis
Today, philanthropy is a very unsophisticated, old world process where people who make a shitload of money go and give it away and when they're making their money, they're focused on 10x, 100x returns on the dollar.
- Peter Diamandis
Collection: People
Image of Peter Diamandis
One of my goals is to reinvent philanthropy.
- Peter Diamandis
Collection: Goal
Image of Peter Diamandis
It's sad that the U.S. government doesn't fund risky research anymore.
- Peter Diamandis
Collection: Government