Pete Holmes

Image of Pete Holmes
Whenever I make a blasphemous joke, I always say that I believe in a God big enough to know that I'm just kidding. How can God not know that I'm kidding? And also, how could God be offended at a thing that he made not believing in him?
- Pete Holmes
Image of Pete Holmes
It's funny - the reason I started doing a podcast was because every time I was on someone else's podcast, I would take it over a little bit.
- Pete Holmes
Image of Pete Holmes
It's true that in show business, a lot of times a producer will just not ever be there, not even be aware that a show is renewed or canceled.
- Pete Holmes
Image of Pete Holmes
When somebody comes across as authentic and genuine and sweet, people just want to spend time with that person.
- Pete Holmes
Image of Pete Holmes
I felt like I was in a unique position, or I am in a unique position, to show the evangelical world in a way that I haven't seen on TV before. That's a world that I'm very familiar with.
- Pete Holmes
Image of Pete Holmes
I think it can be easy at a certain point to take it for granted that you can kind of perform whatever you want.
- Pete Holmes
Image of Pete Holmes
Every human being can relate to wanting their thoughts and their feelings to be accepted and rewarded and validated. So in that way, a stand-up is similar to almost any profession. It's very simply just someone who wants to be heard and live authentically and express themselves.
- Pete Holmes
Image of Pete Holmes
There's something about taking emotional and career and relationship humiliations, writing them, acting them out again, but then redeeming them in some way.
- Pete Holmes
Image of Pete Holmes
I love Batman to death.
- Pete Holmes
Image of Pete Holmes
If you have a friend with a blond mustache, he wants to touch you.
- Pete Holmes
Collection: Mustache
Image of Pete Holmes
One of my obsessions in life is that we have the tools to manufacture moments and real things, but it's overwhelming and there's a lot of fear and you think maybe you'll be rejected or embarrassed or somehow hurt emotionally. So we don't do the things we know we can do, but we can make people feel better and make people happier with compliments or just being positive and that sort of thing and sending it their way.
- Pete Holmes
Collection: Hurt
Image of Pete Holmes
Be persistent and just keep going to open mics no matter what, even if just to watch and not perform. You'll find that even at your worst keep your head up because you'll still be better than other people's best.
- Pete Holmes
Collection: People
Image of Pete Holmes
I'm trying to, with my stand-up and with the podcast, give people these little stupid things to give them happiness. I know that sounds lofty or like I'm starting a cult, but I kind of feel that way.
- Pete Holmes
Collection: Stupid
Image of Pete Holmes
I'm trying to manufacture a sleepover feel; like a tree house or a clubhouse. I want people to be silly and play and feel safe and some people, you have to coax them into that space and some people bring me further into that space, even past the point that I wanted to go.
- Pete Holmes
Collection: Silly
Image of Pete Holmes
I have never been political, which for a straight white man that's kind of a byproduct of privilege growing up that I was kind of like, "Who cares who the president is, everything is coming up privilege." But now things are so scary and crazy and I have to say I'm not a fan of Trump at all. I don't agree with him in any way.
- Pete Holmes
Collection: Growing Up