Peter D. Kramer

Image of Peter D. Kramer
The success of Prozac says that today's high-tech capitalism values a very different temperament. Confidence, flexibility, quickness, and energy - the positive aspects of hyperthymia - are at a premium.
- Peter D. Kramer
Collection: Energy
Image of Peter D. Kramer
Suicide is what the death certificate says when one dies of depression.
- Peter D. Kramer
Collection: Suicide
Image of Peter D. Kramer
I do not like to see men walk away from women in late middle age.
- Peter D. Kramer
Collection: Divorce
Image of Peter D. Kramer
When a psychiatrist writes a bestseller, he is then urged to write a book of advice. But I think our culture's awash in advice. The problem is we don't know whether it applies to us or whether we're an exception.
- Peter D. Kramer
Collection: Book
Image of Peter D. Kramer
Part of the impetus for my writing is the pain I've seen my friends experience both in their marriage and in their dreams.
- Peter D. Kramer
Collection: Marriage
Image of Peter D. Kramer
What if Van Gogh had taken medication for his mental illness? Would the world have been deprived of a great artist?
- Peter D. Kramer
Collection: Taken